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┌───────────────┐THIRD PERSONS└───────────────┘

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Like a cat, Shoyo yawned while his head is leaning on Tanaka's shoulder while Natsu is playing with his phone beside him. They are headed to school and Saeko said that she would take them there.

" So. Ryuu? " Saeko started while glancing at the rear-view mirror. Tanaka responded with a 'hm' while looking outside the window.

" Do you have a crush on that sweet sunshine? " Tanaka choked on air.

" Why are you s-suddenly asking me that? " Tanaka asked while blushing madly.

" Cause why not? Duh. " and they bicker. Nishinoya joined in and told him that may the best man win.

Tanaka is bi and so is Nishinoya. They are both head over heels for Kiyoko but they can't ignore this giddy feeling when they are both around the little sunshine.

They all finally arrived after some turns. They bid their farewells and walk to where the others are waiting. From afar, they saw their bus and their teammates waiting outside.

" Sorry we're late! " Tanaka said while giving a wave to them. Now that they're complete, they get inside the bus and settle down. Shoyo sat beside Tobio with Natsu in his arms. She fell asleep while playing with her brother's phone and wouldn't let go of her brother.

While placing his jacket on Natsu, Shoyo look up when he noticed that the bus went silent. The others are looking at him with curious eyes.

" Guys, you good?" He asked. They quickly turn back front after muttering a small 'yeah' with their face beet red. They just a saw a whole new side of him. Shoyo's a very childish and energetic kid in school but when they saw how he look at his sister with lovely eyes, he's like a mother taking care of her child.

The ride to Nagoya was all fun and games. Tanaka and Nishinoya challenged the Hinata siblings to play a mobile game.

Things went unexpectedly. They did 10 rounds ranked and classic game but the two second-years lost 9 rounds with the Hinata's winning MVP. The only round the Hinata's lost is the 10th game cause of his phone lagging.

The others again saw a new side of the ginger. First is his childish side, second is his motherly side, and third is his gamer side. The others , even Kei, was amazed at the two redhead's game play. Their fingers skillfully moving the controls, gaining golds and kills. They even wonder what else can Shoyo do with his fingers.

The thought just brought them dirty thoughts which they quickly disapproved. The can't risk having Shoyo's innocence taken away. Not for now. He still has a bright future ahead of him and they won't teach him the ' Adult Things' until he graduates.

The two second-years challenge them again to play with them and if they win the first round, they will do what the other party will say. The same goes to the other party.

They stop at a gas station for the bus the rest for a bit and for the others to buy food or go to the rest room.

" If you want do take dump or buy food, go ahead." Ukai said while lighting up his cig outside the bus. The others obey and hopped out the bus.

short chapter. I am very sorry.

thank you for reading.
- yours truly

- yours truly

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