Side Story ~ 2 [Emo Mode(Part 2)]{Smut}

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|i can't stop simping on Bokuto Lmao . Just info that im gonna make a new book soon and i recently got pulled in the X reader so i might make one of does thanks for reading and enjoy|•Warning Very Dominant Bokuto Incoming•

-3rd Person POV-

"KEIJI COME OUT HERE THIS INSTANT" Bokuto Ordered Akaashi with his Alpha voice which made Akaashi Whimper which he had hoped his Alpha didn't Hear which was answered by the Janitor closet being banged on "COME OIT OF THE CLOSET NOW OR I WILL PUNISH YOU!" Akaashi just blocked out the words from his angry Alpha and cried because he knew Bokuto couldn't come in.... Or so he thought.

Akaashi was brought out of his thought when he heard a loud metal screech them followed with a loud bang he looked up and saw that the door was broken down . He looked up and stared into Bright Golden orbs which akaaahi yelped at when Bokuto slowly came inchimg over "N-n-no please I-i-im sorry Please F-forgive M-m-me AlpEEEK!?"Akaashi was interrupted By Bokuto Lifting akaashi up into his shoulder , Akaashi's butt near Bokuto's Face "K-koutaro Put me down please" Akaashi begged which Bokuto just chuckled at and said in a commanding voice "You've Been a very bad omega and husband you need to be punished" Bokito growled which made Akaashi whimper.

Bokuto made his way back to his team with akaashi on his shoulder "Hey Boku- Why is Akaashi on your shoulder?" Hinata Asked innocently which Bokuto just growled at him which made him jump behind (setter) and said "W-wanna fight H-huh???" Hinata said with one hand into a fist .

Bokuto just walked to the bench and sat down and moved akaashi to his lap , Akaashi's Chest on bokuto's (Extra T H I C C C) Thighs His head on the right side of bokuto and his lega on the left.

"A-alpha Forgive M-me i will never do it agaAaahhh!!" Akaashi was interrupted by Bokuto slapping Akaashi's butt ,His whole team froze and looked at what was unfloding infront of them. Bokuto Slapped Akaashi's butr again making him moan out in pleasure and pain "This one is for running away, This one is for Locking yourself up, This one is for Making DADDY frustrated ." Bokuto Kept slapping Akaashi's Butt which would definitely leave Red bruise marks.

-Akaashi POV-

"NghhAhhhh Mhhhhh Alphaaaaaa!!!" I moaned out not caring his whole team was there . "Now tell me why you went into Emo mode and ran away" I whimpered and stayes silent , He slapped me again.

"Ahh!!! I-i Was being B-bullied by P-people who were nearby saying i wasn't good enough for Y-you Alpha..Ahhh!!" Koutaro slapped my ass again after i fessed up "NO ONE I REPEAT NO ONE IN THIS FUCKINF WORLD CAN DEGRADE YOU ONLY I CAN SO DONT LISTEN TO ANYONE ELSE" He breathed out Slapping his hardest which made me jerk my body And i screamed "Ahhh owww K-koutaro stop it hurts" I started Crying and sobbing which made him snap he was coming closer to me Which i Inched back in fear until i hit a wall He was coming up to me And was gonna hit me for being a bad Boy but was stopped by his team that surrounded him and calmed him down .

After he regained his composure he saw me crying and clutching my ass in pain "K-keiji what happened are you OK?" I shot him a Are-you-fucking-with-me Look and the pain flared up again "Y-you Ass Koutaro I H-hate you ,Y-you kept hitting me and it hurts" I said trying to stand uo but falling down He picked me up bridal style ,But i Hated him right now i trashed a lot but Bokuto's Grip was just too strong which i soon stopped and jut cried while facing away not even looking at him. But i heard him lower his head f
Down. And said...

-Bokuto POV-

"I can make it up on bed later " whispering to Keiji's Ear then he eruoted in a red color which i just smirked at goofily(i made a word???) I picked up my gym bag and was about to leave until " Bokuto-san What are you gonna D-do to Akaashi-san???" Hinata Asked , I jusy smirked and said "Im gonna make it up to him in bed" He smiled and said "OHHHH Cuddles ok good luck Bokuto-san" I just stared at how innocent this ball of sunshine is but then just smilled and made my way home

(Time skip to their house)

-3rd Person POV-

Not even a minute before entering their newly built gigantic mansion , Bokuto Pinned akaashi to the wall next to the door and started rougly kissing him which akaashi gladly returned . Kissing slowly turned into a make out session which turned to full blown intercourse.

Akaaahi legs got lifted to Bokuto's Waist and he Made their way to thwir now shared bedroom. Bokuto threw Alaashi roughly on the bed , Than undressed akaashi and himself in an instant . Bokuto Gropped Akaashi's Red ass which made him gasp and bokuto took this as a chance and explored akaashi's wet cavern. Their tounges fought over dominance which Bokuto Easily won and started To fish around his cabinet finding lube and poured it to his fingers and fingering akaashi. Akaashi moanee into Bokuto's Mouth which turned him on even more . Bokuto doing a scissoring motion making Akaashi's slick coming out and covering Bokuto's fingers but before akaashi could orgasm Bokuto pulled out.

Akaashi whined at the loss of contact but was soon replaced with a hard throbbing cock as Bokuto shoved his dick inside at a fast space and started Drilling Akaashi. Akaashi's Moans were stopped by Bokuto Kissing him deeply until he moved to Akaashi's Neck and started leaving hickeys from akaashi's nech down to his chest. After a while of Rolling out A bunch of "DADDY" and moans Bokuto pulled out and put one of Akaashi's leg on his shoulder as he bended akaashi sideways and put his other leg under eath Bokuto . Bokuto started fucking Akaashi's tight hole again feeling now he went deeper and he moaned loudly whilr screamed "Koutaro!!! Ahh So good fuck dont stop" Aftet a while Bokuto thrusted started getting sloppy and he came and painted the walls Of akaashi white and pulles out seeing His own cum gush out of Akaashi. he smirked and hugged into Akaashi seeking attention which akaashi couldbt give because "Kou I can't feel my legs" ( ╹▽╹ ) Bokutos Face froze and became like that and he just chuckled nervously and said "D-do you forgive me Keiji?" To which akaashi just smilled at the cuteness and said yeah but i might not be able to walk anymore Kou~ " (・∀・) he blinked one then twice then trice then he engulfed you while crying "NOOOO KEIJI I NEED YOU TO WALK WITH MEEEEE!!!" Akaashi just smilled and Fell asleep...


Extended ending:

"May i get a wheelchair that i ordered for Akaashi Keiji" Bokuto said Glumly . Everyone kbew what happened and whh he needed the wheelchair which made it worse. The lady at the table stuttered "O-of C-c-course coming R-right up" Bokuto picked the Wheelchait uo And put alaashi in it and they storlled away. Akaashi has to use wheelchairs for a month before being able to walk to the harsh Spanking and fucking.

(Hey guys thanks for reading new book coming soon 😌)

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