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[you guys will hate me for this chapter and the next one. I'm sorry. But I just felt the need to do it. For what? I don't know. But I'm sorry. I sincerely apologize.]

Cold. The cold air woke the ginger up from his sleep. He groaned softly, gently rubbing his eyes. His hazel eyes opened slightly, having a blurred vision. He rubbed his eyes again to get a clearer view. Slowly, he sat up from the bed, his back against the big and fluffy pillow he had his head on earlier.

Slowly, he looked around. Where am I? he asked to himself. The room was painted clean grey, not small but also not too big, a simple table and chair set up at the right side of the room, while a clothes rack at the left side.

But even so he did looked around, the room's unfamiliar to him.

While still wondering where he is, a noise blurted from outside the room. An open and close sound followed by footsteps. Curiously, Shoyo got out of the bed and peeked behind the door. Not even completely peeking out, he froze.

Oikawa let out a sigh and took off his hat and face mask. He took off his grey jacket and dropped it on the arm rest of the sofa. He proceeds to take out the things he bought out of the plastic bag.

Toru . . . is this his apartment? why am I here? He asked to himself. Soon, what happened yesterday flood in his mind. Is he . . . going to lock me up here? He panicked, unconsciously hitting the door, it made a creak sound that catches the taller male's attention.

Not looking behind, Oikawa spoke, " Come out there, Hinata."

Scared of what he might do to him, he walked out of the room with trembling legs and stood there, waiting for Oikawa to say something.

After taking out the milk, Oikawa turned his head to him, " Why are you standing there? Come sit here." Oikawa said, slightly nodding his head towards the table not far from him and turn back to what he was doing.

Slowly, Shoyo walked towards the table, sitting on one of the chairs.

The taller male didn't say anything, neither did he. They both stay there in complete silence. Shoyo silently watched the man. His arms moving around, chopping the meat he just bought, while his other hand turning the stove on.

Enough of his arms, his eyes trailed to his face. The face he saw crying yesterday was now just peaceful. His eyes focus on chopping the meat and other vegetable. His eyes then shift to his large, veiny hands. Those hands that was just gripping his wrists, those hands that gripped his waist was now holding the chef's knife and the meat.

" Hinata," He flinched, snapping his head to the man, " Y-Yes?"

Toru was expecting this so he didn't put much attention to it, " You go take a shower. The food will be serve in an hour so take your time in the bathroom." Toru said, turning back in front.

" O-Okay . ." Shoyo said in a hush tone, slowly standing up with his legs still trembling, " The bathroom's just right there. I'll just leave the clothes and towel in the sink." seeing the door Toru was pointing at, he quickly rushed inside, almost tripping.

He closed the door behind and slid down. Why is he so calm? what is he up to? he asked to himself. Shaking the thought off, he stood up back again. The bathroom's pretty simple and clean. He thought Oikawa was not the type to clean. But even the tiles are shining under him.

He anxiously took off the clothes his wearing. He just realized that he was wearing Oikawa's Aoba Johsai jersey. He placed it on the sink along with the shorts and hopped in the shower.

He changed the temperature from cold to warm before turning on the shower. The warm droplets of water hit his skin, the warm heat causing the shower glass to moisten. It didn't take long for him to finish. Peeking out of the glass door, just what Oikawa said, he left the clothes and the towel in the clean dry sink.

Tip-toeing, he sprinted, grabbed the towel and covered his body. He glanced at the clothes, unfolding it with one hand. Eh? . . . This . .

" Oh? Toru? what are you doing here? it's already 10 pm." Shoyo stepped aside, letting the captain enter.

" Yeah well . . I can't sleep. ehe . . hehe." Oikawa laughed embarrassedly, scratching the back of his head as he entered the room.

" So you come here to sleep?" Shoyo chuckled and walked back in, leaving the taller male to close the door, " Atsumu's not here so you can use his bed."

" Yeah . . that." Shoyo turned back to him, " Is there something wrong?"

" You seriously . . ." Shoyo leaned against the doorway of the changing room, looking at the taller male amusingly, " Why are you wearing that?"

Toru stood there wearing Shoyo's red t shirt. Toru noticed all of Shoyo's t shirts are huge and 3x bigger than his size. He wonder where he got those but putting the thought aside, he also wanted to put his shirt on.

" 'Cause I want to." Oikawa hummed in satisfaction, looking at himself in the mirror. He sniffed the fabric, smelling the same sweet scent he always smelled from Shoyo.

Suddenly, a pair of small arms snake around his torso. He turned, hugging the redhead back, lifting him up by his thighs, " Let's go to sleep."

After that day, Toru left with his shirt. And he never gave it back.

'Till now. Shoyo sighed, lifting the red shirt up, his eyes lingering. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, " Hinata?" Toru's voice came from the other side of the door.

" I-I'll be there!" he stuttered out, almost dropping the shirt. Not even seconds when Toru walked away.

Coming out of the bathroom, Shoyo quickly turned to look at the brown-haired boy, seeing him sitting in front of the table waiting for him. He hesitated to walk, but he plod towards him, slowly sitting in front of the brown-haired where the food was served.

His heart's pounding rapidly while waiting for the older male to pick up his chopsticks. The air's really heavy, it's hard to breath. What's more, Toru's sitting directly in front of him, calmly picking up his chopsticks and started eating for the younger to also eat.

They sat there in complete heavy silence. Shoyo taking quick glances at the taller male, who's weirdly comfortable while eating there.

After eating, Toru took the ginger's plate without words. While washing the plate, Toru called, " Hinata."

Scared, Shoyo stuttered out, " T-Toru . . ."

" About last night. You can do what you need to do." Toru said, not looking back.

Shoyo knew about last night. I can do what I need to do, what do you mean?

" W-What do you m-mean I can do what I-I need to do . . ?" the ginger asked, his voice still trembling.

Toru stopped and tilt his head to him, " Call the police. Get a lawyer. Put me in jail. Do it." He said, a warm smile on his thin pale lips and went back to washing the plates.

To be continued . . .

thank you for reading

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