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All of them were on guard, and sat and stood near the redhead. Though he wanted to escape, there's no way to go. They've been up in the air for 6 hours now, and Shoyo couldn't get to sleep. Natsu's image roamed around his mind, the image of her getting hurt made him tear up every now and then.

" Not her." Shoyo muttered, covering his mouth with both of his hands, trying to keep his sobs and sniffs to himself while shaking his head sideways slowly, " Just not her."

Suddenly, Alpha sat in front of him, dangling a drink in his hand, " Oh. I thought you were asleep."

Shoyo's tearful eyes glowered at the man, " What do you want?"

" Woah. Easy, little crow." He crossed his legs and placed his drink on the arm rest of his seat, " I just noticed you're still wearing your school uniform."

Shoyo wiped his tears while still glaring at him, " Just what do you want?"

" Hanato-san wants to see you looking presentable. So he prepared a suit for you."

It took Alpha 10 ways on how to persuade the ginger to get him to change into the suit Masaya chose for him. And it's been 30 minutes since the ginger head went inside the restroom.

Just then, the door opened, and Shoyo came out wearing the suit with his uniform hanging on his forearm. Masaya quiet got the taste for clothes. He chose a plain black long-sleeves polo. Nude-color necktie, and vest and pants with the corresponding color. And black patent dress shoes.

[ the image's more pretty than the way I described it. The difference is, he's not actually smiling and also not holding a flower. ]

Alpha's eyes widen, glasses almost falling, " So beautiful."

" Indeed so beautiful. Like a born aristocrat. Very alluring. Your beauty's indescribable, Hinata Shoyo. Like a black crow mysteriously turned into a white crow." Alpha stared at him in utter amazement, a chuckle escaping his lips, " Hanato-san sure speak no lie. You're made of natural beauty."

It doesn't sound like a compliment coming from Alpha, but more like a harassment through words. And it's making the redhead extremely uncomfortable. Shoyo kept quiet while the man ' compliment ' him. He averted his eyes and just stared at the prevailing darkness outside the plane.

What's Natsu's doing right now? Is she okay? Are they at least feeding her there? Shoyo sighed, massaging his temples. Don't let them hurt her. Please, God.

Scenarios of Natsu getting hurt outpoured around me. Not just her. But also the images of my love ones. But I can't do anything. What's this feeling? I'm paralyze as I fall deep into the darkness, fast and hasty.

I'm wearing the same suit that man made me wear. The same vest. The same necktie. The same shoes. The same pants. But the feeling of not being me is what's bothering me as I fall deep.

And Shoyo jolted awake, instantly looking around only to find himself still sitting in his seat inside the plane. His legs were numb from sitting in the same position while he slept. He put his palm on his forehead, the headache dying down a bit.

" Are you awake, peacock? We'll land in 30 minutes so get ready. Just leave your clothes there. No one's gonna steal it." said Alpha who came out of nowhere.

As much as he wants to not listen to the man, he sighed and placed his uniform on the armrest. He massaged his numb legs gently though his legs can't feel his hand. What time is it?

" It's already 4:30 am." As if reading his mind, Alpha replied to his unspoken question, " Change of time zone."

So we're here. Shoyo turned his head towards the window and looked outside. It's dawn and the sun's just about to rise, but he can already see the transportation moving even from above, street lights that looked like beads of gems, and tall buildings that looked like small houses from above. Los Angeles, California.

" We flew long and far." Alpha spoke, turning his head towards the redhead, " Be sure to look pleasant after we leave this plane. You don't know how much Hanato missed you two." Alpha cooed, voice sweetly atrocious it made Shoyo's stomach turn.

The redhead clasped both his hands together, and prayed for his sister's safety.

" Welcome to Los Angeles, sweetie. Brings back memories, right?"

The men made sure no one sees the redhead as they made their way out of the airport and to the parking lot, where he saw several black cars parked in one place.

" You are coming with me, peacock." Alpha said, gesturing the redhead to follow him to the very last car.

Will he stop calling me that? Shoyo frowned annoyed, and followed the man. He opened the door of the back seat on his own, for what he don't need a ' gentleman ' doing it for him. Alpha was not even surprised and went to the other side of the car, and sat on the driver's seat. He started the engine and glanced at the rear view, where he saw Shoyo looking outside with such troubled look, " Let's go see the dead man."

[ sorry for the short chapter!! ]

To be continued . . .

thank you for reading

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