Day 49, Muse

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"Wish you were here-Avril Lavigne."

When I stop asking for your attention
I don't get excited anymore.
When I decide to not waiting for your small gestures
I don't seek for anything new.
I live till the midnight knowing that my next days won't be any different from today.
Since then I don't feel like talking, my voice aren't there for anyone to listen.
I keep things inside
Then one day I found that I keep losing my words.
Bad at expressing.
This won't last.
You won't look for me.
Till now, you've no idea what had happen.
You don't realise and it doesn't matter.
'I wish you are here."
But I can't.
I will slowly walk on my way
I'll be stronger without you
It takes time
Because for me
You are my Muse.

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