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For the past few days, Instead of being busy practicing, Shoyo had been busy running away from Seijurou and his gang. Always getting stuck with someone, unwillingly dragging them in his problem. But he wonder why they don't mind being stuck with him.

After the twins, he got stuck with Tsukishima when he went inside the cubicle to hide. Tsukishima, who was done with everyone's shit, decided to rest. Inside the restroom. Vibing with his music. Forgetting to lock the door.

Suddenly, Shoyo barge in. Pushing the door open and closing it behind, locking the door. He didn't notice Kei there, not until he step back, accidentally stumbling and sitting on Tsukishima's lap. It was too late to apologize and to get up when they heard footsteps coming from the entrance.

Shoyo put his feet up, hiding it behind the door. From outside, it looks like it was just Tsukishima, inside, there's Shoyo, sitting on his lap.

" What are you —-mhmp." Shoyo quickly covered his mouth, shushing him by putting his finger on his lips.

" He's here."

" Come quick."

Slow footsteps echoed inside the restroom. Tsukishima was still confused but also satisfied at the same time. I mean he's stuck with his crush, alone, inside a cubicle, him sitting on his lap. What a cute problem we have here. He said in his mind, his smirk clearly visible on his lips.

But Tsukishima is still Tsukishima, right? The Tsukishima Kei who likes to tease, making fun of someone, make them flustered, and would suddenly insult them. Tsukishima lean close to his face, his breath brushing against the ginger's skin.

" Huh ——" soon his lips met Kei's. It was unexpected but Tsukishima took the chance. He push his lips more into Shoyo's soft one's, enjoying the warmth his lips has. What surprised him is Shoyo kiss back. He thought he hated him, knowing how many times he made fun of him just to get his attention, he should be pushing him back. Instead, Shoyo moved and now he's facing him, not breaking their heated make out, Shoyo's hands on his neck while his hands on his waist.

Minutes after, the two heard the people outside the cubicle walking out. Realizing their position, Shoyo push himself off of the blond, who just smirked at him while touching his lips, teasing him by making him remember what just happened. Embarrassed, he dash out, leaving the blond snickering.

After Kei, there's Kageyama. Noticing some boys chasing his spiker in the third floor, he quickly grabbed the ginger and drag him inside his and Kunimi's room. Kunimi's not there, their captain suddenly asking them out to eat ramen.

Soon, the people who was chasing him run past the room. Shoyo was a panting mess. Wiping his sweat with his t shirt, his tongue coming out a little. Seeing this, Tobio couldn't help but lean down. And again, Shoyo ended up making out with someone and running off embarrassed. The thought of the others getting mad at him for kissing someone after kissing someone never crossed his mind. And that thought doesn't need to cross his mind since everyone, the lovestruck fools, are ready to be in a polyamorous relationship with him. If they want the same thing, they get it together. Nothing unfair as long as they experience the same thing.

After a few days, again, he got stuck. With someone. With the position of a captain, Kuroo Tetsurou. But the gang is not chasing him. Probably taking a break. It was night time when that happened. Shoyo's practicing his spikes and receives inside the gym. Kuroo came in after taking a swim in the pool area, forgetting his black tank top at one of the bleachers. But seeing Shoyo there, struggling with his receives, he decided to help. Help. It was supposed to be helping him with his receives dammit.

They ended up making out, with Shoyo's thicc thighs around the captain's waist, Kuroo carried him, Shoyo's back made contact with the wall. Things getting a bit heated, Kuroo started kissing his neck to his collarbone, his large hand under Shoyo's shirt and sliding his hand on his small back. Without Shoyo knowing, Kuroo purposely left a love mark on Shoyo's collarbone, a pretty big one cause the horny captain's hungry as fu**.

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