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With his earphones on, he moved his body skillfully, copying the new dance trend he found on Tiktok, while beside him, Tanaka's drinking the slurpy Nishinoya told him to just hold it. Distracted, Nishinoya didn't know that his drink is already half empty.

When they're about to pass by the lounge area, Nishinoya was harshly pulled back behind the wall, " What the —- what was that for??"

" Sshh! Keep your voice down." Tanaka shush him but Nishinoya didn't hear it since he still have his earphones on. Tanaka took them off," I said keep your voice down."

" Why?" Nishinoya asked in a whisper tone.

" Look." Tanaka pointed at the sofa near the entrance. He followed where his finger os pointing and soon stop at the two figures sitting on the sofa.

" Oh . . . " his voice trailed off, both his and Tanaka's face darken. There, Seijurou's talking to a man in front of him, which is oddly very familiar. But someone caught both of their eyes.

They saw Shoyo about to walk pass the lounge area, turning his head innocently to the left, he quickly ran back and hid behind the wall, quietly peeking. Not long after he also saw them. He froze but soon relaxes and told them to go to where he is. Shoyo mouthed something while doing hand motions.

" Just . . . wash . . . us . . . . face . . . What does that mean?!" Tanaka asked, clearly confused.

" It says ' Just cover your face' , you idiot!" Nishinoya said and pulled the towel hanging on Tanaka's shoulder, " Use this."

" He's doin hand motions so I'm a but confused." Tanaka said and cover them up by holding the towel to their right, covering their faces and head. They stop to where Shoyo is and hid there as well, " Your father's there. What's he doing here?"

" Father? What do you mean?"

" That man over there? That's your father, right?" Shoyo turn to them with a shock and confuse face. They wonder why.

" He's not my father." They look at him shock, frozen in their spot. Shoyo seemed to notice and told them, " I'll tell you. Let's go to our room."

They arrived at Shoyo's room, where they found Natsu drinking milk Akaashi brought for her earlier, " Natsu, dear, we'll just talk out there, okay? and please don't come out there while we're talking because this is a very important matter, okay?" Even though she's confused, she nodded and focus on the TV instead.

" Let's go over there." The 2nd years followed him out and Shoyo closed the door behind.

" So who's that guy there?"

" Before I tell you that, let me explain something to you."

ᴀ sʜᴏʀᴛ ᴇxᴘʟᴀɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ɪɴ ʜɪɴᴀᴛᴀ's ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ ᴏғ ᴠɪᴇᴡ

Before I was born, or before I was made, my parents are still on the dating stage. Both the ruler of a Mafia group. But someone has his eyes on my mother. Turns out a Mafia leader name Hanato Masaya. He's obsessed with my mother for several years but my mom chose my current father instead. Back then he's a loving and overprotective man. And they had me. My father, Masaomi, loves me very much. After some years, they had Natsu. And we're a happy family. Of course, Masaya found out. He's in rage and awfully jealous. He's so jealous he killed my mother instead of my father. And he tried to kill me and Natsu. But father protected us. But after those, he blame us for the lost of his wife, our mom. He hurt me, punished me, disciplined me. The reason why he didn't kill my father is because " Let's save the best for the worst." Meaning after he kill us, he'll torture my father first, probably cut his fingers off before killing him. Of course, we move places. But I found out that Masaya held my father captive. And he started coming to our house, torturing us, and wants us to call him Dad so he won't hurt us more and because we are his supposed-to-be children. And the day you came to our house, you saw me lying on the floor, bleeding. Let me guess, When you heard the door open, Masaya came in, asked who you guys are? I guess right then. But before he started coming to our house, he already had a kid. I don't know who. And I don't want to know. And you know what's funny? Masaya and Masaomi almost looked the same that Natsu sometimes mistaken Masaya as Masaomi. But if I were to choose between them, I'd choose my real father, Masaomi. Even after he hurt us, he's hiding us from him. And would take all of the pain for us. Cause he cares. He care for us 5 percent over 100. Right now, I know my father's free from where he was held captive.


" So from the very start, you're telling me that the man inside that house is not your father?" Shoyo nodded his head.

" Man that's fu**** up." Tanaka muttered, replaying what his kouhai said just now.

" Wait what about when you told us about that day?"

" Oh right. The agents are on my father's side. And the reason why I can't tell the police anything is because Masaya will also tell them what and where my father is. I'm sorry I lied." Shoyo said and apologetically bowed at them.

" Eh. It is your fault for lying to us but now that you told us the real story, that lie doesn't matter anymore." Tanaka said and pull the ginger in his arms, hugging him for him to feel safe.

" NOT FAIR! LET ME JOIN TOO!" Natsu slid the door open and asked for her brother to pick her up. Shoyo giggled and pick up the redhead and hug her tightly.

To be continued . . .

I don't even know if that's supposed to be a plot twist or it just got you all confused but I'm also not expecting it. So from the very start, the father is not his actual father and is actually the obsessed maniac.

𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴
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