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Actually, they're all here. Eunbi-Unnie is just infront of me that's why.

"Why the hell am i here?!" I yelled.

"You're unconcious when i opened your apartment." Minju said, her eyes full of worries.

"Why did you do such a thing Unnie?!" She yelled back at me.

"I was trying to kill myself, idiot."

They all became silent.


It's already 6am, my first class starts around 6:50-7:00am.

But i'm not going, i don't want to. I already thought about stop my law course and do other instead.

So yeah,i'm not going. And also, i don't have enough sleep. Or, i didn't sleep.

I didn't took my sleeping pills.

Yeah, sleeping pills. I have insomnia, and now? I don't feel like sleeping.

Oh! I actually want to sleep. Forever.

So i took my sleeping pills, and put a bunch of it in my mouth.

Until i fell at the ground and became unconcious.

End of flashback

"Why would you do such thing?! Chaeyeon?!" Eunbi-Unnie asked me, while yelling ofcourse.

"I want to see Sakura again."

"I just, want to be with her all over again."

"Can't i do that?!"

"That's the only thing i want now."

"I want to die and be with her."

"Now please, leave me alone. I can handle myself."

All of those words escape from my mouth, i'm shocked with all the words escaped.

I tried to hide my teary eyes from them by facing the other side.

And i saw Yena and Yujin there


"Yeah you can't handle yourself from this situation." She said.

I know right? Yeah you're hella right!

I just don't want this fucking situation!

"Yes i fucking can, now leave!" I yelled.

Bringing them in silence, again.

for minutes of being silent, i heard someone talking.

"We're sorry if we're worried about you, Unnie. You're not the only one who's having a hard time at this kind of situation."
Wonyoung said.

"You don't need to kill yourself  to see Sakura-unnie, it's not even confirmed yet. So please."

"Don't kill yourself."

With that they all left, leaving me in silent.

I was not me. Not me at all.

(Timeskip- Day After)

After the Not me personality debut, i discharged myself from the hospital.

I didn't told My friends, too selfish Chaeyeon.

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