Chapter 6 (Smut)

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-No one Pov-
The 2 pack leadera and went wide eyed while the omegas gulped and sweat dropped while smilling sheepishly but bokuto broke the silence saying "What did you guys do?!" "NOTHING!" Akaashi and kenma exclaimes and froze , the 2 pack leaders ran to the living room and instantly turned it on and saw the news oh how their omegas yes THEIR OMEGAS Were almost raped and taken advantage of but what made the 2 pack leaders calm down from the rage was akaashi and kenma clearing rumours about them but they were so dumb that they didnt even notice or hear the reason but they heard that they were very satisfied with their partners and that they are HUMONGOUS members which made both of them blush and ran back to the kitchen to find them on the floor kneeling and crysing saying "We're sorry" " we just wanted to shop and prepare a big dinner for you guys" "please forgive us" once the alphas saw this they instantly growled not at the omega but at themselves because they couldnt protect their omega , but the omegas thought that they were getting growled and and akaashi looked up to see bokuto growling so akaashi whimpered and looked at bokuto horrified because not one has bokuto growled at akaashi but akaashi didnt know that it wasnt aimed at him "Oh No sorry Keiji it was not aimed at you i was growling at myself for not being able to protect me ... KEIJI DONT LIVE WITH ME ANYMORE" bokuto said 'Oh great his in his emo mode' Akaashi thought but was happy he still loved him he stood up and whispered to bokuto "Maybe we can mae up for each other in bed ~😜👁️👄👁️" akaashi whispered which made bokuto pick keiji up and to their bedroom and bokuto started to strip himself and akaashi but one they were in their boxers akaashi said "No Kou i meant sleeping and cuddling" bokuto looked up and said "Yeah totally what i was trying to do dont worry heheh...." Bokuto was really said so he went to emo mode again and lied in bed sighing signaling for akaashi to come and snuggle with him so he did that.... After a whilr Bokuto said " Keiji~~~ Bby im hard" Bokuto said casually Akaashi turnes around and glared at him " What?!" Akaashi said " well you're so sexy and i got aroused when you whispered to me and i thought we were gonna do IT " Akaashi sighes and got of the bed turned around and knelt on the side of the bed , Bokuto was confused until akaashi said "Your dick's not gonna deep throat itself" which bokuto instantpy jumped of the bed and stripped his boxers showing his throbbing penis rock hard and akaashi squinted and said " Maybe it wasnt so bad i told everyone how HUMONGOUS you are " akaashi said seductively which made bokuto snap

He grabbed akaashi by the head and shoved his throbbing dick inside akaashi's mouth which akaashi gagged but tried his best to keep the 13" inside when akaashi finnaly adjusted he started licking,Sucking, and holding whatever was left outside of his mouth which made bokuto groan in pleasure . Bokuto started thrusting in and out of akaashi's mouth and it felt so good accompanied with akaashi's muffled moans which made it better , bokuto's member was twitching so akaashi prepared himself and sucked with all his might untul bokuto came into akaashi's mouth and akaashi swallowed everything and said "Thanks for the meal" and smiled widely while coughing and flopping back into the bed and become the big spoon and bokuto became little spoon cuz he needs his attention~

Bokuto sighed contently and flipped on the bed and became little spoon liking the new attention and warmth he slowly drifted to sleep.

With kenma and kuroo

Kenma still stood there frozen and whimpering from the low growls from his alpha but kuroo slowly came close to kenma and raised his hand and kenma braced for the impact.... But it never came he was forced to look up with a hand on his chin and suddenly kuroo kissed kenma ,Kenma was utterly surprised but he returned the favour and they slowly started making out until kenma pulled away asking " You're not mad at me?" Kenma asked sheepishly " Why and how could i be mad kitten you proved the rumours wrong and im so glad that you are safe but im sad that i couldn't be there for you when you needed it " kuroo said holding back his tears but was stopped by kenma touching his Private area and whispering just enough that kuroo can hear " Maybe you can make it up with some early dessert~ meow" Kenma daid seductively and this made kuroo snap he instantly stripped himself and signaled kenma to open his mouth and when it was open just enough he shoved it in there making kenma gag and making a tear drop down but kenma stayed for kuroo and kuroo started ravaging kenma's mouth filled with moans and grunts the pleasure was boosted a lit and soon enough kuroo came into kenma's mouth forcing him to drink it thinking 'Its not stopping' and he keot drinking until it alk finished they slowly started to clean up even though kenma was panting and sweating he still helped until he heard a baby Cry "UwAaaaAAAaaa~" amd he rushed to their bedroom and found Elise crying which woke up Eric which made both of them cry and kenma tried to calm them down but passed out from the exhaustion with a loud *Thump* he fell to the floor passed out and the room went silent the pups looked to their father horrified and kept shaking him "D-DADA?"
"PA-PA?" they kept shaking kenma but he didbt wake up so they cried louder which made akaashi and bokuto wake up and kuroo also hear the cries ran to their guest room (Explenation: An Omega can hear their pups cru a little better and farther from the alpha ) when kenma left kuroo , kuroo thought he was going to the vathroom but after hearing the cries louder he ran to his borrowed room with akaashi and bokuto trailing behind they reached and stared in horror .... Kenma was on the floor not moving kuroo instantly ran and hugged kenma and said "KOZUME ..KOZUMR DO U HEAR ME WHAT HAPPENED?!"
"PAPA"Elise and eric both called out for their fathers while this was all happening akaashi suddenly also felt light headed and also passed out and bokuto didnt react fast enough and akaashi fell to the floor with a loud *Bang* and they all looked at akaashi in fear and bokuto grabbrd akaashi's shoulders and shook him " KEIJI ?!KEIJI HELLO WHAT HAPOENED KRIJI STAY WITH ME" Bokuto said while crying and elise and eric started crying harder and saying "PAPA/DADA AND UWNCLE AKAASHI " everyone was crying until kuroo grabbed his phone and called the ambulance "119(idk if that is japan emergency number) whats your emergency?"
"OMG Right away what do you need"
*Beep beep beep*
Kuroo threw his phone away while clutching kenma and bokuto clutching Akaashi. Bokuto said to akaashi " Keiji pkease don't leave you said we will be in this together for ETERNITY we would always be together forever Keiji please" bokuto said while crying and kuroo was too scared of loosing kenma he disbt say anything and just froze until they heard sirens....

To Be Continued
(Don't worry its not that bad or is it 👁️👄👁️)

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