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(Timeskip! -Day 4 Going back to Korea eyyy)

(A/n: i'm literally trying to make my chapters funny but what can i say? I'm a no jam shit. And also, i think this chapter will have some dirty ew ews. So just skip those if you want. But ofcourse no smut 'coz i only read smut, not write. Jk okay bye!)

It's already morning and they already woke up since they'll fly back to Korea.

But it's still early so they decided to atleast eat breakfast before they go.

"Kkura-chan!! Let's go!" Chaeyeon ran to the so called 'kkura-chan' then back hugged her.

It's so early and they're flirting like shits rn? Yeah that's Chaekkura right there.

Chaeyeon broke the hug and gave a sweet smile to her girlfriend.

(A/n: sana all.)

"Can you guys stop flirting and come? Are you guys already full because you guys flirt like shits right now. And i can't eat here without you guys! SO PLEASE! COME!" You already know who it is.

"And by i can't eat without you guys, Eunbi here is slapping are hands and telling us wait for you guys! AND I DON'T WAIT FOR FLIRTING COUPLES! SO LET'S GO! WE ALSO MIGHT GET LATE BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS" she added.

"Chill bro, let's go"


Sakura's POV

We already finished eating so we're here right now at the van going to the airport.
And we're playing UNO now with the others. And guess what? I'm winning you bitchessssss!

"UNO!" I yelled and laughed

It's my 4th time winning HAHAHAHAHA

"The hell Kkura-unnie?! It's the 4th time today! Do you hide cards into your pockets there?!" Yujin said, not believing the fact i won for the 4th time.

I mean, i'm good at games. Why do i even need to cheat?

"Yujin, cheating are for weaklings. And i think i saw you taking a +4 card earlier" i said, half jokingly.

Her eyes widened, shocked. What the?!

Wait, she did took +4 card?!

"I was half joking from what i said but you did took some! LOL!"

Before Yujin even get a chance to react, our  driver said something.

"We're here! Let's go!" Jihoon said.

He's  Yena's personal driver, rich right? No i'm more rich than them. Jk. Lol. Omo.

We gathered the UNO cards and put in the box.

(A/n: this is not sponsored by UNO.)

"Thank you oppa!" We all said at the same time while opening the door.

After that we went at the airport and fly back to Korea.

Back to School time!

(Timeskip- School day)

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