Chapter 15 (Smut)

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-Akaashi POV-

"So have you came up with names yet honey?" Koutaro asked me and i just weakly nodded and said "Welcome to our family Bokuto Koujiro, Keijiro,Kentaro"(plz kill me for my bad writing and name naming im sorry T_T and the oldest is the first one named[Koujiro] and youngest is the last one[Kentarou]) Then the world went black

-3rd person PoV-

After akaashi had announced the names of his pups he Passed out from exhaustion and went to sleep fastly. Bokuto seeing his husband with his 3 pups that exactly looked like him, He would've never dreamed of this happening when he was in high school. After a while of just standing there staring with a wide smile he crawled on the bed and cuddled 'Carefully' to akaashi and his pups and they all drifted off to sleep

Time skip to 1 month later

Today was the day of Bokuto's Birthday (Okay so uh Bokuto's birthday is actually september 20th but my dumbass decided to put novemver... And if u would've put seotember the tineline wouldnt have matched so... Let's just say his birthday is november , Please 😳) and they went to a fine dining restaurant and they brought the triplets with them ,since Akaashi's pregnancy is over he can finnaly drink some alchohol and oh my god you do not wanna see akaashi drunk , After they were done eating dinner they went home and put the kids to bed and when they went to their room and closed and lock the door akaashi pushed bokuto to the bed and climed on top of him his hands on Bokuto's chest feeling his manly nam pecs 👁️👄👁️ "Oh how I've missed this euphoria and rod up my ass ~" Akaashi said while ripping of bokuto's and his own clothes and he started showering bokuto in kisses starting from his ear nibbling it and teailing down to his pants which got removed by a single swipe of Akaashi's hand "Someone is excited eyyy~ I missed this too" Bokuto said while taking control and turning them around now akaashi under bokuto and starting to play with one of akaashi's nipples and sucking the other one which earned very pleasured moans from akaashi "AhhHh~ K-kou just stick in in me nghh ahhh~ i want your big cock daddy i missed it ,Fuck me sensless"akaashi begged "Shhhh Don't rush i wanna take my time to ravage and enjoy you after this one year" after 10 minutes of fingering and teasing Akaashi ,Bokuto Thrusted inside akaashi like there was no tommorow "Ahhh~ So deep more faster harder ahhh~" Akaashi said while gripping to Bokuto's shoulder leaving claw marks which would definitely hurt in the morning but he didnt care they were in the middle of something more euphoric and nostalgic . Soon Akaashi's hole was starting to twitch and this made it tighter "Nghh Relax dont ahh~ get tighter babe" Bokuto grunted out which akaashi didnt hear he was blank minded the only sound coming out mouth are the songs of pleasure and he soon tightned up and arched his back and came on Bokuto's chest and his stomach , Since akaashi tightened so much it was too much for bokuto to handle so he came with a grunt . Then bokuto layed on akaashi's chest and the only aound keft were panting from akaashi and bokuto until "I missed your tight ass feeling so much can we go again" Bokuto said while caging akaashi between his arms and legs again and akaashi replied "I do not have that tight of an ass your dick is just the size of a fucking shower drain you bird brain" Which bokuto just chuckled and started attacking akaashi's neck again and they went for another Roun-....4 rounds until Akaashi was  passed out and went to sleep and Bokuto said "Best birthday Ever" and he kissed Akaashi's forehead .

Akaashi was awoken by the sound of a telephone ringing and a baby crying he thought 'whose baby is crying jesus' .... "WAIT I HAVE 3 BABIES SHIT!" Akaashi jumoed out of bed and ran ( Since he was used to the pain from Bokuto's massive 👁️👄👁️ he has the ability to not even try and feel pain from his butt) to their nursery room which is just next to theirs and he slammed the door open and ran to them and 'Wow does this room smell bed , they need diapers changed' Akaaahi thought so he rushed fast giving Koujiro milk first while changing keijiro's diaper and carrying and bouncing up and down Kentaro and he looked like he had 3 pairs of arms because he worked so fast once they all were change given milk and carried by akaaahi to the kitchen the phone started ringing again which made the kids cry again which akaashi just frowned at and punched their home telephone until it was reduced to scraps (Omegas are overprotective of their pups and alphas too but omegas much more)

-Bokuto POV-
I woke up to the sounds of babies crying and a telephone ringing which soon stopped but followed with the sound of plastic being crushed which i didnt think anything of.... until i was scared someone had broken in to the house which i opened my eyes widely to find my 'usually' naked husband next to me which made me jump out of bed and ran to the kitchen where i saw ... Keiji beating up a telephone ..... 'Uhm what is happening and i do not want that to happen to me ' I thought to myself and then i looked to the left to see my 3 kids which were oddly named simmilar to me which i didnt understand why (he is litteraly a bird brain) and they were giggling and clapping hands at Keiji beating up a telephone which he stopped when i came in and hugged him from behind (still naked btw) and said "Hey Keiji baby whats wrong and why are u beating up our home telephone?" I said while snickering which earned a turn from keiji and he said "Phone was making kids cry , anyhting that makes our kida cry i will kill it " Keiji said with a ferocious look in his eyes

Keiji then loiked down and said " Better put some clothes on before i get a nose bleed from those muscles" Keiji said while covering his nose which i just smirked and out my hands on a pose and flexing them and said "Like what you see ehhh ehh ~?" I said Triumphantly while shaking my hips which was accompanied with the sounds of skin slapping against each other  which earned a nose bleed from keiji and crying from The kids which i was confused by why (They dont like seeing their parents getting hurt) and the kitchen turned to a hell hole and i just thought 'I love my family'

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