7.5 (again)

477 19 4

(the timeskip that you will love hihi)
Note: this chapter and the upcomings are not only chaekkura ship but also the squad having their own ship here and pov and scenes. Okay bye!

Sakura's POV

"Okay! Change of plans people!" What a shout, yena. "What nowww?! You just told us an hour ago that we're gonna be the maskots ma blobs." Chaewon said. Yet, yena ignored chaewon said.

"Who's not gonna agree with my change of plans?" Yena asked.

"You didn't even told us what your plan is." I said walking towards the living room while holding the foods that we prepared.

"Just hands up if you don't like me changing the plan. This plan is a surprise to you guys and also yuri." She said while being a smirking duck.

No one waved their hands up. Well now this is interesting.

"Okay, no one? Okay. We gonna go to----" she stopped. "FLY SOMEWHERE ELSE!" She exclaimed.

We were shocked to what she said, 'WAIT. FLY SO- ARE WE GONNA GO AND BOOK AT TICKET TO SOMEWHERE?! Like japan or something?!? Eh???!!!! She got money for that?'

"REALLY?! Wait, is it your treat?" Eunbi asked while cuddling hyewon.

"Yes. Since the café is so popular rn, already vacation, and dad just gave me extra money because of the café and mom gave me too and i'mma ask mah one and only love, yuri to date. So we gonna be there for 4-5days? You like that?"

"MUCH BETTER THAN THE LAST ONE! BRO YOU COOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!" Chaeyeon said running towards yena and hugged her. 'why didn't i get a hug?' tffffff

"Okay, get your passports and your clothes ready coz we gonna fly tommorow!!!!" Yena said. WOHOOO WERE GONNA GO AND FLY OUT!!


(told you the timeskip is worth it. But this too hehehehehehehehe)

Nako's POV

It is the time! We gonna go to AIRPORT babyyyy!!!! I'm with hitomi chan and the others now. I mean without yuri and yena since they're gonna go for a 'coffee not so friendly date' first before going here. 헠시 예나 언니. We actually don't know that yena unnie is this sweet. She just gonna tease us with stuffs and my relationship with hitomi chan:( . But she really is a secretly sweet friend. That's why it's a secret, coz we don't even know about it till now. Anywaysssssssssss. HERE WE ARE AT THE AIRPORTTTTTTTTTTTTT

"Okay before going in, lets do a attendance first. We never know that the others are making out there." Eunbi unnie said.

"EEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" i said making that cringy voice.

"Did you even think while saying that? Hm?" Hitomi.... Said. Okay i really need to run to save my life but i can't huhu.


"You deserve that" she said.

"Ouchy" while pouting.

"Okay enough smacking people and pouting shts. Where's the chaekkura? Are they not with us?" Eunbi asked.

"Uh oh. I know that they're with us...." Minju said.

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