Chapter 2 (smut)

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-No one POV-
It was the day after graduation that the volleyball club would hold a farewell meeting for the 3rd years so it was in the afternoon that everyone decided to play games while eating barbeque. Komi said " Hey lets play truth or dare!!!" And everyone except akaashi agreed . When bokuto heard akaashi wouldn't join he instantly went into Emo mode and the "Emo Corner where he was mumbling things about akaashi. Akaashi sighed at the sight and finnaly said " Fine I'll join but when he tried to stand up from the bench a sharp pain from his ass and back and legs shot up and he fell to the ground. Everyone surrounded akaashi and asked what's wrong and akaashi just brushed it off and limped his way to the circle, but before the game started he shouted "BOKUTO KOUTARO" Everyone flinched at this especially bokuto who shrieked like a 5 year old girl who slowly turned around and said "Y-yes a-akaashi?" And akaashi lowered his voice a Little with a smile but it looked like the smile of a devil" come here and play with me or i will punish you for doing something yesterday and goin Emo today!!!" Bokuto quickly ran to the circle and sat and started shaking uncontrollably and the games started. Komi asked first to Bokuto with a grin "Truth or dare" and Bokuto was brave so he said "Dare!" So loudly that akaashi glared into him until he was silent, and komi told him " heheheheh i dare you to plau the Pocky game with akaashi" everyone froze at this but akaashi pulled out a box of pocky and bokuto asked shocked "w-where did that come from???!" Akaashi replied "Author-san gave it to me" and akaashi quickly stood up but then forgot about the pain and fell face first to the floor and he groaned and sat down but he signaled for bokuto to come closer and put a pocky in his mouth but when bokuto came near akaashi Slammed bokuto down t the floor and hovered over him "N-no plz Agasheee give me mer-" bokuto was stopped by a pocky being inerted in his mouth and he looked up to see akashi slowly getting closes by eating the pocky the sight was so magnificent to the rest of the team they just had mouths agape and gasping and suddenly akaashi finished the pocky and kissed bokuto deeply which turned on bokuto so much he bit akaashi's bottom lip and akaashi moaned a soft moan but enough so bokuto could alip his tounge inside and flip them around now bokuto was on top of Akaashi and kissing them deeply until they broke apart and Konoha said "Get a room you two ewww, and are we just gonna ignore that they kissed with tounges involved??!?!" The whole gym went silent that they swore they could hear a pin be dropped and akaashi slowly got out of bokuto's reach and released some angry pheromones until the whole gym sweat dropped but bokuto saved the day by whispering something into akaashi's ear and akaashi suddenly went crimson red and looked away and said "Just continue the game will ya"
They continued the game until washio asked akaashi "Truth or dare" and akaashi said "Truth please" and bokuto silently said "boring...." But akashi heard that and glared daggers to bokuto and smiled like a demon , if looks could kill bokuto would be dead. but washio continued and asked to akaashi "Are you a virgin?" The whole gym went silent and froze but washio said "What?? I wanted to know"( idk how he acts only know about bokuto and akaashi) and akaashi replied with a simple "No im not a virgin" which made the whole gym freeze again and could only ear the breeze of the wind but bokuto being the brave and non-filtered mouth he is he exclaimed " Whaat~ Agaasheeee i thought you would only lose your virginity to me *sniffle*" but Akaashi just sighed and face palmed and said "I did lose my fking virginity to you fricking brick" then everybody just gasped . While akaashi said "How could you forget last night when we first did It when i had my first heat" he releassed so e sad pheromones and bokuto took notice and said "hmmm maybe i was DruuuNNK?" He released some calming pheromones so akaashi could calm down.

Flashback to last night

"AGASHEEE *HIC* I LOVE YOU S*HIC*O MUCH THAT I *HIC* WANNA DEVOUR YOU AND FUCK YOU TILL YOU CANT STAND~~~~" And bokuto suddenly jumoed on akaashi and pinned akaashi's hand above his head and started attacking akaashi's neck "~Ahhhh~ Daddy dont leave marks" "BUT KEIJI I WANNA EAT YOUUUUU~" and bokuto started stripping akaashi and himself until suddenly akaashi grabbed bokuto's boxer and ripped it of him and said "Jesus Christ Daddy its too big , is that a weapon?!??" (Just saying that akaashi is a lot different in bed 😜) "MAY-BE A WWE*HIC* APON FOR YOUR ASS DESTR*HIC*CTION~" (if anyone wondering its like HUMONGOUS like 12" which is 👁️👄👁️) then to akaashi surprised without any warning bokuto Thrusted into akaashi

No lube
No condom
No Preperarion

Akaashi shrieked in pain but also felt that his slick(Self lubricant from inside body of omega's) started leaking which made it easier for bokuto to start making love all night long bokuto kept growling and groani g while akaashi was a moaning mess "~AhhahAhhh Kou Daddy right there nghhh" but bokuto wasnt listening his inner alpha took over and was dominating the omega .. His Omega . This went for 6 hours until it was past midnight at 1 A.M and they both layed on the bed with akaashi's ass full of his alpha's cum and they both were panting and releasing pheromones u till they fell asleep and woke up late to the volleyball farewell party

End of Flashback

The whole gym erupted with question to akaashi and bokuto but they ignored them all and stared into each others eyes . Which was broken by komi by asking "WAIT SO DOES THAT MEAN YOU GUYS ARE A PAIR?!?!"(Pairs are omega and alpha both mated) "Yup"Akaashi said while showing the bite mark on his scent gland (where the scent of the perso. Is the strongest and also bires are of an alpha to an omega to show that they are mated) everyone stared in shock and turned their head to bokuto who was trying to run away but everyone caught him and screamed "how dare you hurt our beautiful setter" " he was so pure" " u shall be punsihed" but everyone froze when they heard panting from behind them woth a smell of an omega in heat they all turned around to see akaashi on the floor panting and saying "A-Alpha .... *Pant * i need you"

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