Special Chapter!

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A/n: SURPRISEEE!! HAHAAHAHAHA i'mma do a special chapter since i've already thought of a plot and my bestfriend badly want some special chapter here so.. yeah here it is bye!


It's their Friendship Gathering this day, Chaeyeon and Sakura's friends, which is Eunbi,Hyewon,Yena,Chaewon,Minju,Nako,Hitomi,Yuri,Yujin,and Wonyoung went to Japan just for the gathering.

But unfortunately, Sakura forgot about it and went over-time to her office, Chaeyeon called her many times but Sakura's phone was in silent.

"Sakura's phone is not responding," she said as she hold her beer with her free hand, was about to chug it up when Wonyoung hold her wrist to stop her, "Unnie you already drank alot this night,"

But she didn't stop, she chugged the beer and made a loud thud by banging the glass to the table, luckily it was just them since Chaeyeon herself, rented the whole Beef&Beer restaurant.

"Sakura *hiccups* whyyyyy!!!!!!" Chaeyeon suddenly spoked making her friends startle, "Sakura pick *hiccups* upppppppp!!!!!" She was drunk texting Sakura.

"Shit please call Sakura asap!" Eunbi said to her friends, the youngers immediately obliged her and contacted them at the same time.

Then Yujin got her phone call answered, "Yes yujinnie-"


"SAKURAAAAAAAAA" Sakura heard her name, it was so emotional yet she don't know, maybe Yujin was being real by Chaeyeon being dru- CHAEYEON IS DRUNK?!

"UNNIE! UNNIE DO YOU HEAR ME?! CHAEYEON UNNIE IS DRUNK PLEASE HELP!" Yujin shouted to the other side, Sakura just hunged up and went to her car.


Chaeyeon and her friends were at the parking lot of the restaurant, they left- i mean, they got kicked out.... Because Chaeyeon was too loud.

When they were walking to the parking lot, they have to help Chaeyeon walk since she can't even stand up straight (gay). Chaeyeon was finding something that she's pointing to any car that she sees, then she cheekly smiled when she saw a vacant spot.

She took of Minju and Chaewon's arms and went for the vacant spot, she lay down to it making her friends shock with her, 'is she nuts?!' was the only words coming up to their minds when they're seeing Chaeyeon curled up, sleeping.

"Is Chaeyeon unnie this childish?" Yuri asked to her friends, they are so unfamiliar with this kind of personality of Chaeyeon, since they never saw Chaeyeon this drunk.

Then a Red car honked at them, it's Sakura's car, she stopped the car and went to them, "Ya where's Chae- CHAEYEON!" She shouted at her wife making the sleeping beauty-drunk whine. "Hey why *hiccups are you in my room?" She asked Sakura, sakura was speechless, she never saw this personality of Chaeyeon just like her friends.

"Y-your room?"

"Yeah! It's me and my wife's room you! Why are you here?! Are you a robber?!" She tried to stood up and went tried to jab her OWN wife.

"No no! It's Sa-"

"Woah you look like my beautiful wife!" Chaeyeon exclaimed as she touch Sakura's face, "hmm, my wife is more beautiful than you miss rober, she have flawless skin!" She added, Sakura was mesmerized with drunk Chaeyeon, as well as her friends.

"Really? Do you love your wife?" Sakura asked her as she smiles widely, "Ofcourseeeeeeeeeee!!!!!" Chaeyeon answered longing the letter E.

"Wait i'm gonna dial her phone again to tell her there's a rober that looks like her!" She  took her phone out of her purse, she dialed Sakura's number which Sakura answered.

"Yes Jjae?" She said to her phone as she smiles widely to Chaeyeon, "Oh! You're my wife! Oh Saku-channnnnnnn!!!!!" She again exclaimed at her wife, hugging her tightly then suddenly crying and giving her wife soft punches.

"Why are you late saku-channnnnnnnn! I cwalled your number for so many timessssssss!!!" She complained, still giving soft punches. Sakura just laughed at her wife as she pulled out her hug, looking straight to Chaeyeon's eyes "You miss me that much?"

Chaeyeon nodded while pouting, "Saku-chan you forgot about our friendship gathering!!!! And me!"

Sakura continued laughing, as well her friends at the back, softies for Chaekkura uwu.

"Won't gonna do it again ma'am!" Sakura said as she salute to her wife, making her wife, LAUGH WITH HER ICONIC LAUGH MAKING EVERYBODY LAUGH.

"But please, don't drink again, you can't handle alcohol geez,"

"Come on, let's go to our apartment i'll give you special affection this night!" Sakura said as she help Chaeyeon stand up, chaeyeon exclaimed by it and jumped happily like a kid, but her friends were disappointed.

Sakura looked at her friends and smiled at them, "I'll be booking a flight to Korea with Chaeyeon and we will go to Austria, my treat!" She mouthed to her friends making it beam in happiness.

"Byeeeeeee *hiccups* gayssssss!!!!" Chaeyeon waved at her friends and went in to the passengers seat, Sakura did the same but went on the drivers seat.

Sakura then had a bad feeling about Chaeyeon might do something weird at her car. Then she saw Chaeyeon puking infront.



A/n: that's all! Didn't proofread so many of the grammars here are probably wrong. But yeah atleast i made a special chapter HAHA byee!

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