Chapter 10 (little smut)

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-No one POV-

The whole conference went silent when bokuto said "Thats keiji's ring tone " bokuto said while shivering and shaking uncontrollably and then he picked it up and put it to his ear and he instantly regretted it "KOUTARO BOKUTO GET YOUR ASS TO THIS HOUSE RIGHT NOW OR I WILL NEVER HUG YOU OR MAKE LOVE WITH YOU  AND I WILL CHOP OFF YOU DICKK AHHH... Koutarou i need hugs *Sobs* i need you right now huhuhu *Cries* GET YOUR ASS HERE AND HUG ME BEFORE I TELL YOU TO SLEEP ON THE FLOOOR!" *Beep* and akaashi hung up the whole world went silent and cowered in fear from akaashi's mood swings and bokuto just said "U-uhm i need to um go ... bye sorry" bokuto fastly returned home and barged in to their room and peeked in and whispered "K-keeeiji... A-Are you there?" Then he felt small arms reach around from his back and hugged him " I WANT HUGS" akaashi said like a little boy and bokuto relaxed and hugged akaashi back but suddenly akaashi grip got tigther and bokuto yelped and screamed "Ahhowwe  Keiji honey please it hurts " " WHAT TOOK YOU SO FUCKING LOOONG AHHHHHHHH YOU I WILL KILL YOU .. no i cant kill you sorry im troublesome And emotional *sobs cries :/*" and keiji loosened his grip and ran to the bathroom and locked himself in. Bokuto limped his way to the bathroom and spoke in a calming way " Hey keiji ita fine no matter what i still love you so dont lock yourself in i will always be here with you and i always will love you Keiji come out so we can cuddle in be please " The door unlocked and flung open and keiji carried bokuto on his shoulders (Got strong cuz of hormones lmao) and plopped him down on the bed and akaashi on tip of him , Akaashi started grinding against bokuto and bokuto grunted "Hey ngh keiji i really don't think we should so anal um maybe a blowjob?" "what why Koutaro is my ass not good enough for you *Sobs* do u NOT LIKE ME HOW DARE YOU U MEATHEAD BRICK IF U DONT WANT TO HAVE SEX THEN WE DONT EITHER SEX OR NO U FKING DECIDE" akaashi fumed and bokuto is used to it by now and sits up and hugs akaashi saying "Im sorry love but i worry im gonna hurt the pups in development so can i just get a blowjob?" Bokuto smilled widely and grinned and akaashi immediately gave bokuto a blowjob but the problem was he kept giving him blowjobs but never stopped thia went on until akaashi's mouth cramps from too much sucking and he fell asleep and bokuto washes up before going to sleep too.

The next day Bokuto wakes up to a warm feeling in his lower abdomen so he kifts the balnket up and sees akaashi giving gim a deep throat and bokuto thought 'Waking up to a fillatio (fancy word for blowjob?) Is every man's dream' And bokuto instantly cummed because of that thought. And akaashi swallowed everything and smiled contently and snuggled in Bokuto's chest while sniffing him ( he snifs bokuto because he horny :/) "Ahh~ You smell so good kou i wish you could just fuck we till i can never stand again" And bokuto just smiled and said "no i want you to stand beside me so i can always be with yuuuuu" bokuto said while hugging akaashi and rolling around in their Double king sized bed (2king sized bed into 2 cuz why not ) And akaashi just frowned while almost crying ge said "Kou im so sorry for me screaming at you and saying those H-horrible things a-and i wanted to say i-im sorry * Cries" " aww keiji dont worry honey i wont take it to heart i k ow you will always love me and did t mean that so please dont beat yourself up okay?" Bokuto said swwetly while rubbing circles on akaashi back to calm him down and akaashi says" I have the best husband ever"

Time skip 2 months

Its been 3 moths since akaashi got pregnant  and he still has mood swings so bokuto tries to stay home and comfort him but one day keiji was SUPER SUPER SUPER DUPER HORNY HE EVEN SAID "HMPH IF YOU WONT GIVE ME MY SUPPLY THEN ILL JUST ASK SOMEONE ELSE" and bokuto was shocked he said "Whaat?!m keiji no dont cheat on me please i can give you your suply so here okease come u can suck my dick anytime you want " "heheheh works every time" but what akaashi and bokuto forgot was kenma and kuroo coming over and since that were in the living room which is infront of the front door and kuroo has bokuto's house key for emergency kuroo and kenma didnt knock and in the middle of the blowjob the door flung upen kuroo saying " Hell- Oya oya oya? Whats hapoening here kuroo said while covering his pups eyes" "Its clear isnt it akaashi is giving bokuto a blowjob u fking brick bed head" kenma said angrily cause of hormones " uhm sorry kitten i wont do that nrxt time" When bokuto tried to hide from embarrasment and get up akaashi pushed bokuto down until ge sank into the sofa and akaashi saying " YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY FROM THIS OWL BOY" and bokuto just blushed and got embarrasment from kuroo and kenma , kenma ran into their botrowed bedroom and put them in bad while chnaging eric and elise diapers he got horny so he finished fast and saw that kuroo was recording akaashi giving bokuto a blow job and bokuto screaming for kuroo to stop so kenma took his phone and deleted the video and kuroo cried out " Ahh wht Kutten i thou-" Kuroo's train of thought got cut of by kenma pulling both kuroo pants and boxers down and getting rock hard and kenma said "I got horny watching alaashi " and started sucking and licking Kuroo's dick until bokuto and kuroo both cummed , kuroo said "phew at least the first trimester is over for kenma after this month but sad for u bro u have Another month ahahahaha" kuroo said while clutching his stomach laughing at bokuto and bokuto just mumbled "Well Akaashi's blowjobs feel good so i like it anyways..." Only for akaashi to hear ,who immediately jumoed on bokuto hugging him and giving him kisses and saying 'i love you more than anything' and ' we will always be together and i always will be with you'.... And also some of "OH SO U THINK MY MOUTH IS SOME CONVENIENT HOLE FOR YOUR DICK TO STICK IN HUH WELL FINE NO MORE BLOWJOBS FOR YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE U BIRDBRAINED BRICK HMPH" Akaashi stormed away to their room and went to bed. Kuroo and kenma stared in horror while bokuto just looked at them then at their bedroom door then sighed " Welp now you know how bad it is " so i need kenma's help to uhm calm him down" bokuto requested and of course kuroo and kenma agreed and bokuto thought 'finnaly i can relax',

(If anyone wondering kenma baby bump isnt that big yet like just a little bump but akaashi bump is already look like its aready 6 months old which is big)

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