Chapter 36

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Daniel POV:

He stared at his phone for a while not believing who had just called and why she had called. He hurriedly pulled on a big fluffy sweater and sweat pant, then he grabbed his car key from a drawer in his room and went out.

It took almost 20 minutes for him to get her house. He parked his car in her driveway and raced to her doorstep, then he paused for a while and rang the doorbell.

She swung the door almost immediately he rang it and looked up at him with a look that made his stomach sway. He stared back at her not liking the way she looked.

Dark circles encircled underneath her eyes, her hair was all messy that he was sure that she had ran her fingers through it more than a thousand time and her body, oh no. She looked so skinny and dull, the once glowing aura she always had with her was no longer present.

Her cheeks were damp from crying he bet. He felt the urge to pull her into his arms that instance but held himself. He was only here because of her mum and she didn't want to see him or have any thing to do with him so he had to stick to business.

But damn, he missed her like crazy.

"Can I come in, it's freezing out here" he said when she didn't say a word to him for a while. He could see that her mind was visibly far away and wondered what she was thinking about. He could swear it was about her mum, it couldn't be about him, she had made it clear to him that she despised him greatly even though he didn't know why.

"Yeah please" she said and stood aside for him to go in, then she closed the door behind her and turn to face him rubbing her palm together, he could see she was nervous. She was suppose to be, her mum had just been abducted.

"So, how did it happen" he said.

She narrated the whole incident rapidly while he just slowly nodded his head as he took in all the details.

"You went outside by this time" he said, surprised by her bravery and stupidity.

"Yeah, I thought that if I went out almost immediately I will see them but I was wrong"

He nodded." So you think my brother took your mum".

She bit her lower trembling lip as if deciding inwardly, then his eyes fell on the pink and white inhaler that sat on a coffee table close to where she stood. Had she been suffocated and he hadn't been here to aid her, or had she been so terrified when she found her mother gone and he hadn't been here to hold her in his arms and comfort her.



"Am sure he's the one because he threatened me, he told me that if I didn't date him, if I didn't be his girl and end it with you everyone I love will be harmed. I tried I knew I tried, I gave him my best but now he thinks that it wasn't enough but...I tried oh God" she pressed her lips together as tears clouded her eyes.

His gut tightened, he wanted to walked across the room to where she stood and hold her, oh how he really wanted to but it wouldn't help matters.

"So, you did all that to protect people, you became his girl to please him right" he said staring at her.

"No" she said shaking her head." I did it to protect you from him. I thought he meant hurting you, I swear I did"she said looking into his eyes for the first time since he walked into her house.

Damn that bastard for making her go through all this.

She was telling the truth he knew and he also knew what his brother was capable of.

"All the things you said_

" I never meant any of those words."she said cutting his short, then she exhaled and held her forehead. "I love you Daniel and always will, I tried acting like I didn't need you anymore in my life but no I can't do it, it just isn't working. It's fine if you don't want me back, I really deserve it but please forgive me Daniel" she finished, as the tears that she had been trying so hard to hold back streamed down her cheeks.

How she normally does that he didn't know but he hated it, he hated seeing her cry and knowing that he was the cause of the tears only made it worse.


Just then her phone rang loudly ruining the moment. Her eyes widened and flew to him when she saw the caller, from the look in her eyes he knew it was David calling.

She stared at him, her eyes asking him what to do.

"Pick it up and put in on loudspeaker. Don't act as if am here" he hurriedly said, then she nodded and did as he had instructed.

"David" she said angrily.

"Yes love what's up, I called to say hi. You wanna say hi to your mama" he said chuckling loudly.

"Don't you dare touch her, if anything happens to my mum I won't_

"Oh she is fine. I just need you to cooperate with me"

She exhaled. "What do you want, let me hear it" she said looking up at Daniel.

He smiled at her hoping to give her more strength.

"What I want is very small, it's really very easy. We will continue our lovely relationship but I want you to be more submissive and also, I don't want you to look at Daniel the way you do, it hurts me. I know you are still in love with him but you are such a good actress, aren't you darling?"

He could imagine his brother grinning widely as he spoke. She looked at him again and frowned. He could clearly see that she didn't like the deal but he just nodded.

She sighed. "Okay, you got a deal" she said visibly not in support of everything.

"Now that's why I love you baby, I really do and I know you will grow to love me back"

"Where is she" she yelled holding the phone tightly.

David's chuckled sounded in the quiet house through the cell phone. "Come to that abandoned warehouse down our Lane in 20minutes" then he paused. "And come alone, don't drag my pretty brother into this if not I will kill him and am deadly serious" David said and hanged up.

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