deadman two.

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" Is that right?"

" Yes. Hinata Shoyo and the other boys are nowhere to be found in this side of the city. And the police are just starting to investigate who the newcomer is."

Masaya hummed, " So we have a new guest." and dangled his glass loosely in his hand and slammed it on the table, " That little redhead. Just when I thought he's a crow when he's actually a sly fox."

" Keep searching for the boys. Don't let the newcomer have a free pass and take them to me." Reynard  nodded and left the dining hall.

" Alpha." Masaya called. Standing beside the table stood Alpha, who had been expecting the man to call him.

" Yes, Boss?"

Masaya shifted his eyes to him, " I'll leave him to you. I don't care what you do to him. Rape him, torture him, hurt him. But don't cut any limbs off him and bring him back here whole and alive." Alpha flinched slightly when Masaya scowled at him, " Don't kill him. Understood?"

Alpha grinned widely, glint of mischief and lust appeared in his eyes behind his glasses for a moment, " Understood." and left the man alone.

The dining hall fell silent. Only the clinking noise coming from Masaya's plate made the hall slightly noisy. The scene of the man whom he called a friend of his took the redhead with him outside flashed in his mind like a snap of picture, " There's always an imposter among us.

" You're doing well." Rui smirked after he heard a satisfying gunshot and a glass shattering from afar, " You're better than I expected. I thought your arms would snap off with just one shoot."

Shoyo lowered the gun and laughed, " Too bad I missed one." he said, pointing out at the last empty glass bottle still on top of the wooden railing.

" Nah you're good." Rui waved him off and loaded the gun again. The two fell in silence, only the sounds of bullets getting stored inside the gun's magazine can be heard.

" How did you know that I was here?" Shoyo spoke, eyes looking at who knows where but him.

" Chuirin told Chuiro, who told me. I told them to not call the police and they listened to my told. Seems like you already told her to not call the police." He finished loading the gun and handed it back to Shoyo, " Cops are still unaware that you're missing."

" What about school?"

" Chuiro handled it. Even though he's in confusion with what's happening. He managed to convince our advisor that we're excused. But he still didn't tell me about how many days."

" It'll take us probably more than 10 days." Shoyo sat down and placed the gun beside him. He held his forehead, distress and exhaustion are both clear on his facial expression, " Just when I thought I'm starting to have a peaceful life."

A sigh left him as he looked up to the sky, " Just when I thought I can finally live what a 'normal' person's life is." and he chuckled falsely, " Looks like Masaya won't let me mingle with normal people that easily. I almost forgot about him."

" About how I call him 'Dad'. Funny how I called him that a year back then only to see him and his hands on me just a few days back." Rui could only sit beside him in silence. Listening to what the ginger is saying. That's all he could do for this moment. To be a good listener. He knew what Shoyo meant even though he's trying to avoid saying that he was raped. And Rui was amazed. No don't get the wrong idea. Rui was amazed seeing the redhead managed to keep himself together after what happened. He just got his sister kidnapped and far away from him. He's going to shoot people sooner or later. He's going to become a homicide. And yet here he is, sitting right beside him, all calm and collected.

Just how painful was he hurt that he appears to get used to it? he pondered. Dreadful.

" Rui." the ginger called. The peach-haired snapped out of his thoughts and turned to him with a hum as response.

" When we get to San Diego, can you promise me that you'll take them back to Japan?" Shoyo asked. but his eyes shows him that he's pleading.

Rui didn't say anything. What's there to say when you don't have an answer to his question. It was just a Yes or No question. But he knew that that's not it.

" Why?"

" So they can go home. Take my sister also."

Is that really your reason? No. I know you have something else in mind, " What about you?"

" I finally got to learn how to use a gun. Why not make the best of it." he giggled. But Rui knew such keen was fake. The smile, the giggle the redhead gave was nothing but fake.

" I just don't want them to get involve much more in this. In my world full of violence." Shoyo turned once again to him, " Take them home."

It was just a normal phrase. But it gave him a pretty heavy weight in his chest. This time, what Shoyo said was true. Anything that Masaya's involve in, Shoyo's world converts. Being involve with violence won't let Shoyo mingle with any other normal people.

" You have to promise me that, Rui." Shoyo pleaded, though he's not looking at him but at the sky, " Your life's in danger too. Now that you're with me. Take them home, Rui."

I have always been weak. To think that I actually fell for his pleads without even asking him if he'll come back too, " Yeah. I'll take them back home."

[ short chapter !! i'm sorry about that !! ]


thank you for reading


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