season two.

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This year's weather was pretty cold and chilly. But still, the sun brighten up the neighborhood, including the two-story house, painted clean brown and white.

Up there, his window was open. The wind blowing the thin fabric of the curtain, making it sway, the faint sunlight coming from out hit his peaceful sleeping face.

" H-Hmm . . " He let out a sleepy groan, turning to the other side of the bed, avoiding the sudden hit of sunlight. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door, " Onii-chan? Breakfast's ready!"

Shoyo quickly got out of his bed, opening the door, " Why didn't you wake me up? I could have done that." He said, crouching down, picking the little redhead up.

" Eh~? Why can't I do things for Onii-chan too?" She pouted. Not wanting upset the little redhead, he kissed both her cheeks, " Now now let's stop with the sad face and eat the food my baby sister made, yeah?" Natsu nodded and let her brother carry her downstairs.

Haa . . It's the first day again, Shoyo volunteered to wash the dishes and told his sister to take a shower, but still, I'm excited!

" I hope this year," He paused, putting the last plate on the plate rack, " I can start a normal school year." He said, letting a breath of determination as he wiped his wet hands with the clean dry towel.

" Onii-chan! I'm done taking a bath! You can go now!" Natsu shouted from upstairs. He wiped the sink dry and went upstair. He took a huge towel with him and locked the bathroom's door.

Taking all of his clothes, he sat on the small chair and started scrubbing himself. From his neck, down to his shoulder, his body, to his smooth thighs, down to his legs and lastly, his small feet.

Every scrub, it leaves shades of deep and light pink, looking like he scrubbed his body a bit too much. After, he rinse off the soap and dirt with warm water, soon going in the tub.

" Haa! I feel refreshed!" He said breathily, closing his eyes gently as he look up.

I wonder what they're doing right now? He asked to himself, slowly opening his eyes only to see the white ceiling.

" Onii-chan! Chuiro-nii's here!" He flinched, hearing Natsu shouting from the other side of the door along with a knock.

" I-I'll be there in a second!" He yelled back, " Okay~" and she dash away, her small steps fading away.

That surprised me. He thought, letting out a sigh. He got out of the tub, and wrapped himself with the huge towel. It was huge that even though he wrap it around his body, it's still reaches his knees. How cute.

He glance at the mirror, seeing himself. It's been a year. He thought. His hair grew longer that it made his face look smaller than it is, and the fringes in front blocking his view.

He shrugged it off. Making sure that he did everything, brush his teeth, blow-dry his hair, he walk out of the bathroom and to his own room.

After putting on his polo, he grabbed the thin black hair tie that Natsu left on his bed. He gathered his fringes all together with the middle part of his hair, tying it all with the hair tie. After that, he grabbed his bag and walk out of his room and went downstairs.

" Finally! Took you long enough!" Eichuiro said, stretching his limbs while standing up from the couch and walking out of the house with Natsu.

In some way, I'm feeling nervous. Shoyo said to himself, greeting the boy back. Putting on his shoes, but this year's giving me excitement. He stood up, putting on a smile screamed of determination.

Walking out, he was greeted by the warm yet chilly wind, making his hair move gently.

" 'You ready to go?" Shifting his eyes, meeting the gold ones of  Kuro Eichuiro who's standing not far from him along with his sister.

I hope nothing will go wrong, " Let's go!"

This year, I hope.

Welcome to Season 2 . . .

You guys are here yet again for a roller coaster ride. Hope you guys enjoy the second season ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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