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(Back in Time- Few Years ago)

(A/n: i think this Story is becoming a time travel story HAHAHAHA)

No one's POV

I woke up in a deep sleep, it's like i woke up from months of sleeping. I saw two middle-aged couple. I'm not sure where i am but i think i'm at a Hospital,also not sure who the middle-aged couple is.

They saw me slowly getting up, they were shock at my sudden gesture.

They looked dehydrated and have big eye bags, making me think that they didn't have enough sleep for the past months? I guess? I don't know i just woke up from this mess.

"Sweetie?" The Woman said.

What? Me? Sweetie? Eh? The hell?

"Who are you?" I asked them, dodging their hands for attempting to hold me.

"Y-you don't remember us?" They asked.

Ofcourse! Why did i even asked if i know you guys?

"Yes,where am i?" I answered and at the same time asked.

The middle-aged man left the room and went to who knows where.

"You're at a Hospital sweetie, you're in a coma for 3-4Months. And we're your parents, you really don't know us?" She said.

I nodded in response, wow i'm in a coma for 3-4Months? Wait, COMA?!

"Why am i in a Coma for 4Months?" I asked trying to be calm as possible.

"You were at a Airplane Crash to Korea 4months ago. You survived the situation but... Your sister didn't."

I have a fucking sister?!

"So who am i again?" I asked.

I'll ask the name of my sister later,i need to know who i am first.

"Rina. Miyawaki Rina."

"And Miyawaki Sakura. Your sister." My so called mother added.

Such a nice name, who's older though?

"Who's older?"

"Sakura is older, 2years older." She answered.

Before i even asked more questions, The Old Man or my Father walked in with a Doctor in his back.

"Doc,i think my daughter has Amnesia."

I think so too, dad?

"I have already told you that it is a possibilty that she will wake up with amnesia. It takes time but i hope you help your daughter to take her memories back." The doctor said and left.

They stare at me with teary eyes.

"Rina,we will make sure that you will have your memories back as soon as possible. We will help you." My Dad said.

"Thank you, Dad? Father? I don't know what to call you actually. Sorry" i said then bowed.

They chuckled at my polite gesture,am i not like this before the crash?

"Can you explain why i got involved at a Airplane Crash with Sakura?" I asked.

"Sakura went here,at Japan alone for my Birthday and stayed for 2-3days. It was her time to go and you told her that you want to go with her." She explained.

"I'm not gonna tell you how the Airplane Crash went, i don't want you to remember any of those bad memories." She added.

I just nodded since i also don't want to know any of those shitty shits.

Like, i just woke up and now i knew that i have amnesia and got it from a Airplane Crash? Cool! But also fucked up.

I only know now is i'm a Airplane Crash survivor which is so nice and at the same time sad since my so called sister died at the incident.

I don't even know her face now.

"So,when will i continue my classes? Do i take classes? Am i a college student or a highschool student? Senior? Or i already have a work?"

They became silent at the moment,don't tell me didn't even took classes?!

"You're Medical Student,near Fukuoka." They said.

"And we still don't know when you will continue your classes,but at the meantime if you still want to pursue Medical we will give you our permission to do so. We can take your books and take it here." They added.

But i don't really feel like to do a Medical Degree,honestly.

"Can i take Law instead?"  I asked.

They looked shocked with my sudden question, do i love Medical that much?

"If you say so sweetie,after you get discharge here you can go to school. But we will have to find a perfect school first."

I just nodded and lay my back on my Hospital bed,ready to sleep again.

But not long like what i did during Coma. I don't want to sleep for months for god's menu sake. (Stream!!!)

"I'm gonna go back to sleep now, goodnight? Goodmorning? Is it midnight?"

"Yes it's midnight,you can go back to sleep if you want to. Goodnight" they said and flashed a smile.

'I'm lucky that i have them as my parents'

And drifted back to sleep.

(Timeskip- Present Time)


As far as i know she doesn't have a girlfriend.

I'll explain it to you when you have free time.
I know that she has.

We can talk tomorrow, at my café if you know where it is.
Or you can just decide where and when.
I will move my schedules.

Okay then.

Can i have your name please?



"YAH LEE FUCKING CHAEYEON!" Yena shouted as soon as she opened the latters door.

"Why the hell are you yelling?! I'm not deaf! You're making me deaf!" Chaeyeon shouted back.

"And why the hell are you at my apartment?!" She added.

"I'm your fucking roommate you fucking fool!"


"What?! Ah, yeah i have a girlfriend." Chaeyeon calmed herself.

Yena looked flustered at Chaeyeon's sudden confession.

'so this 'Rina' is right then?! What the fuck!'

"And Miyawaki Sakura is her name!"


A/n: haiyah! Another update! And a sudden plot twist! So who's this Rina eh? I don't know either i just put her here. Jk. But you will find out if you're smart enough! Jk,again. So yeah. Bye!

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