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" Chance ball!" Tanak shouted, receiving the ball, passing it to Kageyama, " Kageyama!"

" Give it to me!" Shoyo yelled, running from the other side of the net. He leaped up, raising his right arm as his eyes lingering on the ball coming his way. In a split second, the ball was spiked down.

" Everyone! Stop practicing and gather around!" Ukai's voice echoed inside the gym, catching all of their attention. They all gathered in front of the coach, " Is there something wrong?"

" Nothing's wrong. I got some news. A new volleyball team, Kirisaki Jakkaru Gakuen invited us to a practice match and will be held next week Monday. They watched our game with Aoba Johsai and requested to have a practice match which we gladly agreed to."

" Are they strong?" Tanaka asked curiously.

" Yes. They got fifth place in nationals last year and is participating again this year. But putting that aside, I hope all of you will start preparing for the game . . " Ukai trailed off when Takeda tapped his shoulder.

" Right, I almost forgot. Thank you, sensei. We will be having another manager." The others vociferate, asking the coach some questions about the new manager.

Before Ukai could even answer their questions, the gym's door opened. All of them turn their heads towards the door and froze when they saw who the person is.

" H-Hyori-san?"

Except the Hinata siblings, the second-years trio, and the managers, they all rush to her, asking her how she's doing, " I'm doing fine!" She said cheerfully.

" Uhm h-how's your lips?" Nishinoya asked. Hyori caressed her lips and answered, " It's fine now. It's stings a bit when I touch it but I'm fine."

Remembering the incident, Hyori asked, " Where's Hinata-senpai?" They turn their heads to where the ginger is, found him standing in front of Ukai, cheerfully talking to the coach like he's excited about something.

" Hyori-san, sorry for what Hinata did to you. I'm sure he didn't mean it." Sugawara said.

" It's fine. I just wanted to get close to all of you since I don't have that much friends but looks like Hinata-senpai didn't like the idea." Hyori said, trying to sound pitiful to the others.

" Don't worry, Hyori-san. We'll make sure that that won't happen again." Daichi said, his voice assuring the new girl about it. Hyori could only smile in return but deep inside, she felt really satisfied and victorious.

" Uhm Takeda-sensei . I don't want to sound rude but why are we not informed about having a new manager?" Kiyoko asked, Yachi nodding behind her in agreement.

" Sorry about that. It's actually sudden. It's her first day here and I find it pretty weird for her to join quickly. Sorry for not informing you." Takeda said, scratching the back of his head.

Kiyoko shook her head, " No, it's fine. It's just that the thought of having another manager never crossed my mind." She said and looked at the group not far from them. Her eyes then shift to Shoyo, who's just looking at the crowd and back again on his phone, his fingers moving quickly as if he's chatting with someone hurriedly, a small smile creeping up on his lips.

During the morning practice, while observing, Kiyoko noticed Hyori not doing what she told her to do. She just kept on cheering for the team instead of doing her role as a new manager. She tried calling her only for her to be ignored. As if Hyori's purposely doing it, cutting her off by cheering louder that her voice is ringing inside the gym. She also noticed Shoyo looks so down whenever his teammates are talking to Hyori. She also noticed that whenever he tried asking some questions, Hyori would call them just in time when he's about to ask. Instead of asking, he shrugged it off and went back on what he's doing.

I should take a break for now. Shoyo said in his mind, looking at the others from where he is. I'll take a break from them. It's obvious they looked tired of me.

" Hinata-kun, is there something wrong?" Shoyo flinched, looking up to Kiyoko who's looking down to him. He smiled at her and nodded his head, " Nothing's wrong."

" You looked upset while playing earlier. I just noticed." He froze and slowly, he turn hsu head towards the direction of where the others are surrounding the girl.

" I-It's nothing. I just wanted to take a break since I'm pretty tired." Shoyo said. Kiyoko could only nod her head, not knowing that it has another meaning.

This continues. On and on and on. That it's slowly breaking the ginger head. Feeling so upset that whenever she's around, their attitudes change. Just because of that one incident. They thought that Shoyo's a gentle kid, a kind person. When he's just actually a fragile boy. He's just a boy who's breakable and is trying to keep himself together. It hurts him to see them happy with her.

" Kageya—-

" Kageyama-senpai! Can we go to Ukai-kun's shop?"

Shoyo look at the both of them, trying to keep his happy-go-luck aura. He just put on a small smile and went back to his seat.

" Yamaguchi, can you—-

" Yamaguchi-senpai, can you study with me for this week's quiz?"

. . . Never mind. The ginger head turn around and walk the opposite way.

Every time, she's always there. It's creeping him out. It's so upsetting. It's every minute, they're drifting away from them. The thought of having second thoughts about the incident never crossed their minds. They're too focused on trying to avoid that incident to happen again but what's happening is they're avoiding the ginger. Instead of trying to figure out what happened, what's happening is they're like acting the incident never happened.

I'm tired, Shoyo panted, lying on the ground after spiking volleyballs alone. Yes. He's been practicing alone. Kageyama refused practicing with him for some personal reason, he said.

Every time Hyori-san's with them, they suddenly changed their attitudes. He said to himself, replaying every moment of him seeing Hyori popping out of nowhere. Is it really my fault? He asked to himself.

Should I stop? Should I stop trying to get close to them again? He asked to himself.

Maybe this time. I should, He sigh and closed his eyes, taking slow and deep breaths, Maybe I should stop and focus on myself too. For now.

To be continued . . .

𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤

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