Chapter 9 (little smut)

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( What akaashi sees cuz of horny hormones)

-Bokuto POV-

*On call* "Hey Kubro"
"yeah Bokubro?"
"Turns out akaashi is pregnant with triplets !"
"Oya oya oya? Maybe u dont need that long to catch up with out pups after all ~"
"I know right im so happy but the problem is that everything like the hromones ,the size of his belly and the ptegnancy is tripled Except the pregnancy is only one yeah heheh"
"Now listen here if u dont take care of akaashi u do not want to see him with triple the anger oh ya and i also need to tell you that you have a press conference regarding your husbands pregnancy"
"Whaat?! Man i wanted to take the day of ugh fine , uhm btw can you give me some info about the stages of pregnancy?"
"sure bro the first 3 months 4 in your case they will have MASSIVE mood swings and they are very horny so its better to give them your dick in time to time but no anal , secondly for the second stage 5-8 months they will become less moody and more calm but their belly will start getting bigger they will also beat them self up saying bad things about them, and lastly in the 3rd stage they almost cant walk but with triplets i dont think akaashi can even stand they also will become moody again and needy and whiney so take care of him , thats all did you get all that?"
"Hmm yeah i got it thanks bro"
"No prob bro anyways good luck"

*Beep beep beep *

*Sigh* i might need some help on this ...No what are you thinking this is your omegas first pregnancy you have to take care of him alone

-3Rd person POV-
Bokuto went up to his room where akaashi was 'Sleeping' or so bokuto thought but when he wore his suit (pic at top) akaashi looked at bokuto and got horny and ran to bokuto when he was about to leave the door akaashi pulled his pants down and boxers too and started licking and sucking bokuto's dick "Ahhh Keiji W-what are you doing ahh~" bokuto asked while moaning "I want your dick koutarou let me eat it ... Taste so good " akaashi exclaimed 'so this is what kuroo said when he was gonna be horny' "Keiji nghh i have press conference stop!" Bokuto said even though he was enjoying "no i nweed nuwtriwtion for twwhe bwabies (i need nutrition for the babies)" bokuto calls kuroo*ring ring ri-*
"Bro Ngh tell the press conference ill be late by a little "
"What happenee bro?"
"Keeeeiji~ is ngh being a little ahh horny hngh"
"Oya oya oya? On a phone call while getting a blow job omegas like attention if you know what i mean."
"Dont worr- Keiji why'd u stop? Whaat u want attention keiji dont stop noo dammit now i have. Hard on and no keiji anyways i gotta go sorry bro"
*Beep beep beep*
"Have fun tiger hahahah"  kuroo then went to the press conference and said that bokuto will be late then people started asking why? "Oh because akaashi is being horny because of the pregnancy hormones and he want to drink bokuto's cum so we need to wait a little k?" The room went silent and they just all sat down with blushing faces and waited patiently.

"Keijii im sorry i can give you my fuuuulll attention now pwease finish this blowjob it felt so good keijii~"
"HMP NO FUCK YOU KOU AND YOUR SMALL ASS DICK I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I WANTED TO DO THAT NEVER GIVE ME ATTENTION GO TO YOUR STUPID CONFERENCE WITH YOUR DICK OPEN AND LET SOMEONE ELSE SUCK IT "akaashi said angrily "..." Bokuto stayed silent and stood in horror waiting for akaashi to do something ... "*Sobs* Im sorry koutaro i shouldnt have screamed at you im the worst househusband ever *cries* i cant finish the blowjob im tok weak and i cant fit it all in my mouth i cant pleasure you *cries harder* go to your press conference and leave me" bokuto suddenly froze again from the weird words "CAN YOU FUCKING SAY SONETHING U STUPID GREAT HORNED OWL YOU'RE USUALLLY SO LOUD!" " Uhm ... Uh yeah keiji noo i love you and your blowjobs feel so good i wouldn't trade it for anything i love you so can we both calm down and uhh finish up and let me go to work heheh"
" WORK THIS WORK THAT DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ME ALL YOU THINK ABOUT IS WORK AGHHH U SUCK I HATE YOU... no wait sorry *cries* i love you...I FUCKIGN HATE YOU AGHHH DIE IN A HOLE ... no wait please dont leave ill give you the best blowjob you ever had please" Akaashi said with his intense mood swings and all bokuto could say was "...uhm yeah" Akaashi jumped on bokuto and continued doing his blowjob until bokuto grabbed akaashi head and shoved his whole length down akaashi's throath and he cummed but he forgot akaashi was having mood swings so akaashi instantly swallowed bokuto's cum and screamed at him " WTF THAT HURT MY THROAT KOTARO U SHOVED THAT 13" THING DOWN MY THROAT AND ITA HURTING...but it taste good so i forgive you ...BUT IT STILL HURT LIKE A BITCH HOW DARE AND I SWEAR IF YOU CHEAT ON ME I WILL KILL YOU AND HAUNT YOU EVEN IF YOU'RE DEAD...but we will always be together for ETERNITY GO TO YOUR FUCKING PRESS CONFERENCE OR SOMETHING HMPH" with that akaashi walked to their bedroom and started sleeping , Bokuto was left speechless and couldnt talk because of how fast akaashi scrwamed and complimented him at the same time so he just fixed his suit up and left for the conference but he forgot to fix his hair a little so once side was facing down  and it was lopsided.

At the conference

"Bokuto-sama what happened before you came here? Your hair is all messy and your suit is wrinkled and your shaking?" Bokuto was so much in a trance of how keiji shouted at him so he froze there until kuroo came up to him and slapped him *Slap* the whole conference gassped and bokuto snapped out of his trance and said" Oww oww that hurt kubroo" bokuto said whining "Yeah yeah deal with it i know that you are in shock of what happened at home but please we are at a conference you will get used to it"
Kuroo calmed bokuto down and he started talking " Sorry for me being late to this conference but uhm... My husband omega Keiji was really... REALLY Horny because of his triple pregnancy hormones ,you see since we are having triplets everything like hormones and mood swings and all the things in pregnancy are tripled and our due date is about a year from now instead of 9 months, So before this Keji uhm really wanted to D-drink my uhm S-sperm so ge uhm forcufully gave me a blowjob so im here now any questions??" The whole world felt silent at that moment from the shocking news of bokuto having triplets and his quickie blowjob then the whole world seemed to have erupted with questions
"what are you gonna do when those triplets are grown up?"
"Do you think you are ready for 3 at once"
"Do you already have baby names?"
"When is the exact due date"
"i bet they're gonna be so cute" bokuto stayed there foe another 2 hours until his phone rang but everyone ignored it but bokuto froze he knew that ring tone the ring tone for akaashi....

To be continued

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