Chapter 35

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Amy POV:

Something crashed loudly somewhere in the house that jolted her up from sleep.

She wasn't even sure that she had been sleeping but she was very sure that something unusual had woken her up.

She slowly slide down from her bed not wanting to make any sound. She felt the urge to switch on her light but her instinct halted her. She got this feeling that something was up because the house was uncomfortably quiet and if a sound that loud had been made her mum would have already been storming to her room but her mum didn't come neither did she hear any footstep.

She tiptoed to her door and pressed her ear against her door waiting for any sound but heard nothing. Already fed up with the suspense, she opened her door and looked around.

It took a while for her to adjust to the lighted hallway, then she headed to her mum's room. Everything was so strange because her mum wasn't a deep sleeper, every little noise alerted her immediately, so where was her mum.

She was slowly getting creeps all over, for the first time she was happy that Zake wasn't here to experience any fear that the crashing noise created.

When she got to her mum's door she leaned near trying to get anything, something. She frowned and slowly pushed door open.

She looked around and was about leaving the room when her eyes fell on the empty rumpled bed. She hurriedly switched the light on and froze, with her eyes wide open.

Her mum was gone.

She ran to her mum's open Window and looked down, a pair of fresh footprint was visible like it was made some minutes ago.

Someone has taken her mum but why. She paced around her mum's room raking her hair widely.

What the hell was she gonna do, it was 1:00am. It was too late to go after the person.

She ran to the living room and swung the living room door open, then she ran out without stopping until she got to the road.

She exhaled heavily when she saw no one, there wasn't even a single car moving. She snifled back tears holding her mouth.

Oh God her mum had been taken she thought as tears streamed down her cheeks, as she got down on her knees in the middle of the road with tears blinding her.

She didn't know how long she had cried when she saw the tyre tracks. She immediately brushed the tears away and fingered the tracks. It wasn't hers or her mum's but it was familiar.

Why hadn't she thought of it.


He had warned her that something bad will happen to someone she loved but she had thought that he had been referring to Daniel so she had stayed away from him because of the threat but the bastard had been referring to her mum.

Why hadn't she thought of it. She hurriedly stood up and ran back to the house.

Should she call 911, no David will hurt her mum if she do but she needed to act fast. She grabbed her phone and dialed Cherry's number, it rang for some seconds then she picked.

She exhaled." Hello Cher, am sorry for calling this late but...I can't find my mum"

"What do you mean by you can't find your mum, stop kidding me Amy"

"Am serious Cherry, my mum had been abducted"

"Fuck! but how." Cher exclaimed.

"I don't know, she was here with me some hours ago, we even had dinner together and she didn't mention going anywhere"

"Who do you think took her"Cher asked.

"Oh God David, She has been abducted by David am sure. I just hope he wouldn't hurt her"she said pacing around the living room.

"Amy you need to calm down" Cher said and paused for a moment. "Call Daniel" she added.

"No I can't, he hates me and he wouldn't even know of his brother's whereabout, will he?"

"Just try, he might know and yunno you deserve it if he do hate you"

She sighed." Okay, I will try calling him"


"Fine, I will call him" she said and ended the call.

She exhaled heavily again, still not believing the whole incident.

Will Daniel listen to her or tell her to go to hell, will he come to her rescue or hang up the phone.

She finally built up the courage to call him but will he pick up, will he care or tell her to go settle her scores with her new boyfriend who will harm her mum in any minute from now.

She quickly dialed his number before the courage she had built fails her. It rang for some seconds before he finally answered.

"Hello" he said with no familiar emotion laced in his voice.

She had to do this.

"Hello Daniel am sorry for bothering you this hour but_

"What do you want" he snapped.

She closed her eyes, she miss him like crazy.

"Daniel, my mum has been abducted" she said dreading his reply.

He didn't reply for a while.

"How sure are you that she was abducted, maybe she went out but damn it's late"he said with a little trace of concern in his voice.

"I know it's late, I know but she isn't here Daniel, my mum is gone and I don't know where I can find her" she rattled on, then she paused and exhaled. "Am blank Daniel, I don't know what to do" she said as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Amy you need to calm down, don't do anything stupid. Lock all the doors and windows" then he paused, she waited. "I will be there in some minutes time but trust me your mum will be fine, okay" he said.

He was trying to calm her down and it was working but her mind was still racing widely and her heart was beating too fast.

"Okay"she said as her breathe became too heavy for her, then he hung up.

She suckled in fresh air trying hard to fight the asthma attack that threatened to envelop her, then slumped on a couch and grabbed the inhaler her mum had left on a coffee table.

She inhaled the sabutamol air the inhaler provided like her life depended on it and finally exhaled when she had taken enough, then a tear slide down her cheek.

She didn't bother brushing it away, her mum's life was worth more than mere tears, then she closed her eyes and sent a prayer to heaven for her mum's safety.

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