Chapter 40 Alastor's reprise

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After the whole fiasco at the News Station. Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Dust were back at the hotel as everything they thought they built would be in ruins now. Charlie decided to talk to her mom, but she only left a voice mail since her mom must've been busy with something important. After finishing the voice mail, Charlie walks back in and leans by the door in defeat. Sudden, there was a rhyme-like knock on the other side of the door, which surprised Charlie. She was nervous about opening the door or whether she should leave it closed. Making up her mind, she opens the door. Her eyes widen to see the Famous Radio Demon and standing behind him was his apprentice.

"Hel-" Charlie slammed the door on them. She looks to the side for a brief moment before opening the door again. "-lo!" Charlie slams the door one more time. "Hey, Vaggie?" Charlie called. "Whaaaat?" Vaggie answered with an annoyed tone. "The Radio Demon and his apprentice are at the door!" Charlie smiled nervously as she pointed towards the door. Vaggie quickly sat up from the couch. "What?!" Angel takes out the popsicle from his mouth. "The who and what?"

"What should I do?!" Charlie panicked. Vaggie scoffs. "Uh, well, don't let them in!" Charlie looked towards the door. Instead of following Vaggie's advice, she opens the door again.

"May I speak now?" Alastor questioned. "You may." Charlie allowed him. Alastor extended his hand out. "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart!" He pulls Charlie towards him. "Quite a pleasure! This is my lovely apprentice, (Y/n)!"

"Hello, nice to meet you, Princess Charlie!" (Y/n) took Charlie's hand and shook it rapidly. Alastor lets himself him as (Y/n) follows after him. "Excuse our sudden visit, but we saw your fiasco on a picture show, and we just couldn't resist! What a performance! Why I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929! Hahahahaha," Alastor laughs at his joke. "sooo many orphans..."

"Man, I'm guessing you've seen a lot." (Y/n) smiled as she flew up.

Suddenly, Vaggie holds a harpoon towards Alastor's chest. "Stop right there! Cabrón Hijo de perra, I know your game and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous cheesy talk show shitlord!" (Y/n) summons her scythe and points it towards Vaggie's neck. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. He and I made a deal. He teaches me everything I need to know and I protect him. So, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't point your weapon at my master." (Y/n) flashed her pearly, white fangs at Vaggie.

Vaggie points at her harpoon at (Y/n) and she points it back at Alastor. She was pointing her harpoon back and forward at them. Alastor patted (Y/n)'s head. "Don't worry, my dear (Y/n). You can put your scythe away." (Y/n) smiled and followed her master's order. Alastor turns back to Vaggie and uses his finger to move the harpoon away. "Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here..." Alastor's turned demonic. "I would've done so already!" Charlie and Vaggie stared at him with fear, while (Y/n) was unfazed. Alastor. snaps back to reality. "No! We're here because we want to help!"

"Say what now?" Charlie questioned. Alastor repeats himself. "Help! Hahaha, hello? Is this thing on?" He taps on his mic. "Testing, testing!" Alastor's Mic opens its eye. "Well, I heard you loud and clear!"

Charlie wasn't so sure what he meant. "Um, you want to help? With...?"

Alastor and (Y/n) teleport behind the two with their shadows. "This ridiculous thing you're trying to do! This hotel! I want to help you run it." Alastor said. (Y/n) nods in agreement. "I wanna help too!"

"Buuut... why?" Charlie wasn't convinced. "Hahaha, why does anyone do anything? Sheer, absolute boredom! I've lacked inspiration for decades." Alastor laughs as he used Vaggie as an armrest. "My work became mundane, lacking focus," he shoves Vaggie way, "aimless! I've come to crave a new form of entertainment! Hahaha!" He laughs.

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