Chapter 19

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(Time skip to December 5 )

-Bokuto POV-

I wake up to find my beautiful husband on top of my chest sleeping peacefully and damm did he look cute . I check the date today and it said December 5,20** hmmmm just a normal day , but i feel like something is missing though.

I get up slowly after turning around to the left and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. After i cleaned myself up i left the room and went to the kids room, I still cant believe they are already 2 months old . I changed their diapers and fed them milk before they could cry and wake up Keiji... Keiji hmmm "i feel like im missing something " i said aloud. Anyways after i did my duties because today was my turn i went to call kubroo to tell him how amazing this week has been because of Akaashi's heat .

*Ring ring ring ri-*

"Kuroo Tetsuro here speaking"

"Hey hey hey Bro its Koutaro"

"Oya oya oya hey bro why'd you call?"

"I just wanted to brag about how good last week was because of Keiji's Heat HAHAHAH it felt too good"

"Oya? Someone is still happy eventhough you've had sec many times"

" Of coure bro everytime i do it with Keiji i feel likr im in heaven, Anyways bro the real thing is I've been thinking about today and i feel like im missing something related to Keiji do you know what it is?"

"Lmao bro its December 5... Akaashi's Birthday??? How could you forget"

I went wide eyes and said "Ttyl" and hung up i ran to our room and jumped on the bed and bear hugged Keiji which definitely woke him up "Koutaro its too earky for this *yawn~*" Keiji said but i just rubbed my face on hus chest saying "Happy birthday" over and over again and i showered him in kisses and hugs which he just chuckled and said "Hmmm let me guess you forgot didnt you" I froze with my head still buried in his bare chest and managed to speak a muffled "Yeah im sowwy" i said while pouting and getting off Keiji and went to cry in a corner "I'm rhe worst Husband ever " i cried which was just stopped by my hair being ruffled and i looked around and he kissed me which made me happy again "Don't Worry it doesnt matter as long as you remember it next time" he said "You're An angel from heaven aren't you?" i said because damn was Keiji shining.

-3rd Person POV-

After Bokuto gave akaashi his first present which was a big fat rod up his ass it was now around 9.00 A.M (It was 6 A.M before) Akaashi walked to their babies room and picked all their babies up except for Keijiro which could already walk and speak simple words like "Hungwy, Toilet, etc."

After Akaashi placed his babies in baby chairs in order from oldest to youngest he started cooking pancakes because one time Bokuto fed Their children a small piece of pancake and they cried and threw a tantrum because they couldnt have anymore(Akaashi has like world class pancakes just go with it) After he cut the pancakes to small pieces he gave each of his kids a plate, He observed them and thought to himself that Koujiro is a messy and fast eater , while Keijiro eats with patience and finnese , and Kentaro Plays with his food before eating them. He just sighed at them but was interupted with a "Happy Birthday Mama owl" Bokuto said going into the kitchen and pulling akaashi into a hug then a kiss and pulled out a present box which inside was a Shirt saying "To the best Mama Owl there!" Which akaashi just smilled at and gave bokuto another kiss but what happened next surprised both of the parents "Hwappy Bwitrhday Mama" Keijiro said which Akaashi flicked his head to keijiro and a waterfall was pouring diwn his eyes and he looked back at bokuto then said "He said Mama!" Which bokuto just smilled at and nodded and akaashi went to go to keijiro and hug him dearly which made the other 2 kids jealous and they started to try and say that too but all thay came were babbles which they stopped trying after 3 minutes of babbling.

At night Bokuto wanted to bring Akaashi to a fancy restaurant but Akaashi just said " Im craving McDonalds " and off they go to McDonalds with their kids because they wanted to try too

When they reached the nearest McDonalds they went in and ordered their food with great difficulty akaashi disnt know why but it was because Bokuto was giving a deadly aura to state clearly to back off which akaashi noticed after their order of 30 Double cheesburgers (2 for akaashi the 25 for bokuto and 1 for each of their pups) this aura was just ended with a simple "Koutaro u better stop or u will have the punishment we talked about" which bokuto instantly stopped and smilled and said "Okay babe" (punishment was No sex for a month lmao) After Bokuto payed for their food and sat down they started eating which they all forgot how good McDonalds tasted the juicy Beef with the melted cheese was heavenly. After they ate they went back home and out the kids to bed and they Started watching netflix in their bedroom. What akaashi disnt know was that he planned to get akaashi to get horny and fuck him so he played 50 shades of grey which in the middle of the sex scene akaashi just said "Wanna netflix and chill~ " he said seductively "Of course hehehe i win" and they Netflixed and chill until midnight .

Akaashi laid on bokuto's bare chest panting and said "Not bad for a on the spor birthday" which bokuto just smilled saying "Happy birthday Love" and they drifted of to sleep .


(Hey guys its me the author anyways i think this story is coming to an end but i will also include side stories and recommendations are open so type it here in this paragraph thanks)

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