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Chaeyeon's POV

As i woke up it's already morning. I rubbed my eyes as i was half asleep. Still tired after the date. My eyes is already good after i rubbed it, i saw something on my tummy but i don't really know what it is since i have a really bad eyesight. I took out my specs and put it on. As i saw what it is i literally internal screamed. 'NANIIIIII?!!! SAKUCHAN?' even though i internal screamed i can't stop smiling as i saw her hands on my tummy And her head in my shoulder. I really can't stop smiling and wanting to brush her hair since it's covering her beautiful, beautiful face. (Am i right? AM I RIGHT?)

"Goodmorning,sakuchan..." I whispered into her ear. I was about to take her hands off my tummy,but she interwined our hands and caused to tighten her hold.

"Let's not move,lee chaeyeon. 5more minutes." She said sleepy and literally still holding my hand. 'i know that i'm getting red right now.... I think i'm a red tomato human right now sakura chan because of what you just did and said.' i said in my mind. I really can't move right now because of what she did.

"Thank you for bringing me into such wonderful places, Lee Chaeyeon. I really appreciate what you did last night and now. But let's just stay in this position for more minutes. I can't believe  that you're my girlfriend now." She then said as i turned my head in her side. She gave me a quick,quick peck in my lips. It's really soft. Omg. 'did she just said we're already together?' i again,said in my mind with a internal screams. I love screaming in my mind lol.

"W-we're together now?" I shyly asked her as again i turned my head to make eye contact. "Why? You don't like it?" She asked back. Then pouted, omg she is so cute just now. "Yes. I don't like it." She was surprised after what i said.

"Because i really love it. Ms. Miyawaki Sakura. Don't pout too much,or i'll give you a passionate kiss if you want." I teasingly said. I really didn't expect that she will still pout even i told that to her. "you like my lips too much, i'll give you your passionate kiss next time" i told her and took my hands out of her hands.

"I'll cook breakfast for you, stay there if you still want to sleep sakuchan. You can also use my comfortable clothes there if you want to change,i know it's really uncomfortable to sleep wearing a dress." I then walk out my room and went at the kitchen to cook.

She already change her clothes into oversized hoodie before she left my room. She whined like a baby when she's running to me. "Lee chaeyeonnnn! Give me my kiss nowwwww" she then back hugged me and rest her head in my shoulder. "After breakfast Ms.Miyawaki you love my lips too much" i said and laughed. Even though i didn't look back after what i said i know that she's still pouting. "But i want no-" i then gave her the kiss that she wanted since she really like it. I then went back to cooking and left her dumbfounded.

After that,incident someone opened my door and just shout. "LEE CHAEYEON WHY ARE YOU NOT REPLYI--, oh my. I'm so so sorry for trespassing this apartment. I thought she will not gonna do something bad to you,saku- OUCH" Yena said. Yeah you really need to be sorry. "I literally did not do anything bad, yena unnie." I answered her furiously.  "Okay whatever you say feather lookin'... I'm gonna go back at my apartment..... Okay bye!" She then ran. Her apartment is close to mine so we usually do that and even sleepover to hers or mine.

"I know you're already dumbfounded in what i just did but that duck also left you dumbfounded. I'm sorry about that,we just live really close." I said and kinda? Hugged her. "And by the way that hoodie looks good on you,you can have that now." I then added while still hugging her. "찐자?! Thank you chaeyeonnie!!!" And gave me a light peck on my cheeks. I know i shouldn't be blushing right now since i just gave a kiss in her lips. And it's already the third time that we kissed this day. And it's our first day being together. Wow what a day, i really. Really love this day.

"Hmm, since you're already here. Do you live alone sakura?" I then asked her turning my body infront of her not breaking the hug. "Yes. Do you live here alone too?"

"Actually, i do live here alone. I just want to ask you, do you want to live with me here? I mean, i know it's kinda fast that we're already living in the same room even though we just started our relationship just now. If you don't want it's totally okay" i said.

"It is too fast for living with you even though we just started this now. But i mean,why not?" She answered then smiled. 

"But i do have alot of things, and i also have my desktop for my youtube thingy. Are you sure?"

"I have three rooms here, you can use the two rooms. The first one is your personal space and the other one is for your gaming electronics mablob." I happily said that. I'm so relieved that i have 2extra rooms but she refused using the first one.

"We can just sleep together you know Ms. Lee?"

She said and walking towards me even though we're already close enough. Because of that i fell on the sofa and she did too. And felt another soft lips of hers in mine. 'THIS IS THE FOURTH ONE TODAY AND I KINDA LOVE IT BUT SOMETIMES AWKWARD...'

The kiss not lasted really long because we're both surprised. But i think she's not......

"That's what you get when you take kisses from me. And i'll move here, Lee Chaeyeon"


Hi all!!!!! So this is the chapter, and i was really pissed about wattpad cuz they just deleted the first one when i'm eating my apples which is kinda bad of them. And i am now convinced that wattpad is really drunk like what the other writers said. And thank you for reading this chapter and waiting for this chapters and so on. Sorry if you saw a grammar error and typos. I'm not that good at english so. Yea thank you that is all! Love you fam!

~1122 Words

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