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(Timeskip- 1 year after)

Author's POV

Sweet Summer Day- TWICE,playing now.

It's now summer!! New Summer, Many Patients for Chaeyeon and Cases for Sakura will be given. So no Wifey time? Yes.

Is it disappointing? So much.

And yeah, Wifey time. They're already wives now. After months they decided to put a vow on each other so that they can't let go of each other now.

Both of the parents,agreed on the marriage. Yes, even Sakura's shitty parents. Sakura now forgave them from what they did, not fully but she gave her best. Also because Chaeyeon forgave them,so Sakura don't have any choice but to do the same as well.

And after the Marriage? Chaeyeon decided to move at Japan, well it was Sakura who supposed to move again to Korea. But Chaeyeon refused since it'll be a hassle on the language barrier, so she moved instead since she already knew Japanese, like a boss.


Chaeyeon's POV

It's already sunday morning, i'm off duty today since early duties earlier. I did that since,it's our Anniversary!!!

She also don't have any work for the day so, that's good! She's still sleeping here, beside me. This was actually,the best day that happened in my life. Except for Seeing her for the first time and also seeing her again after years. But yeah,this is one of the best day that happened.

This scene actually reminded me of LA vacation times. When i was about to cook. Speaking of cook,i'm actually gonna make something for her.

I slowly took her hands off my waist and the blanket around me. I finally got up without her knowing, i kissed her forehead before i go to the bathroom to wash my face.

After that i went to the mirror and saw a... BUNCH OF HICKEYS. Around my neck! This Japanese woman wahh..

I didn't even notice it at first! I didn't even know that she put hickeys when i sleep!

Wait,is this why my co-doctors and others laugh at me?! Ahhh, Sakura-chan really.

I'll get my revenge, wait for it Kkura-chan. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I went out of the bathroom seeing a sleepy Sakura infront of me. Making me scream in surprise.

She was also surprised at my scream and did the same,  she would have fallen to the floor, but my instincts were faster so i grabbed his arm and changed position making me at the bottom and her at the top.

I mean she really is the top afterall--

We were both shocked at the position that we made, seriously.

I was about to get when she stopped me from doing it by hugging me, at her in the top of my body.

"Let's stay like this for, 5minutes." She said with her husky voice.

And not gonna lie, it's so attractive.

I waited for her to get up but she obviously,don't want to.

"Let's get up now, i'll be cooking your favorite meals today since it's a special day today!" I exclaimed, i pushed her so that i can finally, FINALLY get up. She pouted like a kid when i did that, and she's cute with it but i'm still mad about the red things around my neck.

I went  down to the kitchen and immediately started to take the ingredients from the refrigirator.

I started chopping the vegetables in pieces,when she back hugged me.

I smiled even though i can't see her expression, i was happy in this day. I was with her.

"Happy Anniversary,Jjaeyeon-ah" she whispered to my ears making me,blush so much.

I lowered the knife to the chopping board and faced her with a smile.

"Happy Anniversary too,Kkura-chan" i also said,i hugged her tightly to the point that she can barely breath.

I let go of the hug and smiled,

"Sorry, i was just glad that...." I stopped and leaned on her.

"We Met Again"


'We Met Again'

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