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Author's POV

It's already morning, all of Chaeyeon's Friends know about the article. Actually, almost all of their classmates know about it.

While Chaeyeon is walking at the hall, she can all hear the gossips. All of them staring at her.

Chaeyeon just wanted a normal class,like usual. But she can't with what happened. She just can't.

Can't hear properly, she's deep in thought.

'So what happened to your promise,Sakura?'

'Please tell me you're not dead.'

'Call me atleast.'

'Sakura,please don't do such thing.'

'You told me you're coming back, please come back now.'

'I won't prohibit you from gaming all day, just comeback. Sakura.'

All of those thoughts, still asking Sakura to comeback,every second. And for geez-sake she can't think properly.

Maybe she just need someone to talk to after school. Yes.


"What's gonna happen to Sakura now? Especially Chaeyeon?"

"I mean, is this Article legit? We don't know, maybe this journalist is just making up things you know"

"We're not sure about those. We're not sure about two things."

"If it's Article is real, and if Sakura is one of the passengers."

"Yeah, maybe Sakura just uhm."

"Just got a extra days to Japan, yeah those things."

Those were what Chaeyeon is hearing while her friends are talking. It was just, unacceptable. Maybe promises are just mean't to be broken.

And a news come right up.

"Just in, a Japanese Youtuber  named "Miyawaki Sakura" with over 2.3million/s of Subscribers was comfirmed to be one of the passengers of the Airplane Crash that happened last night.

There are no further confirmations about who survived the scene.

News from CBC News."

Fuck this news.

"You guys are wrong then." Chaeyeon said and locked herself at a room.

Leaving her friends jaw dropped.

Chaeyeon would never tell those things.
But they think she just did.

"Let's just... Hope that she's one of the survivor/s. Let's have hope." Eunbi said, trying not to have a breakdown.

Those News and Articles,were just hurtful for the Squad. Especially for Chaeyeon.

They never open and listen to News, but they need to listen for now.

And on the other hand, Chaeyeon was having her mental breakdown. Her Girlfriend is dead.

'She's not dead, Chaeyeon focus! Call her Mom. Do that. Don't cry there'

she's trying.. To convince herself.


Rejected. Call ended.

'i have another reason to have a mental breakdown then.'

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