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After that topic, the conversation continued. At this time they were playing 'Most Likely'. These games are mostly spilling some tea.

"Most likely to get married first!"

They all pointed at Sakura and Chaeyeon.

The couple didn't get the chance to point at someone since they were busy blushing. I mean, who wouldn't?

Finally Sakura said something.

"Never knew you guys were expecting us to be the first one to get married."

"I'm also expecting actually, let's just see at the future" she added, making her girlfriend more red than ever.

They were talking about marriage at such young age.

"And i'm hoping for Yuri and Yena to be the next one after us" Sakura kinda teased the couple.

"If you say so unnie" Yuri winked at Sakura.

Then she recieved a slap at her arm from Yena.

Yuri was in her disbelief face when she heard Yena said something.

"She's only for dating unnie, not a Wife Material. Just Girlfriend Material"

"Wahh. Jinjja, we should break up then" Yuri jokingly said.

"Just kidding eh... Wait by the way, what's going on on your vlogging channel Sakura Unnie? Chaeyeon?"

"Running pretty well, never knew they would accept us that fast but that's better than me having more haters than fans. Lol" she heard the answer from Sakura.

"Yeah, way more better. Should we vlog now? Since we have the others here too" Chaeyeon suggested. And they all agreed.


After the vlogging altogether, they decided to split up and record theirselves at ofcourse, their own camera since Chaeyeon and Sakura only have 1 vlogging camera.

It was already done so they meet up in a public park.

"You guys will send those to me tomorrow, and Sakura will edit it or you can just edit or just cut out some parts that you don't want them to see." Chaeyeon explained.

"We'll just cut some if we need to, except for the kissing scenes." Yujin teasingly said.

She got lots of slaps from the unnies and Wonyoung.

"I think i don't deserve those slaps" she pouted.

Her friends put up a disgusted face,making Yujin scoff.

"You deserve it." Wonyoung said.

"Why would you even think of us kissing?" Wonyoung added.

"We just kissed while recording at the comfor--" Yujin said, although she was interrupted with a hand on her mouth to keep her quiet.

The others were smirking and dying to tease them.

"Are you guys thinking of tea--" another sentence from Yujin that was interrupted once again.

"Omo omo! Did you guys just have your first kiss at a comfort room? You guys are really something right there."

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