Chapter 33

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Amy watched as Mrs Perkins body was lowered into the ground in the grey casket.

She felt tears in her eyes and it shocked her, she hadn't known this woman she had only heard about her but why did she feel this wrenching pain in her heart.

She looked up and saw the pain in Daniel's eyes, it broke her heart but she couldn't do anything. She had chosen her path and it laid with the person standing right next to her, David.

Lily stood next to her brother and held his hand in hers when she saw the pain too, he looked down at her and smiled.

Amy looked around at all the unfamiliar faces clothed in black, they were all relatives; cousins, uncles, aunties. The only familiar faces were the faces of the clashing brothers who were both mourning their dead mother.

School members hadn't been invited, they had wanted to keep it private and simple just family only, so she was honoured to be here among sophisticated strangers.

The Reverend father finished his sermon and a hymn was sang, then the grave was covered with sand and people started dropping flowers.

David urged her forward, then they moved together and dropped their flowers. She casted a look at Daniel, he seemed so focus on dropping his flower with his own silent farewell speech.

She looked away cause it was too hard to watch, so she walked away leaving the two brothers by the graveside with their departed mother.

She walked away slowly, hugging herself tightly. The air was chilly and the silky black jumpsuit she wore wasn't doing a great job of keeping the cold away.

She turned to look at the brothers again, then she bumped into someone.

"Ouch!" Lily exclaimed.

"Am so so sorry, are you okay"Amy said staring at the beautiful young girl with blonde hair and startling blue eyes.

"Yeah sure, it wasn't really your fault. I was also staring at my brothers too" Lily said smiling.

Amy chuckled."Oh, so I was caught"

"Now I see why both my brothers are into you Amy, you are very beautiful" Lily said still smiling.

"Oh thanks, and you are quite a charmer like your brother. How do you know my name?" Amy said immediately liking the beautiful girl.

"Are you gonna ask me that, well every time Daniel calls me he always, did I say always, yes I did. He always talks about you, maybe to cheer me up I dunno, but he is always excited when he talks about you" Lily said, then she chuckled but her eyes looked far away as if she was thinking of something.

"Wow, really" Amy said feeling tears stinging her eyes.

"Yeah, when he first described you, the excitement in his voice told me that my big bro was in love and it was for real this time. Am telling you all this Amy because I miss that excitement in Daniel, all I see is pain and I know that pain isn't just because we lost mum, I know it has something to do with you"Lily said staring at her brother.

"I've really hurt him and I don't know if he will ever forgive me" Amy said staring at Daniel too.

"What did you do?" Lily said now looking at her.

She exhaled. "I took a break"

"You took a break with David by your side, that isn't taking a break Amy, it is cheating. You are cheating on Daniel with his own twin brother, I wanted to hate you when I saw the pain in his eyes but I thought that you might have a reason. So what is it?"

"I can't tell you Lily, am sorry" Amy said looking into the beauty's eyes.

Lily shrugged. "Well, it must be personal but I know you don't love David. You love Dan, I saw it in the way you looked at him during the service, and yes Daniel might be hurt but that is because he loves you and still do" Lily said and exhaled, while Amy waited.

"I have never seen my brother like this before. When Dad and I came back from Baltimore I was shocked to see Daniel's state, it was horrible"Lily added.

Amy closed her eyes and exhaled, she was heartless. She had promised to be with him by his side forever, was this forever.

"Amy David isn't the one for you, Daniel is. My brother is soft at heart, he just uses his player stance to cover that up. That's why am more closer to him and why mum's death affected him the most" Lily said and held Amy's hand in hers.

Someone called her name from afar.

"We'll soon be leaving, make things right Amy" Lily said and squeezed her hand.

Amy nodded, then she smiled and walked away to meet the plump woman who was waiting for her.

Amy stood still watching as Lily left, then she looked at Daniel again. He was alone still standing by the graveside staring into space, David was nowhere in sight.

Then she walked briskly to meet him and slowed down when she was almost there.

She stood next to him staring at the heap of sand that will soon be cemented and adorned, he didn't even spare her a glance when she took a position next to him.

"I don't know who she is or was but what I know is that where she is going is a more happier and lovely place and she would be proud to have children like you guys." She said smiling.

He glanced at her but quickly looked away.

But she continued. "I don't know the pain you are feeling but_

"Amy don't speak to me like am 10 years old, yeah my mum is dead and was just buried but what have it got to do with you. What are you even doing here, I don't wanna ever see you again, not anymore" he snapped.

"David asked me to be here and_

"Yeah sure David" he said sarcastically.

"I can't say am sorry for what am doing because am doing it for you, am helping you Daniel"

"Helping me, God!. Well thanks for helping me Mrs Claus so can I get my presents now"he mocked.

The anger in his voice brought tears to her eyes.


"Yeah I saw you talking to Lily and I don't know what she told you but that doesn't give you the right to talk to me"

"Daniel stop it" she said as tears clouded her eyes.

He rolled his eyes and held his hand tight that his knuckles turned white.

"If you don't have any thing else to say, I will leave first" he said and brushed pass her.

A tear slide down her cheek as he left. She wanted to get down on her knees and cry out her eyes but that will only make her look so pathetic, so she stood her ground and cried her eyes until David came to take her home.

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