deadman seven.

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Deep breaths . . Deep breaths. Calm down. Shoyo breathed in and out and repeat, hands firmly holding the gun, his back leaned against the wall while his head turned to the right side where the hall way is. It all escalated quickly than he intended. The past few minutes he's just talking to the boys about their plane tickets and their fly back to Japan, spending his time with them.

But things got messy when the door burst open, and the first things they saw was Alpha's smirk. His guys knocked out the boys instantly before they could even come close to Shoyo, hitting the back of their neck with the hand of their gun and some covered their mouth with cloth, typically making them faint on the ground. And the only one left awake amongst them was Shoyo, who was getting pulled out of the room.

How the hell did they find us here? Shoyo wrestled with the man's grip, We didn't even leave this place.

" LET GO!" Shoyo yelled while struggling to pull his arms away. He was in rage while struggling in Alpha's grip. The man tighten his hold of the ginger, and growled lowly, " Be a good boy and come back to boss." and with one swift move, the man hold his gun up and hit the back of his neck with the handle, and things went black before he knew it.

Stopping finally at the very rooftop, Alpha threw the boy on the ground, which made the ginger groan.

" Tie him." Alpha gestured two men with a snap of finger. Two tall, buff men came towards him and dragged him towards a huge cylinder-metal [ idfk what that thing is called ] in the very center of the rooftop.

He can feel the two men tying his wrists tightly with chains, knowing how delicate his skin is, it'll bruise his wrists up.

" Don't think about escaping, cause you can't. You, you, and you, watch him closely." Alpha pointed at the two men behind the ginger and the guy standing beside him, who nodded his head and walked towards the ginger.

" Now peacock, behave and wait for your little boyfriends, hm?" Alpha cooed, caressing the ginger's face. Shoyo whipped his face to the side and scowled at the man. Alpha smirked at him and left the rooftop along with the rest of his men.

Shoyo looked around, his eyes wandering. The scenery was familiar, and his mind processed quickly to realize that he's at Masaya's mansion. This is bad.

He cool himself down, the heavy pressure slowly dying down every time he let out a breath. The rooftops clearly empty, no boxes, no cloth rack, not even a single leaf is there but him, the three guys, and the huge pole he's tied up to.

Suddenly, the rooftop entrance suddenly opened, but the door opening blocked the ginger's point of view of the person who entered. The man who was near the entrance stood in front of the newcomer, and backed away and beckoned the two standing behind the ginger to come to him.

" 5 minutes." The man said from afar and walked past the newcomer along with the two. And the door closed. The newcomer stood there, and from where he sat, Shoyo recognized the newcomer's figure. It's . .

Making sure no one can see them, the newcomer walked towards the ginger. Shoyo's eyes widen as his mouth agape slightly, " . . Miss Tian."

Tian didn't say anything, but she smiled at him and patted his shoulder. Shoyo glanced lightly at her hand, which is sliding down his back near where his hands are tied. She placed something and retrieved her hand from his back, " Remember who the real enemy is."

" Wha—What do you . . ." his voice trailed off as he looked at her eyes. They were glimmering with hope, warmly looking at him with pure care and adore.

They heard the door clicked. Tian's time is up.

" I believe in you, young man." She whispered. The two men from before walked towards them with heavy shoes, their footsteps ringing across the silence. Shoyo panicked as they started forcibly pulling her away from him, " Whe-Where are you taking her?!"

Tian gave him her one last smile and turned her head away. The three stood right in front of him. And the scene caused Shoyo deep panic and trauma. The man have his gun pointed to her head, while the other one to the back of her head. And the very last thing he wanted to happen in this moment, happened. He screamed, the exact time they pulled the trigger. Gunshot blared across the rooftop in silence, but it didn't make the ginger to budge as he was frozen in his place.

Everything around him was in slow-motion, even his hearing was blurry and deep. He watched with his teary wide eyes as the woman fall to the ground, making a blurry yet deep sound of thud. Tears started to fall as his eyes unwillingly shifted to her face. It was at peace, but the hole in her head made him realized reality. His breathes trembled as fresh blood came out of her mouth and her head. He can't even think of what face he'll make. His mind refused to process what's in front of him, and his heart refuse to beat evenly. Miss Tian.

The two knew they are finished with their jobs and put their guns back behind them and dragged the woman out of the place. Leaving the ginger alone.

He refuse. He refuse to believe what just happened. She didn't do anything wrong. That's what he kept repeating in his head. She didn't do anything wrong.

" But why . ." he mumbled. He kept his head low, eyes blankly staring at his lap. He refused to look up. He can't bare the sight there. He refuse to look at the remainings of the kind old woman. She was innocent. She don't deserve that.

He was in agony as he fall asleep.

A few hours had passed, and he was still alone. His eyes fluttered open, and he slowly moved his head up. He ease his numb neck by moving his head around slowly. He moved a bit, trying to make himself comfortable in his state, which made the chain cause noise. He tugged his wrists a bit, figuring out how far he was tied to the huge pole. At that moment, what happened a few hours ago flood in his mind. " Remember who the real enemy is."

He remembered Tian putting something in his back pockets. His hands were close to his lower, so he reached for what the old woman put in.

He felt a small, familiar-shaped thing at the deepest of his pockets. After the struggle, he finally pulled it out. He moved it in his closed hand, feeling what seems like the head to the sharp end of the object. And one thing came in his mind.

He tapped the object on the chain, which made small clingking sounds, " A . . key."

His hope sprang back to life, and energy he reserved filled his body. He tugged the chain, trying to reach for any lock locking the chain around his wrists. He reached one. It's small, but sure is heavy. With one swift move, he unlocked the chain, and freed his hands. The chains dropped to the cement ground, which didn't make much sound.

" I believe in you, young man." He can still hear the soothing voice of the woman. It toon all his will to look at the pool of blood right below him, and stared at it sternly, " Thank you, Miss Tian."

Making sure everything's clear, he sprint out of the rooftop and inside the mansion, like a crow freed from his chains.


thank you for reading

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