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Why are they shouting? Shoyo asked to himself. Why are they fighting? They want me to come back, what does that mean? Shoyo let out a shaky breath, but that didn't stop his heart to pound painfully.

Are they still mad at me? Shoyo looked up fearfully, even his eyeballs trembling while looking at them fight. The way they push each other, block the other's way, shouting back at them, it's scaring him.

Could it be that they want me to apologize to Hyori? Could that be it? say sorry. He tried to walk, but his legs aren't moving. He tried to grab Chuiro's arm, but his arm's not moving. He turn to Yachi, but every sound's blurry to him.

Shoyo. Hinata. Are they calling for me? His eyes shakily looked at the huge group in front of him, their hands reaching out for him. Why are they reaching for me? What are they doing here anyways?

Suddenly, a hand lightly shook his shoulder in a quickly moment. Quickly, he whipped his head to Yachi, " Are you sure you're okay? You haven't touched your food. Please eat, Hinata." She said, her voice cooing, still trying to calm him down.

" R-Right. Sorry about that." He bowed a bit, picking up the chopstick and start eating.

" You don't feel sick right, Hinata? You can rest here if you don't feel good. " Madoka said, looking at the ginger with worry, Yachi sitting in front of her nodding in agreement.

" N-No I'm fine, Madoka-san. I can go to school today." Madoka nodded lightly, turning back on her food.

It's Friday today. They need to decorate the classroom, and put up stands outside. So even though he wants to, he needs to help the others. So today's a busy day.

Being the first one to finish, Shoyo politely excused himself to take a bath. During the summer vacation before this school year,  he's staying mostly here in Yachi's house while Natsu in Chuiro's. So it's like he's also living here, and it doesn't seem to bother Madoka. She's even happy that they have another company.

Borrowing a towel, he proceeds to the bathroom. He first scrubbed his body, his neck, his body, down to his thighs and legs, and to his feet before hopping in the tub.

After scrubbing, he let out a sigh and hop in the tub. He sinked down more 'till the water reached his lips. As he sigh, bubbles pop right before his lips, making a bubble sound.

Why am I running away from them? What is it that I want to get away from? Those questions roamed in his mind, but he can only answer, I can't remember.

Is it because of Hyori? He asked.

Is it because of them? He asked again.

Is it because I'm afraid to get hurt more? He asked again. Maybe that.

Years. Years of suffering since childhood. And it took him years to recover. and now, he's suffering again. From what? He asked. I suffered because of Mom's death. He said to himself, closing his eyes as he pulled his knees close to him under the water. I suffered because of Masaya's abusive kind.

Now, I'm suffering from what? He asked again. A sudden painful throb he felt in his chest. Jealousy? Anger? I don't know. But it was also my fault. I took the blame instead of defending myself. But maybe because I also deserved to get blamed on.

Am I okay? He asked again. He sinked down more and more and he got back up, his hair and lashes wet. No. Maybe not. He answered. It feels like the whole space in the bathroom was filled with his previous and current questions. Confusion filling in the air. The feeling of not sure spread in his body.

"Hinata, are you okay there?" The faint voice of Yachi blurted out from behind the bathroom's door. Her voice blurry yet clear ?

Am I? He asked again. He pulled his knees more closer to him, wiping his wet face with his wet hands, sliding his hair back softly. No. Not even close to peachy.

short chapter. I'm so sorry.

To be continued . . .

thank you for reading

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