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[ Funny how season one's chapter 19 is also Akahina. Anyways, ENJOY!]

Classes are finally done. And it's time for their afternoon practice. But looks like Shoyo's not excited. Not because of coach Hisashi's way of training.

Tying her shoe, Yachi shouted from the entrance of the gym, " Fukurodani Academy will arrive in 10 minutes!" and anyone can tell she's irritated just by hearing her voice. Shoyo can tell.

Shoyo can hear his heart pounding so loud it's about to burst from his ears, staring at the volleyball he's holding, that he didn't notice that it's about to fall. He said to himself that he also wanted this to end, that he want to get along with everyone again. But why am I shaking like this? he asked to himself. Just the thought of seeing Akaashi entering the gym made his heart pound rapidly, How else if he's literally entering the gym?

Calm down. Calm down. Shoyo inhaled and exhaled smoothly, trying to keep his cool. He flinched when coach Hisashi suddenly shouted, making him drop the ball completely. Coach beckoned them to gather around and they did, running towards him and gathering in front.

" I don't have much anything to say. But even though this is just a practice match, I hope you all will give your best. Fukurodani's volleyball team is strong and well-known. Especially last year with their captain as one of the top five players in the country. Even though he's retired, there is still their former vice-captain, that is currently now leading the team. They will arrive any minute now so, that'll be all and do your best." the team cheered, running back to their places to continue. But before they could even continue,

A team's shout blared from the entrance, " Thank you for having us!" they shouted, catching the other team's attention.

Chuiro then shouted, " Line up!" and ran towards and in front of the team. Shoyo was the last one to get in line, didn't have the willpower to look in front. Akaashi's literally standing directly in front of him. And Shoyo can feel the boy's intense stare. Bowing to each other, with a loud ' Let's have a good game! ', they proceed to warm up.

Shoyo couldn't focus on warming up, and keep messing up his receives and spikes. From the other side of the court, he can feel Akaashi's stare at him. Those romantic gunmetal blue eyes that he want to see, but he can't. He's worried that if he turned, he'll meet his back instead of meeting those eyes. Letting out a sigh, he shook his head and focused on receiving the ball.

Running towards the net, ready to spike the ball, Wataru leaped, but he soon land when he didn't get to spike, the ball dropping far beside him. That's too short. He thought. He looked up, seein Akaashi rubbing the back of his head, " Sorry about that. I tossed the ball too short."

" I-It's fine." he said, worried about their captain. How many times did he sigh today? he asked, seeing Akaashi sighing while getting a ball. I don't know what happened with their relationship, he paused and turned his head to the other side of the court, seeing the ginger head spiking the ball with ease, but I'm sure it's because of him.

Akaashi, yet again, sighed. He's not sure how many times he sigh today. 'Cause he's sighing everyday, ever since Shoyo left. He remembered the day when he said to himself that once he found him, he'll apologize. But now that he's here, he can't even go to the ginger head, afraid that if he did, the ginger will avoid him.

He can only stare at him from the distance. Those doe hazel eyes, sweet and angelic that whenever he made eye contact with, he's falling in love more. Those slender arms that wrapped around his neck while they did it, those arms that he planted kisses affectionately. Those damn thighs that he pushed forward to have an amazing view of the naked ginger. That petite body that he roamed his huge hands on. That neck he marked with hickeys. Those lips he kissed, that ass he groped, that ankles he pulled, that symmetrically smooth face. Now that they're playing, he can now stare at the ginger right in front of him.

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