Chapter 40

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Daniel POV:

He couldn't believe that Lisa had just risked her life for his. He held her limp body in his arms as she coughed violently with blood spluttering out of her mouth and tears streaming down her cheeks, then she looked up at him and smiled.

"Are you okay" she said weakly.

"Oh God Lisa what were you thinking" he said looking at her with worry and fear in his eyes.

"Nothing, nothing at all. I_just wanted to keep you safe Daniel" she said and lifted a shaking hand to his face. "I will always love you" she said and exhaled heavily, then her eyes slowly drifted shut.

"Lisa, Lisa, oh God open your eyes honey, look at me" he said with tears clouding his eyes, then her hand dropped from his face and her body went still.

"Lisa no, 911 are in the way, you will be fine just stay with me" he said but he knew that she was gone. He let out an angry growl and looked up at his brother with anger in his eyes.

David still held the gun but he was a little bit pale and surprise still lingered in his eyes. His gaze lifted from Lisa's dead body to his brother's face.

"You murderer you killed her" Daniel said angrily through his teeth.

David didn't utter a word, he just pointed the gun at him a little bit shaken.

"It was suppose to be you_

"But you killed her anyway, Lisa is dead all because of you and your selfish ways" he barked, his temper was far risen than he could control.

He could see Amy behind David, she was slowly walking towards him quietly.

What was she trying to do.

"It's her fault that she is dead, but you are also going down with_

Then Amy flung herself to him causing the gun that he held to fall. He staggered a little and made a grab for the gun, then she kicked the gun farther away from his reach. He cursed and was about punching her, when he grabbed the gun that laid close to Lisa and pointed. "David, don't you dare hit her" he said still pointing the gun at his brother.

David slowly let Amy go and turned to face him with hatred in his eyes.

"Am sorry, but you are going to jail"

"You're gonna do this to me" David barked.

"I gat no choice" Daniel said.

Just then some cops came in. "Drop the gun" a cop said to him, then he handed the gun he held to the cop.

"That's the person_take him"Daniel said pointing at his brother.

Then David was handcuffed and dragged away, Lisa's body was also taken away to a waiting ambulance in a stretcher.

Mrs Chesterfield was also taken to the ambulance for check up. Amy looked at him, he slowly nodded to her and smiled, then she exhaled and followed some cops outside.


"Are you okay?" she said as she came to meet Daniel.

"Umm?" He asked as if he had been thinking about something.

"About Lisa, are you okay?" she asked again as she stood in front of him.

"I will be fine, but what I can't seem to understand is why she did that"

"She loved you that's why, those are the crazy things we do for love" she said looking into his eyes.

"Never, I mean never do that in your life. I will die for you but don't think of doing that for me" he said holding her shoulders.

"I will try remember_

"Promise me" he said also looking into her eyes.

"Okay, I promise" she said smiling up at him.

His hands fell from her shoulders to hold her hands." Let's get going, it's almost dawn"

"I need to see my mum one last time before we get going"

He nodded and lead her towards the waiting ambulance to meet her mum, her mum looked up at them and smiled as they approached her.

"Thank you Daniel for today" her mum said still smiling.

"I didn't do anything ma'am, the truth is that you were the true hero" he said, then she chuckled softly.

"I hope David is gonna be fine?. Even though he never meant to kill Lisa today, he was really terrible tonight" her mum said.

"Yeah, I think he will be fine. He will just have to stay in jail for a while but he will be cool" Daniel said

Her mum nodded.

"Am so so sorry for the inconvenience ma'am, let me drive you home" Daniel said.

Amy just stared at them, enjoying the flow of conversation between her mum and the love of her life.

"No don't bother, detective Joel will take me home. Amy make sure you come home early, don't keep me waiting" her mum said and slide into the sheriff's car.

"Wait are you like shipping me off to Daniel's" Amy said blinking widely, sincerely surprised by her mum's speech.

"Honey I think it's for the best and it isn't like you don't fancy the idea" her mum said buckling her seat belt.

"Christ!" She exclaimed.

Daniel just stood grinning widely.

"Okay so mum you are on his side again right, you have always been on his side right from when you met him. Well detective Joel also have a say here, so sheriff what do you think" she said and tossed her hair back from her face, then she folded her arms and waited.

"Well as a cop and a father, I think what Amy really needs is someone who will protect her and a guy can so. So son she is all yours" Detective Joel said and started his engine.

"Oh come on" Amy yelled, then he drove away with her mum chuckling continuously.

"Can you imagine" she said still staring at the ongoing car.

"Well miss you heard your mum and a cop so let's get going. We need a good long sleep" he said pulling her into his arms.

"Am not laying with you on the same bed" she said as her arms encircled around his neck.

"We will see about that but am sure that you will beg for my warmth"


Then he kissed her lips and took away the words that she had wanted to utter, she moaned and giggled in his mouth.

He drew back and looked into her eyes. "I love you" he whispered.

"I know and I love you too. I swear I will never let go, ever" she whispered back and stood on her toes to kiss him, he smiled and pulled her closer, then he covered her lips again and kissed her passionately.

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