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[ many readers commented Kita Shinsuke so Imma do it. For the others who commented Suna, Kuroo, Tsuki, and others, don't worry, they will have their own scenes.]

Idea by : dqndeliions

Waving good bye at Natsu, Shoyo closed the door of Chuiro's house behind him. And started walking away. The wind's pretty warm but the weather's not. Still chilly. People these days in this kind of weather are probably in their futons and beds, their warm comforter wrapped around them with a hot chocolate held in their hands. Shoyo, on the other hand, is spending his day in the ice rink. The school's close today, because of some construction things, and Natsu didn't want to come with him to the ice rink because it's too cold outside. So she let him go alone, silently telling him that he needs to use that time for himself and not just fo her.

After minutes of walking, he finally reached the public rink. Of course, there's only a few people skating there, probably just to kill time. He asked the woman in charge with the ice skates. Asking for a few things, the woman gave the ginger the shoe skates his size.

Putting it on, he tied up the laces tightly, not wanting the shoe to get off while he's at it. As soon as he's done, he give his own shoes to the woman so it won't get lost, and proceeds to walk to the rink, opening the entrance and slid in.

A bit slippery, Shoyo thought to himself, slowly sliding his shoes forward with ease, but I can manage. From slow, he skated carefully, not wanting to slip, until he started sliding around in a fast pace, going in circles with a few playful tricks.

With a calm exhale, Shoyo twirled in a swift move, At least this can cool off my mind, he then skated forward in a fast pace, soon again turning-sliding around with ease, everything's going on pretty quick. And I don't have that much time to at least cool my head.

With a sigh, he moved forward smoothly, his feet and shoes doing their job and cooperating with him. It's not even snowing, yet the chilly air's weirdly calming him. With every turn, twirl, and slide, his hair always gets in his view, and he's tucking it every now and then. I should've brought a hair tie with me. But he can't blame his hair. He let it grow 'till it reaches almost below the back of his neck and his bangs almost below his eyes. or at least a hair clip.

But instead putting much attention to it, he danced. His hand sliding his hair back, tucking his hair behind his ear with every turn and skate. He's trying to cool off everything, his mind, his heart, his body. Not paying attention to his surroundings and is sinking in his own calm and bright world, he's too much focused on his self that he didn't know he's catching a few eyes, unconsciously distracting a few people from what they're supposed to do. The teens, a few couples and kids skating around stopped to give the ginger some space to dance. as they watch from the sidelines.

" Dude look. There's a cutie over there." A boy said, his left hand pointing at the ice rink not fat from them, while his right hand tapping the boy next to him. The boy turned his head, his brown eyes trying to find the person the boy beside him is pointing to.

And his eyes gazed at a tangerine beauty twirling around quickly, and went back again to skate normally with ease. That's a beautiful spin. The boy thought to himself and walked towards near the rink, his cousin soon followed tripping behind, " Oy! Shinsuke, wait a sec!"

The tangerine beauty was skating around like a professional, doing a few tricks like he's been at it all the time. His orange hair swaying every time he move forward, causing for the tangerine to tuck his hair behind his ear time to time.

Kita couldn't see the tangerine's face since the boy's spinning around in a quick pace and would stop with the tangerine's back facing him. But even though, he felt contented with just by seeing the boy dance. He's like sinking in his own world with the tangerine, like it's just the two of them, him watching the redhead dance and skate in circles.

People who was passing by stopped to watch the little ginger dance in the rink. Some took out their phones to record the ginger. While Kita's just there, leaning on the fence, the hindrance that's been keeping him away from the tangerine beauty.

The ginger turned, slid, and stopped. Like the time stops, Kita's calm eyes soon widen, his mouth slightly agape like everything started to disappear and it's just him and the ginger in that place. He watched, like everything is in slow motion, he watched as the ginger look up, his hazel eyes calmly shifting, and stopping at his brown ones. What surprised him the most, is Shoyo gave him a warm smile before he turned around and skated away and to the other side of the rink.

He snapped out of his thoughts when his cousin nudged him, " That's so amazing! Like he's an . . an . . an angel dancing around!" he cheered. Kita could only smile and looked back to the ginger head who's now playing with the other few people in the rink. He is an angel.

To be continued . . .

thank you for reading

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