Chapter 8 (Smut/Lemon)

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-3rd Person PoV-

When akaashi and kenma woke up first they started to make the "Preperations" they Tied them uo to the restrainers (the pic above imagine both bokuto and kuroo in one in the living room) and they were not suprised when their husbands didnt wake up cause they are very heavy sleepers. After all the preperation were done they walked to the bathroom to get changed to maid outfits in the middle of changing they heard there husbands yelling "Keiji!!!?!" "Kozume!?!?" Then they both struted seductively to them which made the alphas jaws drop "Oya Oya Oya who said we were going to a cosplay party and having some fu~" kuroo was cut of by kenma saying "TSK TSK TSK we are not having fun me and akaashi are tho"Kenma said with a smug grin "Keiji is this a dream you look to sexy Keiji i wan-" he was cut of by the sounds of chains behind him when he tried to reach for Keiji, he looked back to see Keiji grinning and saying "Awww~ all tied up aren't you Kou-Ta-Rou " Akaashi whispered to his ear which made bokuto shiver and tried to get out of his chains. Suddenly they pulled out bags full of toys for pleasure and they started to undress, when they all undress they both started panting and shivering because their heat started so they were both trying so hard not to jump on the alpha and mate ,but the alphas smelles that their omegas was in heT so they tried harder to get out of the chains but stopped when they saw both of their omegas putting on cock rings and pushing an vibrator up their asses " Ahhhhahah~" they both moaned making the alphas use all their strength to try but it was too strong . "Keiji i swear when i get out of this you wobt be able to walk for a whole weak" bokuto said while licking his lips , "Nghh Ahhhh~ So goood ah fuck nyah ~ " kenma said in front of kuroo which made him agitated , then the stopped playing with toys and got naked and did lap dance for bokuto and kuroo and, "Aww~ Is someone Exited to fuck me sensless Ahhh~" Akaashi moaned in bokuto's ear "Keiji Let me out now!" Akaashi slowly got on his knees and started sucking bokuto's cock through the cloth "NgHh" Bokuto grunted , "Kozume i swear get me out of this before the pups wake up so i can pund your ass I need i-Nghhh" Kenma suddenly rubbed his butt on kuroo's throbbing cock which made him grunt in pleasure , since they were in heat they released them slowly and the alphas instantly jumped on them and Brought them to their room.

(Im not gonna do one fore kenma and kuroo sorry if u guys wanted it but lets just say that they did the same thing as bokuto and akaashi)

In bokuto and akaashi's room

Bokuto threw akaashi on the bed and he jumped on the panting akaashi holding his shoulder down "AhhhHAa~ A-alpha nghh Ahhhha~ " akaashi moaned in bokuto's ear which made him very very horny, bokuto attacked akaashi's neck finding his sweet spot earning a "AhHhAhh~" From akaashi this sound was godly for bokuto and he made so much... Too Much hickey's on akaashi . "K-kou*Pant*Taro Nghh ~ Fuck me daddy fuck me til i cant stand , give me your seed, impregnate me with your pup Ahhh~" akaashi said this lustfuly while spreading his ass for bokuto to see which hr instantly responded by ramming his dick i side akaashi all the way hitting his prostate"AHHH ~ Right
Th-there AhHhhAhH~ Kou It feels so good ahhh~", Bokuto licked his lips ans rammed harder and faster and more stronger "Then why buy toys you are only my slut u don't need toys my omega take my se-Nghhh fuck it feels so good " Bokuto kept repeating this for the next 12 Hours and 30 Rounds which all of it was accompanied with moans. It is said that on November 25th was called the moan day because everyone around the house heard the loud moans of akaashi and kenma.
"I love you" Bokuto said to akaashi sweetly
"I love you too sorry for tying you up it was Kenma's idea but i really just wantef you to pound my ass" akaashi said quietly while smilling
"HEY HEY HEY Dont worry i got to piund your ass good ", "Jesus how much energy do u ha-" akaashi was stopped by the wave of pain,pleasure, sleepiness,and tiredness akaashi instantly fell asleep eventhough they havent eaten anything today
Bokuto laughed quietly at akaashi and said "I am the happiest husband in the world" soon bokuto followed after and drifted of too sleep

With kenma and kuroo

"Ahhh~ DADDY it feels good harder deeper F-Faster ahh" kenma said
" You like that littpe kitten ,the real thing is better than toys slut i will pou-"
"Papa/Dada Im hungwy And what awe you dwoing?"
"AHHH TETSUROU YOU DIDNT LOCK THE DOOR!?!" kenma said while forcufully making kuroo pull out and covering hinselft with the blanket "Dammit i forgot man i wanted to at least finish round 27 " Kuroo said while putting his clothes back on and pouting and mumbling 'I wanted to pound kenma's ass longer :v' "Hey hun can you cook for the pu-nghh......"
Kenma instantly passed out to sleep from the exhaustion and tiredness mid sentence "Hahahahha Sure honey kuroo said while kissing kenma's forhead and bringing the kids to the kitchen.

Time skip for 1 week

Kenma has presented signs of pregnancy with morning sickness and nausea and weakness which made kuroo and kenma happy , since their house is finished renovated they went home to prepare for the 3rd pup, While..... Akaashi hasn't show any symptoms so bokuto went into emo mode squating in a corner and saying "Maybe my sperm is not strong enough " bokuto said sadly while crying "Why isn't my beautiful husband getting pregnant *Sob*"  akaashi loiked at bokuto and at his belly and said " Koutaro After we eat breakfast how bout we go to the hospital to see if were actually pregnant okay?" Akaashi said calmly and lovingly which pulled bokuto out of emo corner and shouted"HEY HEY HEY you're right no point in crying if you're not pregnany ill just Pound your ass again ",Bokuto said smugly .

At the hospital

"Congratulations Mr.bokuto and Mr.Akaashi you're Pregnant" Once the doctor said this bokuto screamed in happiness while jumping up and down but akaashi asked " but why am i not showing any symptoms, is my babies okay ,are they healthy, Are they dying , save them, make me show symptoms, Ohmagerddddd-" "Dont worry Mr.Akaashi this is a simple reason you see you are not only pregnant with one pup but 3 and because of that youre symptoms show up late and you have a 1 Year pregnancy instead of 9 months " the doctor said while smiling "Bokuto froze midair and landed with a happy expresion "TRIPLET ?!? WHAT REALLY OMG WOW IM GONNA BE THE BEST FATHER IM SO HAPPY RIGHT KEI-" bokuto turned his head and saw akaashi crying  "T-triplets?!? I-im not ready *sobs* " "Whaat Keiji but i thought you wanted pups " bokuto said while going i to emo mode "Ahh may i speak with you alone Mr.Bokuto?" "Sure", bokuto said glumly " Dont worry Mr.Bokuto your husband is just experiencing a triple stack of all the symptoms in pregnancy which also includes mood swings, nausea, and others. so this is why you need to take extra care of your husband okay?" Bokuto nodded furiously after hearing its just because they have triplets "Oh and by the way the due date of your 3 pups is one November 20th " once bokuto heard this he came back inside the room to an angry akaashi , akaashi picked up his pillow and started hitting Bokuto saying " I HATE YOU WHY 3 I ONLY NEEDED 1 AND SLOWLY AGGGGHHHH" akaashi kept hitting bokuto while bokuto just stood in horror seeing akaashi hit him and he thought 'This is gonna be one heck of a yeat

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