Chapter 3

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-Fukurodani POV-

They all turned to look back to akaashi panting and calling for bokuto while releasing a lot of pheromones which earned boners from everyone but when they tried to help akaashi Bokuto jumped in front of akaashi and growled at everyone and carried akaashi bridal style to the locker room.

Time skip
No on POV

After an Hour of intense Love making 😜 They came out of the locker room with messy hair and new found hickey's and akaashi in a.... Fukurodani Cheerleader Coatume... All of Fukurodani was horrified of the sounds that akaashi made in the locker room plus he was VERY VERY LOUD and when they came out they were so tired they went to the bench and slept hand in hand .

LONG Time akip

Today is the day where u finnaly propose to akaashi i will do it Bokuto thought Confidently. Me and akaashi has been dating for 5 Years andwe are both out of college and living together and we are financially stable with me working as the boss of the No.1 Company in Japan (Insert company name ) And akaashi as an omega Model and preacher we both are pretty famous and are happy at where we are at. "ARghhh i really want to make pups with akaashi already" He screamed to his best friend Kuroo who is mated to His omega Kenma Kozume "Oya Oya Oya? Cant wait to have pups are wee ~???" Kuroo said while wiggling his eyebrows with that chesire grin. kuroo is bokuto's Best friend and secretary in his office so bokuto likes to talk to him a lot about his problems . Bokuto froze and said " I said that aloud didn't i?" Bokuto blushed and looked away "Don't worry Bokubro your precious Loving husband will give you what you want in the right time" " easy to say when you yourself has 2 pups with kenma HMPH" bokuto exclaimed going to emo mode while giving off some very anxious pheromones "HAHAHAH someone getting Jelly of me and my Omega with pups Ehh~??" "Shut up Kubro im still your boss " bokuto said with his tound out "Yeah yeah BOSS anyways i gotta go to help the pups and kenma at home so ill be taking my leave Bokubro" kuroo said "Uhm Yeah go ahead and take an early leave" . Bokuto feeling dejected so he thought about the proposal and instantly went out of emo mode and started operation : Propose to Agaaaasheee.


Time skip to wedding day

When i saw Him walking down the isle with the most gorgeous white tuxedo i have ever seen and me myself wearing a black one we looked absolutely mathcing and stunning. He got up on the stagr and amiled sweetly at me and then we had to say our Vows "Dear, My one and only Love Bokuto Koutaro you are my only alpha and love and i vow with all of me that i will benthe best househusband and the best omega for you and i swear that i will live you until we are even in heaven , I akaashi Keiji an omego Vow myself to be only with Bokuto Koutaro for the rest of my life"

"To My one and only Omega , I bokuto Koutaro will always love you and make u satisfied everywhere (Especially in bed 👁️👄👁️) and i as an alpha swear and vow that i will protect my one and only agaasheee :) and i vow with every spec of my body that i will always be by your side to help you with everyrhing , i vow that i will only be with akaashi keiji for the rest of my life"

"You may now kiss the groom"

After me and Keiji kissed we partied all night about our marriage and on this fateful day on October 1,6969 (😜)
Marks the day of our lives being tied together. In the wedding party all of our old frie ds where there, Our Fukurodani team , Our Parents ,Karasuno , Aoba Johsai, Nekoma , and a lot of otger teams and friends and family we were so happy until...

-Akaashi POV-
We were having the time of our lives especially me and bokuto we drank so much so i excused myself to go to the bathroom to exhaust myself and change my omegian scent pad i got all finsihed up and went back to Koutaro but i saw shocked me and i screamed so loudly that the whole wedding hall froze "WHAT THE FUCK ARE TOU DOING KOUTARO" everyone looked at koutaro and froze they saw koutaro being kissed by a random girl i dont know and the girl was touching my HUSBAND AND ALPHA in the chest and biceps and once i screamed i stormed out of the hall and i heard koutaro scrwming "Wait Keij-" was all i heard and i looked back to see that bitch kissing him again and i ran faster andhid in the bathroom i was crying and sobbing and screaming "who tf does he think he is kissing someone other than his husband and omega" but then he heard the door open and koutaro saying "keiji i know your in here come out here you know i just vowed to you that i love you forever for ETERNITY i dont even know who that bitch ass hoe is cmon keiji you know i love you with all my heart" once i heard that i slowly opened the door and ran up and hgged my alpha and he hugged me back "S-Sorry i Overreacted because i was so mad when i saw you kissing someone else but i was...." "Jealous" bokuto finshed my sentence and i looked up at him and pulled his collar down forcefully while releasing some pheromones so he can know that i love him back too. "Keiji lets go back shall we , you can go back and tell her to back away and you know kick her out HEY HEY HEY maybe even ill give you an extra prize on our honeymoon if you go back ;)" so i looked up and said " Lets go Kou " i said while smiling.

Once i returned someone called out to my Alpha "Koutaro Daddy lets have some fun~" i looked to where the voice was coming from and saw an ugly ass bitch the one who kissed koutaro running up to him but before she could reach i stepped in front of her and she stopped and looked at me from head to toe "Who are you ? Goin between me and my alpha husband " she said in a sassy tone while trying to show of her boobs "I am koutaro's fking omega and husband and i demand you to back away and i will send you to jail for touching my alpha you whore " she looked at me then an koutaro then she laughed " Hahahah you and MY koutarou he isnt even gay he would never lo-" the hall was filled with a loud slap sound and the next thing i knew was that that girl was on the ground clutching her cheek and shouting " What the hell u will get swnt to jail" and akaashi scoffed and said " this ia my wedding my alpha my husband gwt the hell out of our perfect lives"i said while calling police and guards while emitting a jealous and angry pheromones , but i soon stopped when i smelled the calming pheromones of koutaro and turned around and i looked at koutaro who was on the verge of crying and looking at me Sniffling "Keiji u would do all that for me " he said while snuffling " Oh you big baby c'mere" i said while extending my arms then he jumped and pounced me and he beat hugged me while we were on the floor everyone cheered and whistled and kept saying "Get a room" And i knew that i would be the happiest omega in the world

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