twenty point one.

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[ just a reminder : when oikawa and shoyo did it, shoyo still want to be away from them for a bit. because of what happened. but now, he made up his mind, and decided to start warming up to each and every one of them. so this chapter is completely different from oikawa.]

Tadashi grunts, " U—-Agh . ."

Shoyo flinched, putting the cotton away from Tadashi's lips, " S-Sorry. Did it hurt?" he asked, but Yamaguchi shook his head. Shoyo nodded slightly and continued to treat his wounds. Uncomfortable with the silence, Shoyo blurted out, sitting closer to the green-haired to get a closer view of his wounded lips, " You know, you shouldn't just kiss me like that. Learn consent! Consent's a turn on!"

Hearing him suddenly blurting out, Tadashi blushed madly in embarrassment, " Stop reminding me that." he said, wincing a bit when his lips suddenly touched the cotton with alcohol.

Shoyo laughed, " But consent's still a turn on." he said, leaning his face closer towards Tadashi's to get a more clear view of his bruised lips, " and stop moving."

Tadashi sat still, but his eyes kept moving, staring at the pretty tangerine sitting in front of him. Like he's sinking in his own world, he sat in daze. Those hazel eyes, warm and dynamic that got him mesmerized with just one look. That oh so soft and plump pink lips. I kissed that earlier? He can't believe he kissed those juicy lips not long ago. And that smooth fair skin, extremely healthy and alive. And he wonder what more does Shoyo have under those clothes.

He was too in daze that he didn't hear what Shoyo was saying, " . . and that's why consent's . ." his voice trailed off seeing how closer Tadashi is getting.

" A turn on." Tadashi said breathily, his warm breath hitting Shoyo's lips. Shoyo sit still, while Tadashi lean forward, his fingers moving Shoyo's face up by his chin. But he stopped, his lips one inch close to Shoyo's.

Tadashi looked at his eyes, his green enchanted eyes meeting the ginger's warm hazel ones, " Can I?"

He felt goosebumps creeping up his skin, almost dropping the cotton he's holding. He gulped, trying to keep himself calm. Tadashi's hopeful eyes saddened. He leaned back, " Sorry. I got carried away. You're too beautiful I got lost—-

ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ : sᴍᴜᴛ ᴀʜᴇᴀᴅ
[ Yamaguchi Tadashi's out of character in this chapter. And also Shoyo. But I hope you enjoy the chapter.]

He was cut off when he felt a pair of soft lips on his, tongue swirling smoothly, connecting them. His eyes widen, while Shoyo's eyes shut close. Melting into him, slowly he closed his eyes, kissing back. Tadashi leaned back, pulling the ginger up and claimed his lips again, wrapping his long arms around the ginger, picking him up, wrapping his slender legs around his waist. While Shoyo wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him closer more.

Tadashi broke the kiss, looking at the ginger's hazel eyes once again, a question rolling out his tongue, " Can I?"

Shoyo looked at him with half-lidded eyes, quite upset that Tadashi suddenly broke the kiss. He glared at the second year, " Stop breaking the kiss like that. It's a turn off."

He's so cute. Tadashi thought to himself, and yet again, he claimed the ginger's lips. Slowly, he carried him to the bed [ They're in the infirmary btw.] and laid him there. He got on top of him, making sure to not break off the kiss, not wanting to upset the ginger.

With one arm under the ginger's head, his left hand slid under the ginger's hoodie, slowly taking it off, leaving the ginger with only his shirt. Tadashi got a bit irritated and broke off the kiss yet again, " Why are you still wearing a shirt under a hoodie?"

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