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(Timeskip, Pc Bang *Computer Shop*)

Sakura's POV

"We're here!" Chaeyeon finally said. I'm so excited to play and eat in a date, which is kinda witty as you can say. "Let's go!"i kinda shouted but not that much since no one really turned their heads. "What sould we play, sakuchan?" She asked me. "Call Of Duty? You know that game?" I suggested and she just nodded as a gesture of saying yes. "We can't just play this without a bet right?" She said as laughing. "ofcourse lets go for it, you're talking to a expert gamer here lee chaeyeon lol" i cheekly said to her "here, if you head shot someone in the game make a wish and i'll grant it. If you can't get a head shot, i will make a wish and you will grant it instead. Call?" "Call"

"AHHHH THERE IT IS THERE IT ISSSSS!" I began shouting as i'm aiming someone."woah there, don't shout we're at a pc bang you know?" She said lol. 'this is what i do at my gaming studio i can't just stop it here it's already my habit' "Mianhae~" as i look at her while pouting 'yes i know i look du--' "aww cutieeee." She just said that as she pinch my cheeks. "Anyways, i already head shot the man." I said 'you lee chaeyeon i'mma get what i want' "okay fineeeeeeee, what you want?" She asked me as she got closer. "I'm gonna say it once we're at the next destination, lets go?" I said as i hold her wrist and ran out of the shop. "Where are we going?" She asked once again with a confused face 'geez you look cute but i need to stop this seducive personality.' "i actually don't know do you--" once again, i didn't finished my sentence as she talk "i know where, let's goooo!" She interwhined our fingers and walk to go at her car. "I actually also prepared this for us so... Yea lets go" she said and opened the door. "Okayyy"

*I really love timeskips but it doesn't love me:< *

"Sakuchan? Sakuuu Kkura unnie!" She whispered. "We're here" she said as she smile, i was about to talk but i saw a breath-taking scenery.

I was thinking that i'm in the top of something (not someone of course i think i'm the bottom here but doesn't matter. Lol) "where did you saw this place,chae?" I asked but didn't looked at her as i am busy looking at the place.

"I already known this place for years now but didn't bother to go here again just to vent. I told myself once i get here i'm gonna go with someone. So basically you're the first one that i brought here." She answered. "Here i have a blanket let's go outside shall we?" 'ofcourse omo.' "yeah, lets go"

As we place the blanket to the grass and sat she asked me "so what's your wish?" "My wish? I actually don't know. Here, if you are me, what are you gonna wish for?"

I said laughing because i really don't know what to wish for, because she's already here with me and we're seeing a beautiful scenery and a face like lee chaeyeon. Yea too corny but i love it.

"Love me,Miyawaki Sakura" she said seriously but romantic feels in it. I turned around to her as i see her,so close to me. "That's my wish if i were you" i could feel her breathing. I'm panicking yet loving this..........................

"Are you gonna be awkward?" She said then pout. "No, actually. I want to wish that too." "R-really?" She asked me. 'ofcourse really' "yeah." "W-wow. I'm shooked" then made a shook face "cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. You know i really like-" she then peck my lips. "You...."

I feel red right now, i also know that i'm blushing real hard because of what happened.

Chaeyeon's POV

"You know i don't do blind dates that much."  I broke the silence as she said that. "I only agreed with the blind date because it's you that i'm gonna blind date with. Not because you're famous and a youtuber and all but i already liked you since then." "Don't ask why i already know you, cuz i also don't know why i know you. Weird right? But lets just not talk about that since i already told you about the important part. I already liked you even we didn't even met yet."


Hai vros. Wazzup fam lol. I know i told you guys that i'm supposed to make this longer but it's kinda late, but i actually don't really mind but it's already 1am at the ph and istarted writing this 9pm then i stopped for like, 3hours just to read another fanfic. Yea i'm that unloyal lol. So anywayssss, thank you for reading this chapter and i hope you guys will wait for the next chapter! Thank you love you guys!

~838 Words

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