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It's 2 am, early in the morning when his father barge in, waking the orange-haired boy from his sleep, " Get up." The man demanded.

Hinata knew what he meant and quickly got out of his bed. He mentally sigh. He only slept for 3 hours because of his father beating the living life out of him.

" Clean the house. Don't leave any crumbs on the floor. " and just that, he left the room slamming the door.

He left the room with only his big white t-shirt and shorts. He didn't have the time to put ointment on his body so his father won't get mad at him for being slow.

He first clean the living room. He throw all the can beers and bottles inside the garbage bag. Just like the old man said, he didn't leave any crumbs on the floor. Second, he clean the bathroom. He coughed violently at the smell of smoke and unbearable smell coming from the toilet.

The old man doesn't know how to flush the toilet and he want someone to do it for him. He made sure to open the small window to let the smell out before scrubbing the bathroom. After that, he quickly got out of the bathroom, sighing in relief.

He check the time. It's already 3:04. It took that long to clean the living room and the bathroom. Now he's sure that he's going to die for not getting enough sleep and tiring himself for cleaning the house. Making sure that everything's clean, he rest for a moment.

Since the old man went out to the local bar far from here, he can almost do what he want. If only he can move freely. Like chains locked on his ankles, he has his limits.

After resting, he take a shower. Even though his living in this shit hole for a house, he tries to keep himself clean. He don't do self-harm for what his mother told him is bad thing before her last breath, leaving him and his little sister under his father's care. Control rather.

Thankfully, it's Friday today. Which is he's going to wear his p.e. uniform. He wear his black jogging pants over his black shorts and a color peach plain t-shirt that is big for his small body underneath his white hoodie that is also big for him and his Karasuno jacket. It's cold so you can't blame him for wearing long-sleeves.

He check the time. It's 3:50 am. His sister will wake up at her usual waking up time which is 4:30 am.

" nii-nii? " or he spoke too soon? He flinched and turn his head towards the door, seeing his sister peeking from the door.

" Natsu? Why are you awake this early? Did I wake you up? I'm sorry." He said worriedly. Natsu quickly shook his head, " No no, nii-chan. I just had a nightmare and I saw dad hurting you. " He hug his sister and pats her head.

" Don't worry, Natsu. I'm fine." He said and pulls away from her. Natsu said that she can't sleep anymore because she doesn't feel like sleeping again and told him that she wants to help him make breakfast.

They went downstairs and straight to the kitchen to make katsudon. Natsu's favorite food.

Commercial brought to you by Midoriya cooking Katsudon.

They finished making and start eating. They made sure to leave some for the old man.

" Nii-chan?" Natsu called. After shoving spoonful of rice in his mouth, Shoyo turned to her and hummed in response.

" Why do you look so pretty? " Hinata was blank for a moment, unconsciously swallowing the big amount of rice at once making him choke. He grabs the glass of water and drink.

" W-What kind of q-question is that, Natsu?" He asked in between his heavy breathing. Natsu looked at him innocently even after seeing him choke on his food.

" You're really skinny. Your hair is fluffy like a cloud. You also have white and soft skin. Your face is small. You have a very beautiful body. And what do you mean by what kind of question is that? It's obvious." Natsu said putting a sassy remark in her last statement.

' Natsu, you're only eight. ' he thought and sweat-dropped.

" I-I don't know? And w-where did you learn those t-things?" He asked while blushing madly.

" Hmph!" Natsu pouts at him and continued eating her katsudon. Sometimes he's like seeing his mother whenever he talks to Natsu.

He just shrugged it off and continued eating as well. After breakfast, he decided to not bring his bike today. After an hour, he left, so sure that his bastard for a father won't hurt Natsu. He knew that it's not right to leave a barely eight year old child alone inside the house with a maniac but he can't do anything about it.

40 minutes of walking and jogging, he finally arrived at the school. He quickly went to the gym only to find it locked. He looked at his phone only to see that it's only 6 am in the morning.

" I guess I'm a bit early. " He muttered. Just then,

" SHOYOOOO! " A cheerful voice called. Shoyo turned and saw his senpai running towards him followed by a bald guy waving his hands like it's about to snap off and a raging ravenette blue-eyed guy marching towards him.

' Someone's mad. Oops. ' He thought while smirking at Kageyama.

From the corner of his eyes, Hinata saw someone raise their hand. Out of reflex, he flinched and yelped. But only a hand patted his shoulder. He looked up,

" S-Sugawara-senpai...! " The gray-haired 3rd-year was shocked by the ginger's sudden actions. Even the others who went closer to them.

" Y-Yeah it's me. Are you okay, Hinata? " Sugawara asked. Hinata quickly noticed the others staring at him and he nodded vigorously with his usual grin.

" I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. " after that, they went inside the gym for their morning training. While inside the changing room, Hinata fiddled with his clothes. He just realized that he only put ointment on his bruises but he didn't put bandages on. If he change right now, shits about to go down.

" Hinata? Aren't you going to change? " Asahi asked.

" A-Ah right...change..." He muttered. He takes off his white hoodie and folded it neatly and placed it inside his locker. He takes off his black pants revealing his black shorts that is a bit ' short ' than it's supposed to be. Luckily, there's no bruises below the hem of his shorts.

" H-Hinata... " Tanaka stuttered. Hinata turned only to see him blushing madly while handing him his jacket that he didn't know he dropped earlier. He thanked him and quickly put it on and left the changing room. After the door closed, they all breathe out the breath that they didn't realized they've been holding.

Nishinoya broke into a fit of laughter.

" pfft— HAHAHAHA yooo ryuu!! y-your face! You just looked and made you fall in love !! " Nishinoya said making the others laugh at him.

" Shut up! Says the one who's also looking at him!! " But they just kept on laughing.

After the small ' ruckus ' , they all went to the gym and did their usual morning training.

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