Chapter 18

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(The pic is what happened when they tried driving to Fukurodani and getting out of their car)

-3rd Person POV-

When Akaashi and Bokuto finnaly reached the gym after signing some Autographs and getting some photos for their fans they went infront of the gym and stood their silently until bokuto said "Brings back some memories huh?" "Yeah it does " akaashi said while smilling "Shall we go in  Bokuto pointed with their interlocked fingers "Yeah babe" .

They slid the metal doors open with a loud bang and all heads turned towards them. not only did This Reunion include alumni but also the current fukurodani team .

"You lovebirds are finnaly here! " Konoha exclaimed "hehehe sorry we kinda got distracted " bokuto said while waving his arms infront of him "WE?!?" Akaaahi glared menacingly at bokuto which he just gulped and said "I forgot yeah Me not you babe yup im forgetful hehe ..." bokuto said while sweat dropping . After a while Keiji just smilled and kissed Bokuto's cheek which made him relax "Relax babe im not gonna bite you " and akaashi leans to Bokuto's ear and says seductively"Only in bed i will " which made bokuto blush and flustered stuttering and drooling.

"You guys never change" Komi interrupted them and just laughed .

-Bokuto POV-

I look back to the voice and i saw komi but i noticed he didnt get any taller which i just covered my mouth but a "Pffft" came out . He looked at me questioningly and said "What's so funny?" "Sorry Sorry but i noticed that you didnt grow any taller HAHAHAH" i said laughing while pointing which made a tick mark appear on komi's forehead and he started saying "Hey even-" "Koutaro ,i thought i told you not to point and make fun of people" Keiji interrupted which made the whole room quiet he grabbed my shoulder which made me flinch and i turned my head slowly and looked at his demonic Aura and i started begging for my life "Noo plzzz Keijii forgive me i will never make fun or point to anyone again " I said in my emo mode and he just pulled me close to him and he pulled my collar down and kissed my lips "Apology accepted now why dont we meet the current team of Fukurodani" Keiji said with a smile i was wondering why he was so forgiving and loving to me but also getting ticked off ... Hmm like i would ever know.

-Akaashi POV-

I walked around greeting all my past teamates with Koutaro hand in hand . I got a lot of congratulations for having my triplets which i always just nodded and said thank you in my monotone voice . After greeting everyone i dragged Koutaro to where the current team was and i started introducing myself "Hello there my name is Bokuto (Akaashi) Keiji and this is my alpha and husband Bokuto Koutaro" After i said that their eyes seemed to shine and one of them said "So it is true!" "What is true?" I said tilting my head "The most famous Bokuto family did go to Fukurodani High" and i just chuckled at "HEY HEY HEY i wanna meet your captain and ace and i wanna have a math with your team !!!" Koutaro screamed which made everyone look at him but their 'captain' Said "Sure why not this is great experience plus if we beat you guys we will be even more famous" the captain said with a smirk , Then all the alumini looked over with demon auras and said in harmony "Challenge accepted" The alumni got changed into training uniform and went to court to stretch "We are sooo gonna destroy their team " Onaga said which got nods and hums from everyone which just shows how focused and insulted they feel I overheard some of their conversations and they kept saying "Dont worry guys their setter Akaashi-san is not even that good eventhough he is famous he can't play volleyball that well" Which made me glare at them and started emmiting dangerous phermones to be careful what they say next which they noticed and froze , i was about to walk over and give them a beating but as soon as i took the first step a pair of warm arms wrapped around my waist and a chin was met with my shoulder and i heard the most shoothing voice i ever heard "Hey hey hey Calm down Keiji don't listen tk them your the best setter for me because your MY setter so lets crush them on court" And i just relaxed into the hug and apologized "Sorry i lost my cool" which he just smilled at and kissed my cheeks .

While i was changing my pants Bokuto slapped my ass which made ne shriek and look at him

While i was changing my pants Bokuto slapped my ass which made ne shriek and look at him

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(Im bad at explaining volleyball so im gonna skip it sorry but i just cant )

-3rd Person POV-

After just 1t minuted The Alumni won with a whopping 25-7 in 3 games (25-3, 25-6 , 25-7) after the game the current Fukurodani team regretted even trying to compete and akaashi just said "You reap what you sow" and walked of to the changing room with bokuto.

"Phew that was fun right babe?" Bokuto said as he started wearing his suit back after showering with akaashi "Yeah... I guess" Akaashi said sadly which bokuto knew exactly why "Y'know You should not worry about what other people think we won that game because your sets were amazing Keiji believe in yourslef because i believe in you" Bokuto said then went closer to akaashi and kissed his lips . "Yeah sorry Kou i just felt sad because i thought i wasnt good enough for you" "Dont worry Honeycakes you're the world to me " Bokuto said smugly after they wore their suits when akaashi tried to walk out bokuto pinned him down to the lockers

 "Yeah sorry Kou i just felt sad because i thought i wasnt good enough for you" "Dont worry Honeycakes you're the world to me " Bokuto said smugly after they wore their suits when akaashi tried to walk out bokuto pinned him down to the lockers

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(Just imagine those box are lockers and he didnt have that Torture thing)

"You look so sexy in a suit while swearinf i just wanna eat you all up~" Bokuto said while licking his lips while groping Akaashi's ass , Bar move The wholr alumni and Current Fukurodani members come in and see what happened and froze while blushing .

Bokuto quickly let go and just scratched the back of his head while whistling and i was left there oanting before i got up and whispered in his ear "I think My heat is starting Kou" which he just went wide eyed and carried me out of the locker room and said our goodbyes which were just responded with a few questioning looks.

Once they reached the house They let Hinata leave after paying him extra for taking a little longer . Bokuto carried akaashi to the shower and stripped himself and his lover and they started cleaning themselves until bokuto pinned akaashi to the wall which made him moan because he loved rough plays from bokuto. AND THEY MADE LOVE ALL NIGHT LONG (👁️👄👁️ I NEED HELP + no smut cuz i put way too much already maybe later in the future)...

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