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It's finally Monday. And the day of their practice match. While arranging the chairs and the scoreboard, Kiyoko notice her girlfriend staring into space, unconsciously putting the chair in the wrong place. Worried, Kiyoko walked up to her and tapped her shoulder, " Hitoka? Are you okay?"

Yachi flinched, " Yes --- No!"

Yes, No?  Kiyoko said silently to herself. Still not convinced, " Really, what's wrong? Do you feel sick? Are you hurt somewhere?" She asked, her voice screamed worry. Yachi sighed, her face all sad and a hint of unwillingness in her eyes. Just when she's about to speak, Ukai called the two of them, " Kiyoko, Yachi!, Can you come here for sec? We have something to say to you."

The two managers walk towards them, stopping in front of the two elders, " Is there a problem?"

" Before I tell you, can you promise me to not tell the team about this?" Ukai asked, his voice pleading a bit, while his arms crossed. Not knowing what to say, they both nodded. Takeda let out a sad sigh, pushing his glasses up lightly and clasped his hands together after, " H--

While changing, Asahi shiverred, " Haa . . . the air's suddenly cold and gloomy." he said, putting his jersey over his head and pulling it down. Sugawara did the same, " Now that you said it, I feel like everything's heavy." he said, lightly rubbing his arms.

" Are you cold, Sugawara-senpai? I can get your jacket." Hyori suddenly popped beside him, tilting her head, thinking that she looked cute doing that. Sugawara lightly shook his head, " No no it's fine. You go help the others." Hyori nodded her head and went back on what she's doing.

" She's so kind. I wish I have a sister like her." Asahi cooed, his eyes animatedly closing gently while smiling, " I know right. " Sugawara added.

" Oh! CHUI-CHAN!" All their head snapped to where the voice came from. They saw Shoyo jump on a black-haired boy, his small arms wrapping around the boy's neck as the boy stumbled back but he quickly kept his balance and hugged the ginger back, swinging him around. Everyone in the gym, including the newcomers, was either taken aback or shocked by the scene. Except for the two elders, Yachi and Kiyoko looked sad, Shoyo, the black-haired boy whom he called ' Chui-chan', and the peach-haired boy who's asking for a hug from the ginger.

" That's him." From where he's standing, Tsukishima turned his head to Ukai, who's standing not far from him, after hearing his distinct mumbles.

" Thank you for having us!" The Kirisaki Jakkaru team shouted, bowing a bit, while Shoyo and the two boys are still playing around. Much that it irritates Shoyo's boyfriends.

Tanaka was about to throw hands when Daichi shouted, stuttering a bit, " E-Everyone, line up!"

Nishinoya patted the bald-head's back, " We'll do that later." He whispered, walking ahead to line up. Tanaka clicked his tongue and followed him shortly, making sure he's beside the ginger who's standing beside Kageyama and is standing in front of the peach-haired boy, who winked at the ginger. Haa . . . this is getting on my nerves. Tsukishima said in his mind, irittated after seeing the peach haired boy wink at his Hinata.

" Let's have a good game!" the two teams shouted, gladly having the other, and bowed.

" Rui! LEFT!" Eichuiro shouted, running front and to the net. With a swift move, Rui tossed the ball in a long-ranged toss, the ball perfectly spinning in the air as it makes it's way to the left side of the net. Jumping high, Eichuiro spiked the ball down. That's the final point. Kirisaki Jakkaru won the final set.

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