special extra.

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Loud music. Loud music everywhere. Colorful lights circling the crowd coming from the ceiling. The crowd's jumping with excitement, grinding at each other, but it soon died down.

Literally, the lights, the music, everything went silent. Some are confused, their faces giving the other's confused expression, while the regulars, screamed more louder.

" Ayeeee he's here!"

" Shake that ass, Baby!"

" What's happening?" A bicolor haired male asked, his blond hair pushed back, his undercut revealing his brown natural hair color.

" You've been busy getting laid around you forgot to come here." An owl-head said, taking a sip of his Cognag.

" There's this new kid who danced stripper last week. Damn he's packing, can't wait to pounce him." The rooster-head said, taking a sip of his beer before adding, " I might as well fall in love with him. He looks pretty sweet."

Suddenly, a familiar audio came out of nowhere, getting most of the people excited.

" Somebody come get herr, she's dancing like a stripper~"

Suddenly, the light from the stage turned on, a boy standing there, facing his back to the crowd. His orange hair perfectly free, wearing an over-sized white polo, a black booty shorts which is barely visible since it's getting covered by his polo.

As soon as a familiar song played, he swayed his hips, the crowd changing bit of the lyric.

" !! Somebody Come Get Him !! He's Dancing Like A Stripper !!"

the crowd sang, pointing at the ginger who's rolling his body, yet to face them.

He twirl around, coming to the other side of the pole, bending down, rolling his body up, and he turn his head with a quick turn, his hair bouncing as he dance on the stage.

There, Terushima was stunned. That's what he get for not coming to the club more often.

" Get it baby!" Kuroo shouted from their seat, Bokuto doing the same, " Sway your hips more! Give us a good view! —- let me see the cake. " Bokuto shouted, adding his last statement while walking to the front.

He's. Perfect. Terushima said in his mind. His eyes scanning from the ginger's boots, his perfect legs, perfect thighs, his fat ass cake, his small waist which he saw when his polo bounced up, revealing his fair white skin and perfect body. Last but not the least, his perfect face. His small face, cute pointy nose, big amber-color eyes, thick lashes, his hair swaying with the beat. I mean they're not far from the stage, it's probably Kuroo and Bokuto who purposely pick that seat to get a good view of the stage.

After that, the crowd got more and more wild, excited to see the ginger coming off the stage, Terushima being one of them. Searching through the crowd, he saw the ginger dancing with Kuroo, the rooster-head grinding his lower region on the ginger's lower back.

Then, Kuroo saw him, he turn to the ginger, telling him something while pointing at the bicolor male. The ginger turn to him, waving his small hand. Terushima make his way to them.

" Here, Chibi-chan, is Terushima Yuji, one of my best friends. He's a regular here but he slacked off and just came back." Kuroo said, making the other two laugh, " Hinata Shoyo. Nice to meet you here, regular." Shoyo greeted in a teasing tone.

" You heard my name." Terushima said.

" So Chibi-chan, Imma leave Terushima in yours hands. I'll just find Koutaro. 'Later!" and he vanished, yelling through the crowd, " Bokubro! Bokubro mah dude where you at! Bokubro!"

" So, regular, why slacking off?"

Through the night, they talk and talk, grinding on one another, dancing with the crowd, feeling the music, interacting with the other people.

And that's how Terushima found the love of his life.

Special Chapter : The New Kid

Thank you for reading !!
- Hwe-yi

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