Side Story ~ 2 [Emo Mode (Part 1)]

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(Hey guys i am a haikyuu stan but i couldnt read the manga cuz RIP my internet cuz of my bad service from how far my home from a Internet tower [ I should've came to shirarorizawa] anyways this is when Bokuto is in National team {is he even idk?????} And akaashi is cheering him on , Anyways Enjoy. Oh yeah lets just pretend that This happened when they were in college but pro , IDK plz no hurt meh)

-Bokuto POV-

I was running up to the net to jump up and spike the ball set by (Either Oikawa/Kageyama IDK) , I jumped up and swung my arm only for the ball to be blocked by their middle blocker i landed and felt dejected.

-3rd Person POV-

After Bokuto landed His team could already feel the Dejected Aura around him 'Already???... This is way too soon' The team sighed and just waited until Bokuto said "(the setter name 😭) DONT TOSS TO ME ANYMORE ,IM NOT WORTHY OF BEING ACE!!!!" bokuto said while covering his face with his forearm and his hand extended towards (The setter) ,

the whole team just sighed and looked around trying to find a certain individual . Which was abruptly stopped by the person they were looking for in their sheer squad having a cleer spot and shouted "KOUTARO YOU CAN DO IT BABEEE I BELIEVE YOU, AND I WILL GIVE YOU A PRIZE IF YOU WIN~" Akaashi exclaimed making everyone turned to him .

He was doing the 'Cheering suga pose'(one leg raised and pointed) While lifting up his shorts a little which earned a few Boners from some audience but this was stopped by a "HEY HEY HEY KEIJIIII IS CHEERING FOR ME NOW I CAN'T LOSE" Bokuto said with a new fire in his eyes.

The enemy team just silently cursed under their breaths for akaashi for motivating his boyfriend(soon to be fiancé😗) this dis not go unnoticed by Bokuto so he turned his head only like an owl and glared stoicly(is that how you spell lmao) at enemy team then said "Insult my Soon-To-Be-Fiance again and ill snap you in halp like a twig" Bokuto's team swore they could hear The enemy freezing and the referee Whistles Marking the time out being finished .

The game continued by the eneny doing a jumo floater serve which was saved by Nishinoya (i cant think of any better libero idk sorry) and perfectly gave it to the setter.(Setter) Set to Perfectly To Bokuto how he likes it And bokuto Jumped And was Blocked by 3 Blockers that were all around 185-195 Cm but he didn't care , He Scanned each of their weak point like a owl hunting its orey and his eyes focused on a spot and he Spike and hit the Middle of the blockers hand so hard It looked like it was gonna snap ,

The ball landed on the floor with a loid sound so fast that no one could react ... Th referee blew the whistle after breaking out of the shock and signaled the Japan National Team winning in the game . And the crowd goes wild clapping and cheering but Bokuto Only loooked to where akaashi was and smiled and akaashi just Cheered saying "I LOVE YOUUUUUU KOU~" Which mad him blush as he went to line up to bow.

As akaashi ran down to the corridors bokuto was leaving from He was met with A lot of jealous stares and Whispering "He is the on dating Bokuto???" "Yeah im so jealous" "Maybe i can steal bokuto from him he doesn't look that pretty" (i can feel the glares from akaashi fans lmao)

As he heard more insults and jealous comments ,Akaashi went from running to slumping his shoders and fiddled with his fingers and slowly walking with hsi head down towards bokuto , Eventhough akaashi realized that he felt this way He knew he got emotional once in a while and usually he went into an Emo Mode Way worse that Bokuto he couldnt control it.

Akaashi came to a halt and Crumpled to the floor His hands to his ears and in a fetal postion he started sobbing causing Worried glances and people also snickering.

(Meanwhile with Bokuto)

Bokuto was waiting for Akaashi Because he usually comes and give a hug and kisses after Bokuto wins After a match so he got worried that Akaashi was wayyy much more late which was interupted by Hinata (Plz someone tell me ofc he is in national team right) running uo to him panting "B-bokuto - Senpai I-i Saw People laughing at A-Akaashi san on the floor While H-he was crumpled in a fetal position" Bokuto went wide eyed with the rest of his team and they ran to whete hinata point (Cuz Bokuto Loves akaashi [Duh] but also becuz his team needs akaashi for bokuto Emo mode)

They rushed to Akaashi pushing through the crowd , After theg pushed through After Very great difficulty After people Asking For signatures and pictures which were all stopped by the low growl of all the alphas there and angry Pheromones.

Bokuto reached to akaashi but when his finger touched Akaashi, He flinched and started mumbling "Don't touch me you dont deserve me im a lowlife omega yoi should break up with me " which were followed with wide eyed confused worried stares from Bokuto's Teamates which Bokuto felt and he grimmaced and said "He Slipped into Emo mode Shit!" Bokuto Picked akaashi up with great difficulty with akaashi thrashing around screaming and crying "Wait Akaashi-san can go into Emo Mode?!?" Bokuto's team all screamed "Yeah this hapoens rarely but the reason is bad flashbacks of people gossiping about Keiji and himself or me" When Bokuto was explaining this Akaashi got out of Bokuto's Grip and ran away "Wait Keiji!!!!" Akaashi heard Bokuto sound slowly fading with tears dropping.

Bokuto Was then Bombarded with Love confessions and People forcing themselves on him which he was just annoyed and They pusshed bokuto closer to the edge when they were insulting Akaashi "Don't Be Gay and just go with me i have Boobs and he doesnt" which bokuto just puked internaly cuz he loved akaashi with all of his heart "Plus he isn't even good looking" and other mean Comments .

But somone crossed the line when they gropped Bokuto's Crotch which he Grabbed the hand and squeezed hardly At the wrist which was followed by a girl yelping Bokuto raised the girl up and the crowd made way giving space to Bokuto "No one Touches My Dick Except for Keiji and i swear if anyone else says something else bad about My one and only love I will BREAK YOUR NECKS!!!!" bokuto let go and ruahed to the direction Akaashi went to the whole corridor fell silent as the thumping of Bokuto's Shoes Went away as he chased for akaaahi



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