Chapter 13

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( Pic not related)

-3rd Person POV-

Akaashi and kenma stared surprised to see their alphas...... were perfectly fine?

"You're .... Fine?" Akaashi and kenma both trotted their way to their alphas (Reminder:Kenma doesnt have that big of a baby bump yet but akaashi bump is the size of IRL 6 month old pregnancy)

"Hey hey hey Keiji of course im fine just fainted from the load sound hahahaha be proud of your husband " Bokuto said proudly while puffing his chest out while kuroo said "Aww did my little Kitten got worried about me " Kuroo said teasingly and kenma just crawled in Kuroo's bed and hugged him while kenma's head was on Kuroo's chest hearing the slow melodic heartbeat he slowly drifted of to sleep on kuroo.

Akaashi just slowly approached bokuto's bed and tears started flowing down his face while saying "I-i thought that you almost died T-that i would lose you Kou *Super emotional sad cries* " "awww shushhh have a little faith in me will ya' " Bokuto said while getting up and hugging akaashi from the back cause he can't from the front "Y-yeah sorry for not having faith" Akaashi smiled and layed his head on Bokuto's Man boobs *Ahem* chest (👁️👄👁️)

(Btw guys just for info i forgot to add before but before this all happened if anyone was wondering kuroo and kenma brought their 2 pups Eric and Elise to their grandparents (Kenma's side) because kuroo and kenma beeded a break plus needed to help akaashi and bokuto)

After Bokuto and Kuroo were discharged , Kuroo and kenma left so they could prepare for their next pup and pick up Eric and Elise.

When bokuto and akaashi got hom akaashi noticed how bokuto was acting weird so he asked worriedly "Kou is everything alright?" Bokuto flinched at akaashi's question but answered " Well i made new year reservations since today is new years and i wanted to have some fun~~~ but i forgot about it cause we are having pups" Bokuto said while going into Emo mode and akaashi swooned at how his husband was so thoughtfull so he just lightly punched Bokuto's arm and laughed and said "Don't worry Kou being here with you and preparing for pups is already a good enough new years for me " akaashi said happily and bokuto went out of Emo mode and carefully smothered akaashi in kisses and hugs while saying 'I love youuuu Keiji~' and Bokuto reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box which akaashi just stared at wide eyed which bokuto slowly opens the box and pulls out a pair of gold ring with a diamond on top and it looked so pretty and bokuto slipped it into his and akaashi's middpe finger next to their wedding rings and said "Happy new year Keiji my love~" akaashi smiled and said back "Happy new year Koutaro" And they both kissed and went to bed

Big time skip to 9 months later
(Sorry if u guys wanted to see the second stage of akaashi's pregnancy but in short akaashi was back to normal except he has a big belly and minor mood swings and kicks and punches from the pups)(btw if u guys want me to do a valentine special since i skipped it tell me in the comments :) )

It was Bokuto's and Akaashi's Anniversary and this one was very special since it marks their first year together as married couple  and was also 1 month before the due date of the triplets birth so they went to a fancy restaurant (no they didnt drink alcohol) and ate very expensive steak dinner but they could afford it (Cuz they too rich) and once they were done with their food bokuto told akaashi too sit down and wait , akaashi was confused but koutaro pulled out a small box which inside was the most beautiful pair of necklaces akaashi has ever seen and then they put them on each other while bokuto said "Happy anniversary Baby " bokuto said while smilling widely and running around the reserved dining area, akaashi just giggled and shouted to bokuto " You gotta stop spoiling me Kou~ but Happy anni-" Akaashi was stopped by a sharp pain in his stomach which was accompanied by a wet feeling and liquid dripping onto the floor and akaashi just screames in pain while managing to get the words out "K-KOUTARO MY W-WATER BROKE" Bokuto was shocked but ran to his husband while calling the ambulance and calming akaashi down and carrying him carefully and grabbed their 'triplets to go bag' they called it since they Brought it everywhere just in case this happened .

Soon enough ambulance came blaring in which akaashi cringed at but was more worried for his pups and theg quickly rush to the hospital and akaashi was starting his labour....

To be continued
(Climax? Dont worry i have much more planned also just for the future chapters akaashi is 22 while bokuto is 23 yes it doesnt add up to my backstory before but olease go with it for the story thanks :] )

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