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" Kuroo-kun!" Turning his head, he saw the person he'd been waiting for running to him with his small legs. Putting the ball to his side, he greeted the boy back, " Chibi-chan. You're late again."

The ginger head scratched his head, " Hehe gomen. Mommy made me eat all the food he cooked and she even told me to bring you and Kenma-kun home after school." the black-short haired looked up from his DS and to the ginger.

" Really? Then okay! We'll go." The rooster-head said, ruffling the ginger head's hair.

Tapping his pen, he rested his cheek more on his palm, leaning in while his back slouched from exhaustion, his hand tangled with his black, spiky hair. He sigh.

"Kuroo-kun! Kenma-kun!" Shoyo called from afar, waving his hand in the air while running to them, " Sorry to keep you waiting!" He said, slowly stopping in front of them while panting.

" Shoyo-kun, you shouldn't run like that. You might fall, " standing at the left side of Kuroo, Kenma said, his voice turning from high to low, " And your legs will snap off." He said.

" Eh?? What's that supposed to mean?! I'm not weak!" Shoyo pouted, it made the pudding head feel guilty as his face heated up. But he's too shy to say sorry and kept on playing with his DS.

" Let's go to Chibi-chan's house, yeah? I'm excited to eat Mommy's cook!" Kuroo said, putting his fist up.

" Mommy? why are you calling my Mom your Mommy?" Shoyo asked, his upper body slightly turning to him.

" What? Is it bad? She'll also be my Mother sooner or later anyways." The rooster-head said proudly while both his hands on the back of his head, causing the pudding head to glare at him, " Don't just say things like that. You're confusing him."

" Wait. You're going to be my brother??" It kinda hurt Kuroo, and it made Kenma hold back his laugh.

" That's not what I meant, Chibi-chan—-Kenma, stop laughing!"

Remembering that day, it made him chuckle a bit. His head leaned more until he's mow resting his head on his own arm while his arm is straight out and resting on the table. Just by replaying that moment, it made him laugh.

" Brother." He muttered, that's not what I meant, a smirk creeping up to his lips, " If I'm your brother, then that would be incest." He muttered, kinda catching the person's attention sitting beside him.

" Kuroo-kun!" the ginger said, his small face flushed, " Stop pulling my shirt up!" Kuroo could only laugh at him, hugging him from behind. Both Atsumu and Natsu left, going to Kenma's room so she can play with him.

Then Kuroo sneaked in when Atsumu told him he was alone in their room.

I fucking had a boner just by hugging him that day. Kuroo said to himself.

"Kuroo-kun, Your phone's poking my butt." Shoyo said, trying to turn around, but Kuroo held him tight so he let him be, " Can you move it?"

As much as I want to, I can't. Kuroo said in his mind, burying his face on the crook of the ginger's neck, feeling his pants tightening more. Ah fuck.

Shifting around, Shoyo moved his body a bit, leaning more on the railings of the balcony. " U-Ugh . . " feeling the ginger's lower back unconsciously grinding on him, he groaned.

Feels so good~. Kuroo moaned internally, his body unconsciously moving on its own, his lower body jerking forward. This alarmed the ginger head, it made him moan, " Hm-hmm~ K-Kuroo-kun~"

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