745 24 4

----- (Timeskip Saturday)
Time: 3:48pm


So about this second date...
Should we do it right now?
I mean, this day.
If you want tho.



Ah, okay. Uhmm. Yea let's do it
Right now, where are we gonna meet up?

I'm thinking about the park?
Or just han river, you know.

Okay, should we meet around 7:00pm?

Yea ofcourse, lets do that



Sakuchan! Logged out.

Yuri's 'soon to be gf'

Yah! Yena unnie!
Need your help!
Reply pleasee!!!

Is there any problem?
Wait, are you going in that second date?
Right now?
Do you need help?

You bet i need.
You know me well these days.
Nice unnie you really give me attention

Enough with that, what you need bro?

I think i'mma change of plans, is it a better idea just to go to a pc bang?

Why there?
Because she's good at games?

Yeah? I think she would love it there.
Is it a good idea or nah?

I mean, i think she would love to go there.
She didn't even know what's a pc bang.
Or what i know, but yea you could bring
Her there.

Nice! Okay so, after that.
Where should we go next


Wait, is it a good idea to go to a
Secret place?

Wait, you know a secret place?

Yea, i don't usually go there.
But when i do i just vent all my
Stress there, since it's a good place
To just lie down

You didn't even tell us that you have a such a thing?!

Mianhae unnie, but anyways.
Is it good?

Yeah, it's actually better than go to a typical
Amusement park dates, but btw.
Do you go to that secret thingy with someone?

I actually don't. This is the first time

Wow, so she's already special for you?
Do you forget something to tell me? Eh?

tHanK yOu yEnA uNniE

You're welcome peasant.

Wow. You little---
And fyi i told you about yuri so you should thank me too.

tHanK yOu lEe cHaEyeOn
There, u happy?

Nope. We gonna go around 7pm and it's already 6pm and didn't even Showered yet.

Tsk, okay bye miyawaki chaeyeon!
I'm gonna go in a date with yuri now!

Bye unnie!

Yuri's 'soon to be gf' Logged out.
Miyawaki Chaeyeon Logged out

--------(i really need to hurry now lol)
Timeskip, Han River

Author's POV

As she walk she looked at her clock and is says '6:50'. 'not too bad' she said to herself. Since it's just like, 5mins away from her dorm. As she done walking at the place she saw sakura sitting at a bench. "BOO!" Chaeyeon shouted. "OMO, SAKUCHAN!" She again shouted as she saw the girl literally flopped out of the bench. "YAH LEE CHAEYEON YOU FREAKING SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME!" She yelled, people is literally staring at them while they are yelling at each other just because of a prank. "Kumedasai sakuchan, didn't mean to hurt your butt" chaeyeon said to teas the older girl. "Yah,chaeyeon." Sakura said. "Wha--" chaeyeon didn't finished what she is saying, something just stopped her from talking. Or, someone, sakura just kissed chaeyeon as she is talking. Well, the people now didn't care for what they did but yeah, that's better. Sakura then pulled away. "You're literally a mischievous Lee Chaeyeon" sakura said as she smirk "and you, Miyawaki Sakura is such a seductive unnie. You just took my first kisss!!!!" Chaeyeon whined as sakura just widened her eyes. "Oh really? Ohhhhh, i mean. You don't like it?" Sakura asked. "I don't actually know... Could you do it one more time so that i can answer your question?" Chaeyeon replied and what she get? A slap at her shoulder. "ouchyyyy." Chaeyeon whined and just pouted. "Don't be such a baby, chaeyeonah." Sakura then said and giggled. "I am a baby! Your baby." Chaeyeon seductively said and winked. Chaeyeon just saw sakura having a flaming red face rn.

'thats what you get when you take my first kiss, sakurachan' chaeyeon said at herself and just laughed at sakura. "Okay, so... Can we go now? It's kinda awkward here since we can't kinda just have fun" chaeyeon suggested. "Yeah let's go, btw where do you want to go?" Sakura asked. "You know what a pc bang is?" Chaeyeon asked back. "IS THAT ONE OF THOSE COMPUTER SHOPS WITH GAMES IN IT AND FOODS?! YES I KNOW THAT!" Sakura said like a 9year old girl 'what a cutiepie.' "should we go there? Since you like games and foods, we can just go there if--" chaeyeon again didn't finished her sentence "LEZGO!"


WAZZUP FAMMMMMMM!!! Too excited okay, so this is the chapter three of the story,i'm literally rushing things as you can see but it's okay since this is my story lol. But yea anyways it's kinda short than the last two chapters but that's okay since i'm gonna make a long one in the next chapter. Okay see yah!

-846 words

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