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Q: "why did you thought of being a doctor?"

?: "it was one of my love one's dream for me."

Q: "Who is this love one?"

?: "My Late Girlfriend."


Chaeyeon's POV

It's already midnight, my shift is already done. I was about to call it a day when...

"A Trauma Patient arriving in 5minutes! Call the Doctors!" The Main Nurse exclaimed.

As soon as i heard those,i immediately went to the Hospital's Entrance.

"Emergency room,now!" I yelled.

It's a Bus accident patient.

"What's his blood pressure?" I asked running with them until we arrive at the Emergency room.

"Not good, his blood pressure is rapidly falling!" The rescue team member said.

Well that's not fucking good.

"Since when is this Bus accident?"

"30minutes from now"

"Nurse Park! Call a GS specialist! Let's go at the OR!" I commanded.

"And you! Intern! Go find 3 RBCS (Red Blood Cells)"

"How about the parents--"

"We don't have much time you idiots! Do want to kill him?!"

Nurse Park and the Intern hurriedly left.

After that a Surgeon ran to the OR.

"What's his Blood Pressure?" The surgeon asked.

"90-60, he lost alot of blood since it took 30minutes for them to arrive here at the hospital." I said.

"Dr. Lee, you should lead the operation." She said.

What the fuck?!

"Don't worry,i'll be the assistant." She added.

"Okay, Dr. Honda."


"Dr. Lee, tell the parents." Dr. Honda said.

Yeah, it's Hitomi. Fucking Honda Hitomi.

I approached the two middle-aged couple. I took my Surgical mask off so that i can talk freely.

"Hello, are you Mr. Son Seungwan's parents?" I asked.

They looked at each other and nodded.

"The Surgery went well, he's at the ICU now resting. He lost a lot of blood but we were able to continue the surgery. We will inform you when he can recieve visitors." I said.

They sobbed at what i told them,they thanked me so many times.

"Thank you doctor! Thank you for saving our son's life!" His mother said to me,holding my hands with her hands full of tears of joy.

"It's always our duty to save people's lives ma'am, you're welcome" i bowed then left the two.

I'm still with 'Doctor Honda', yeah we became doctors.

This is the course that i pursue instead of law.

And it was a good choice, i became a Cardiothoraric Surgeon (CS) and Hitomi as a General Surgeon (GS).

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