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Squeaking sound of shoes, volleyballs bouncing noises, mixed with all of the players' voices filled the gym.

" Ah my shoulder hurts." Kenma muttered, which Shoyo, beside him, heard.

" Want me to massage them?" Shoyo asked, which caught the pudding head off guard, " Y-You don't have to, Shoyo."

" Nah, I insist! Where does it hurt?" Shoyo asked again, standing up and walking behind Kenma. Kenma blushed a bit, tapping the area between his neck and shoulder. Just by Shoyo placing his hands on his skin made him flushed. Pressing his thumbs up, Shoyo's hands moved gently.

Kenma's trying to hold his moans and he successfully did. Even though, the scene caught everyone's attention. Looking at Shoyo who skillfully move his hands made them want him more. Looking from Shoyo to the pudding head, their face twitched. That sneaky cat.

Noticing Kenma flinching a bit, Shoyo asked, " D-Does it hurt, Kenma?" Kenma could only shake his head sideways, not wanting to worry the ginger, because what he's feeling right now is the exact opposite.

I feel like I'm in heaven, Shoyo. Kenma said in his mind, feeling the small hands trying its best to massage him.

Noticing Shoyo shaking his hands every second, Kenma spoke, instant regret mixing with his voice, " You can stop now, Shoyo. I feel a lot better." Shoyo asked him if he's sure, he just nodded his head.

Shoyo went back to his seat beside Kenma. Before he could even sit, the others dash in front of him, " Can you massage me too?" They all asked at one, in unison, shocking the redhead.

" Noooo~ Shoyo-nii is mine!" Natsu whined and hug her big brother's leg. Shoyo picked her up and planted a kiss on her chubby cheeks.

Some of them stared in awe, while some of them bickered with the little redhead, telling her that Shoyo is theirs, obviously teasing and pissing the redhead child off. She stuck out her tongue and nuzzled her big brother's neck.

" Everyone, get back to practice!" Ukai shouted, which the others quickly obeyed, not wanting to run laps around the gym. Going back to practice, they grabbed a ball and continue their match, a bit upset that they can't get the ginger to massage them. Guilty, Shoyo sigh, shouting for the others to hear, " Uhm whoever wins the game will—-" he didn't get to finish his sentence when both teams cheered loudly, knowing what he's about to say. The game between Fukurodani and Nekoma began.

After the match, cause I'm a lazy ass, ended, Fukurodani winning the game 25 while Nekoma lose the game 24. It was an intense and close match. Excitedly yet tiredly, Bokuto sat on the floor and between Shoyo's legs, his head resting on the ginger's thigh. Shoyo blushed a bit, the owl-head's hair tickling his skin, " Wh-Where does it hurt, Bokuto-san?"

" My head." Bokuto replied, getting comfy in his position right now. The others felt jealous as they stare at the owl-head dozing in between Shoyo's legs. Especially his best friend, Akaashi. They did agree with having Shoyo together, but seeing him comfortably sitting there, very close to Shoyo, just made him want to burst. And just when he saw Bokuto, planting small kisses on Shoyo's inner thigh right in front of them, teasing the redhead, he walk out.

After seconds, the owl-head fell asleep from the ginger's gentle massage. After Konoha, the others said that he don't need to do it to them since they don't want his beautiful hands to hurt.

After some time, it's finally time for lunch. The others raced to the dining hall, Shoyo was the last to walk out of the gym. Heading to the dining hall, he was pulled aside and in a room.

Scared, he dash to the door, but the person was quick enough to grab his hand, pulling him into his arms. The ginger tried to push him off, but soon stop when he heard the person's voice, " Sorry to scare you. I just want to talk."

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