Chapter 51 Witches Just Wanna Have Fun (Take a hint)

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(Y/n) still wonder how she got herself into the situation she was in. One moment she was coming back from having fun with someone with blood and guts all over her and the next thing she knew; Vaggie, Charlie, and Niffty had to help (Y/n) clean her up. And let's just say it's her 18th bath.

Niffty had dumped some water over (Y/n) as she was covered in bubbles. (Y/n) spits the water that got in her mouth. "Can I get out now?" (Y/n) asked. Right now, the three adult female demons were using clips on their nose so they couldn't smell the blood and mess that (Y/n) had brought back. Vaggie took the clip off her nose and noticed that smell was going away. "You just need two more baths and you're done." She said. "Could I at least take a bath on my own? I'm 13 not 3." (Y/n) sinks into the new bath water Niffty prepared. "Sorry, (Y/n). We just have to make sure that you didn't miss a spot." Charlie added as she put more shampoo on (Y/n)'s hair. "I think you guys are treating me like I'm a little- Ow! Niffty! Watch the wing!" (Y/n) exclaims. Apparently, Niffty had scrubbed on (Y/n)'s wings. Then Niffty got an idea of how to clean (Y/n) faster and (Y/n) did not like the idea because she'd done it before. (Y/n) tried to stop her but it was too late. Niffty ran out and came back with a hose. "This will help clean (Y/n) faster." Niffty giggles menacingly. "Niffty, don't you dare- AAHHHH!!!" But it was too late again. Niffty turned on the hose and began to clean up (Y/n).

From downstairs. The male sinners heard (Y/n)'s screams. "Was that (Y/n)?" Sir Pentious asked. "It was. And it appeared that Niffty used the hose on her again." Alastor explains. "Niffty gotta stop using that hose on the kid." Husk groans. Then all the girls came down with a fresh, clean (Y/n) walking behind them as she was trying to get the water out of her ear. "Niff, I keep telling you not to use that hose on me." Niffty lets out a laugh. "Hehe. Sorry, I thought it would help get you clean faster"

(Y/n) didn't want to want to be bothered so she just collapsed on the couch. Charlie takes a seat next to her. "Say, (Y/n). How did you get all messy anyway?" She asked. (Y/n) looks up at the princess. "Well...

(Y/n) is seen with a girl the same age as her. This was a sinner scorpion. She was wearing a dress from 1666 with her shoulders fully exposed, purple skin, short green hair, and glowing blue eyes. They smirked at each other as they summoned their powers. Turns out they were surrounded by other demons that were attacking them and let's just say that these two weren't average teenagers. This female scorpion is Tempest, a best friend of (Y/n)'s. They used their powers to slaughter the demons that dared to attack them. Once the battle was over, they smiled proudly at their work as blood and guts were all over them.

"....I may be having a bit of fun with Tempest." (Y/n) admits.

"Tempest?" Vaggie and Charlie questioned.

"That would be one of (Y/n)'s dear friends." Alastor answered. "She was the daughter of a well-known Overlord until (Y/n) struck him down and took more than half of his coven."

"YOU TOOK DOWN AN OVERLORD???!!!" Everyone except for Husk, Alastor, and Niffty shouted at (Y/n).

"Yeah, I did, but then again I didn't really know Eclipse Storm was an Overlord." (Y/n) told.

Now, that got everyone's attention. Turns out that Eclipse Storm was a warlock and Overlord, until (Y/n) took him down for abusing Tempest and his coven members. At first, Tempest was used to get close to (Y/n) and kill her and her master. That plan failed though. The more Tempest and (Y/n) spent together, the more their friendship grew. One day, Tempest broke down and confessed to her father's plan. (Y/n) was never mad. She knew what it was like to fall victim to a father's abuse. It was like seeing herself as Tempest. To help get her out, (Y/n) used her power to defeat Eclipse Storm, which resulted in losing his Overlord title. Not only did she save Tempest but she took those who were also abused by their coven leader. (Y/n) deiced to have Eclipse Storm live so he can witness all she has done crumble beneath his feet. Only 20 members were loyal to him and followed out while (Y/n)'s power grew from there.

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