Chapter 7

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-3Rd Person Pov-

(BTW there is Kuroken here yes i know its mostly bokuaka tho so forgive me if u guys dont like this plot but i needed it for the story)

They rushed to the hospital thankfully it was not that far away because akaashi picked a strategic place for The "Bokuto Residence" They were running through white wall corridors into the same room with kenma and akaashi in the alphas hands bridal style they placed both of them on the bed worried for their lives and were about to scream for a doctor when someone said "Bokuto-san & Kuroo-San please step out of the room" said a nurse calmly but bokuto said "What?!? Why cant we be with our omegas when they need us why cant we stay with them" " I am very sorry for both of you but please for the sake of your husbands step out of the room so we can inspect them , Bokuto was about to lash out but was held by a tight grip on his shoulder he looked up and saw kuroo smiling at him then saying "Believe in the bro they are strong and will get through this bro" with that bokuto calmed down and apologized to the nursr and stepped out

~Time skip~

After half an hour of waiting and pacing around out of their omegas room someone went out of the room and said "Bokuto Koutaro and Kuroo Tetsuro?" They shot up and ran to the room not even waiting for an explanation they ran in hoping and praying for the best what they saw was ...... Amazing akaashi and kenma both fine and healthy sitting there smilling at their alphas and opened their arms ready for bear hugs and bokuto and kuroo jumped on them hugging them like there is no tommorow

-Bokuto POV-
When i saw akaashi healthy and string extending hus hands i jumoed and hugged him so strong he started to say "Koutaro it hurts stop it" he said while laughing "Keiji i thought i was gonna lose you ... I thought that you would lea-" bokuto's word stopped when soft tender but a firm kiss planted on his lips and akaashi parted away and said " What are you talking about im not that weak Koutaro i would never leave you ill love you so ill never die alone so we promised didnt we ? To not leave each other alone " Akaashi said with the happiest smile and prettiest face that bokuto ever seen he burrowed his face into akaashi's chest saying "Never make me worry like that again" Akaashi laughed while stroking through bokuto's Pale white and black hair which is surprisingly softer than you would think.

"I love you" They both said at the same time and giggled while enjoying the moment.

-Kuroo POV-
I ran to kenma with the pups in hand and we all bear hugged kenma with so much strength he said "Im getting crushed huuuu" we all let go and looked at him almost crying and he sternly said "I swear if any of you cry i will not be nice when i come home" we alk stopped and hugged him again
"Papa"Eric and elisa said (Eric says Papa Elisa says Dada , Vice versa for kuroo) "Kozume you made us worry for you i was so scared t-tha-that you wouldve go-" kuroo was stopped with a light slap but enough to push his head away but not to hard and a word with kenma " What are you saying Tetsuro i would not have died from this i cant leave the pups alone with you , your irresponsible plus i still have my whole life with you and the pups dobt worry i wont leave " Kenma said i was smiling back at him widely .

-3rd Person PoV-

*Ahem* they all looked in the direction where there was a docter standing there with a clipboard and said "Sorry to interupt the heart-warming moments but i wanted to inform you guys what happened" the room went silent anticipating and hoping it wasnt to serious diagnosis
"There is nothing to worry about this is just a minor Disease that only happens in omegas where after they are shocked/scared then Suddenly they ingest their Alphas Sperm they faint because of too much releasing of pheromones and too much stimulation of Fear and pleasure... Which leads me to saying is that both of you pack leaders cum was just to strong for the aftershock of the event " the doctor said.... Everyone in the room turned pink and blushed furiously and looked away from the doctor while he said "So did you guys have some fun to confort your omegas ~" the doctor said with a smirk and wiggling his eyebrows thwy blushed harder and they stayed quiet " oh and by the way they can ve diacharged tosay since its not that major but if you guys wanna have fun better do it anal ~*Wink* ... Oh last thing this is also on the news" they all flicked their head to the doctor who just pushed a button and the tv screen turned on and saw what shocked them again


they looked at the news in disbelief and hearing their phone blow up again asking about if their omegas are fine and congratulation for making their omegas faint through cum (weirdest sentence i have ever typed )
Then Elise suddenly asked kenma "Dada what is spwecial sauce?" And kenma looked at her child in horror and saying "you're to young to know and please dont ask" And everyone erupted in laugther

Time skip back to the house

Once they reach the house they all ate the cold dinner that they forgot to eat amd went to bed or so bokuto and kuroo thought but akaashi and kenma slipped and sneaked their way into the living room with their bag full of toys they met up there and they both smiled freakishly and evilly , Before this all happened they had decided to try the toys to see if they worked and of course it did it felt good but not as good as the real things so after they finsihed cleaning up it was already midnight so they slipped back in to the warm alphas body and went to sleep but thinking the same thing 'Tommorow is gonna be fun'

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